Chapter 39
On October 10th, at the end of this golden autumn, formally issued a notice to all its authors to withdraw the copyright of all online articles from the authors.

This news is no less than a major earthquake to the entire and even the entire web literature industry.

In the few hours after the news came out, there was only one topic on the entire Sky Dragon Forum - the copyright recycling incident on

Copyright is a topic that has just become hot in the Internet literary circle in the past two years, and copyright is also the biggest contributor to the income of great authors and ordinary authors.

Especially after last year's Gongdou drama, which was remade by women's works, became popular, everyone discovered the fertile and vast market for film and television copyrights.

All of a sudden, the way of greeting among authors has changed, from 'Have you sold the copyright of simplified and traditional novels' to 'Have you sold the copyright of your video games'.

And for top masters, copyright income can account for more than two-thirds of his total income.

Now that the website is preparing to reclaim the copyrights of all its authors, it has little effect on the authors who are already on the street. After all, they are still on the food and clothing line. This time, the revocation of copyrights has increased the subscription share and buyout treatment, which is actually a good thing for them.

But for authors above level 4, it is equivalent to cutting off their financial resources.

The head effect of online articles is very serious. The top [-] authors can take away [-]% to [-]% of the entire network’s income, and most of it