Chapter 49
Ever since Li Yi had an occasional feeling in his heart a few days ago, he felt like he had been completely reborn from the inside out.So much so that when Chu Qingzhu saw it, his beautiful eyes lit up, and he was a little surprised at the change in the young man's mind.

Although Chu Qingzhu said that he would not teach Li Yi to learn Chinese martial arts, he would still come to teach Li Yi every one or two days to learn how to control his strength and learn the correct tricks of Chinese martial arts.

But Chu Qingzhu never wanted to teach Li Yi Guoshu how to play.

According to Chu Qingzhu, Chinese art is divided into two types: practice and play.Practice is to temper the body, and play is to fight against people.

Li Yi is not a greedy person. Chu Qingzhu taught him the tricks of Chinese martial arts twice, and he already felt that he had benefited a lot.What's more, after entering the martial arts circle, I realized how hard it is to learn martial arts, and ordinary people can't persevere.

And Li Yi is already a master of dark energy, learning all kinds of tricks is just a matter of course, and the difficulty has dropped countless times suddenly.

It took only a few days to learn all the martial arts skills taught by Chu Qingzhu, and Chu Qingzhu has not continued to teach the martial arts skills to Li Yi since then, because there is nothing to talk about, and if we continue to talk, it will involve actual combat.

Li Yi was not disappointed either, he consolidated his physical foundation every day.

At this moment, the previous sub-healthy state has completely left Li Yi, and even Li Yi only needs to rest for four hours every night, and he can be full of energy the next day, which makes Li Yi controllable. There is more time.

Li Yi returned to the school dormitory, opened the door and entered, and saw that the originally clean dormitory 404 had become a mess, draft paper was thrown everywhere, and those who didn't know it thought the dormitory had been ransacked.The draft papers that had been drawn were stacked in piles on the table of the three people in the dormitory. There was not even room for instant noodles on the table, so they could only be placed on the chair beside them.

This chair was brought by the four people in the dormitory from the classroom
"Old Yi? You're back? Come on, come on, help me see the effect here, I always feel that this modeling is weird."

"You go to the side first, Lao Yi, please help me see the sub-camera of this scene first, I have been stuck here for two days."

"You two are shining, Lao Yi, please help me see how to tinker with this special effect!"

The three people in the dormitory almost started fighting when you slapped me. Fortunately, Li Tianxing grabbed Li Yi's left arm, and Sun Hao didn't show weakness and directly hugged Li Yi's right arm.

He Chang saw that his left and right arms were stopped, but fortunately he sat on the ground and hugged Li Yi's thigh.

Li Yi felt his body being restrained and couldn't laugh or cry on his face.

"You guys drive first. I won't go back to the apartment when I come back this time. I will stay until the production of "Hit, Hit a Big Watermelon" is finished." Li Yi said with a smile.

"Really?" There was a trace of doubt on the faces of the three of them.

"More real than pearls!"

After hearing what Li Yi said, the three of them relaxed their movements, and Li Yi also rolled up his sleeves.

Let's go!
Let's go!
The original reason why he went out to live in the apartment was because someone took a video of running upside down and posted it on the website, and Li Yi ran out because he was afraid of being caught and exposed.

But now, after Li Yi has relieved his psychological burden, he is not afraid of being exposed.And after learning the tricks of Chinese martial arts from Chu Qingzhu for a few days, coupled with his own secret strength and body nourished by green carp, he can now easily compete with those top athletes without fear of being caught.

What's more, after so long, this post has been removed from the Emperor University's forum.Now the post on the top of the forum has been occupied by the news of 'No.13 China International Animation Festival'.

On NO.20 next month, the Huaxia International Animation Festival will be held in the imperial capital.At that time, the entire animation works from 33 countries will be screened at the exhibition, and finally 32 films will be selected from thousands of films to compete for the highest Golden Dragon Award.

The specifications of this animation festival are very high. In the entire East Asia region, it is second only to the Asian Animation International Exhibition held every three years in Neon Tokyo.

In other words, those who can stand out in the Huaxia International Exhibition may receive job offers from major domestic and overseas animation production companies before they graduate.Of course, there are not many people who care about the recruitment letter in China, and more people care about the recruitment letter of Neon animation company.

Neon Animation, in terms of global influence, is not as good as the top animation companies in the United States, and it seems to be in decline in recent years.But in terms of the scale of the entire industry, Neon Country is still well-deserved No. [-] in the world. If an animation talent "advances" in Neon Country, his worth can be doubled several times after returning to China.

Li Yi has no interest in going to Neon Country for further study.

A few days ago, Li Yi firmly established an idea, which is to fully display the cultural works of other worlds in his own world.

In layman's terms, it is to be an entertainment porter.

"Top Grade Poor Man" and "Hit, Hit a Big Watermelon" are just a starting point. In the future, along with fishing, there may be more forms of cultural works, including animation, movies, film and television dramas, music, etc.

In order to fully realize these things, huge financial resources are required.

So Li Yi decided to make money from now on.

Without money, even if I get a classic work from another world, I won't be able to show it in my own world.

Although these are still a little far away and just an idea, Li Yi has already foreseen it.

However, there is currently a goal that is still palpable.

Fishing for the rise of Guoman!
Domestic animation has been weak for a long time since the millennium, and there are naturally many reasons.Now, with the growth of China's overall economic strength, the export of cultural industries has gradually become more important.

However, it has been suppressed by the West for hundreds of years, and it is still difficult to export reverse culture for a while.

Especially Guoman, it is even more difficult.

In the early years, Huaxia animation also stood at the pinnacle of the world, and was at the forefront of the world alongside the animation industry of Neon and the United States.

But later, Huaxia's economic strength was weak.

In order to cater to the big policy of reform and opening up, Guoman’s government support budget was cut clean in an instant. At that time, the Modu Art Studio, which valued artistic attainments and disdained commercial works, could not adapt to the sudden commercialization of the market. Coupled with the opening of the domestic market, a large number of foreign commercial high-quality animations poured in and quickly seized the market.

In just a few years, Modu Art Studio went bankrupt.

The domestic animation that once stood at the pinnacle of the world has also completely stopped following Momei's downturn. This stop has not moved for more than 30 years.

Later, countless people felt sorry for it. If the country could continue to maintain the budget support for the Shanghai Art Studio and let the Shanghai Art Studio survive, perhaps the situation of Guoman will be better today.

But everyone knows it's impossible.

At that time, China was impoverished internally and externally, and the little bit of foreign exchange that was instigated from the whole country was handed over to the industrial construction.And it is precisely this bit of foreign exchange reserves that have been instigated, coupled with the tight clothing and food shortages of various industries across the country, countless handicraftsmen have worked overtime day and night to produce 10 billion pairs of socks in exchange for an airplane. Accumulation allowed China to build a country with industry, and made the dragon of the East soar to the top of the world again.

This is the wave of the times.

People in the animation industry will lament the ups and downs of Guoman along the way, but Guoman people also know that if there is no take-off of China's economy, the Guoman industry will not be able to prosper.

The prerequisite for establishing counter-cultural export is to first establish the backbone of the Chinese people.

100 years ago, the Chinese people did not stand up straight.

50 years ago, the Chinese people did not stand up straight.

Twenty years ago, the Chinese people still hadn't straightened up.

But now. The giant dragon has awakened in the east, and the backs of the Chinese descendants of Yan and Huang have finally hardened.You can confidently say to the entire Western civilization, "Fuck you." You can finally say "This prosperous age is as you wish" to the sages who sacrificed for China in the past 100 years.

Now, the time for China's reverse culture export has finally come.

After 10 years, the state has given great support to the cultural industry.

Guoman has also ushered in vigorous development, but overall it is still young animation that occupies the market.

So far, no animation company other than the young animation company is profitable, and all Guoman people are generating electricity for love.

Having been exported by neon and the animation culture of the United States for decades, the entire animation industry in China is at least 30 years behind the top international level, and they don't even know how to get there.

This is not an exaggeration. Even from the current point of view, it is impossible for Guoman to reverse the history and return to the level of Momei 30 years ago, because the cost is too high. No one in China can afford such a high cost, and No one knows whether Momei's painting style will be popular in today's market.

Sometimes feelings are one thing, but the market is another thing. The two are separated from time to time, and no one can figure it out.

So at present, most of the Chinese comics can only plunge into the pit of 3D animation, groping from the beginning like a child learning to walk.

And after obtaining the hyperspace fishing system and the animation short film "Hit, Hit a Big Watermelon", Li Yi seems to understand one thing, maybe he can use the animation works of another world to lead the Chinese manga in his own world. rise.

And I am the strand of hair that connects the two worlds.

I did not choose history, but history chose me.

Li Yi rolled up his sleeves and turned on his computer. He decided to work overtime to produce "Hit, Hit a Big Watermelon" and take it to participate in the China International Animation Film Festival.

Set a small goal first and get into the top three!
As an animation festival held by Huaxia, Huaxia has never won the championship for three consecutive years.Although this shows the fairness of this award on the one hand, it also strengthens the gold content of the Golden Dragon Award.

But on the other hand, these three years are the three years when the producers of Guoman can't hold their heads up.After being slapped for three years in a row in the lobby of your own home, you still can't be angry.

Wo Huo, too Wo Huo.

Li Yi also saw this news when he was filling out his application in high school. He was so angry that he was determined to fight for the rise of Guoman, so he resolutely entered the animation design department of Imperial University regardless of his family’s opposition, and became countless people of Guoman. one of them.

first step!
Li Yi planned to draw all the sub-shots first.

Li Yi had drawn a few sub-cameras before, but probably, with the level of freshmen Li Tianxing, He Chang, and Sun Hao, it was really impossible to make a 15-minute animation based on these sub-cameras.

So Li Yi decided to draw a copy of every second of the shot this time.

This is a physical job, but it can make the three people in the dormitory more relaxed. In the long run, it is also worthwhile, and it is much better than they pull themselves to ask little by little.

For the three of them, this time is also an opportunity.

You can participate in the production of such a mature work when you are a freshman, and sign on it.

If they get a good ranking from the China International Film Festival next month, the future of the three of them will also open a bright door.

However, Li Yi, who was stuck at work, forgot one very important thing.

Today is the tenth.

(End of this chapter)

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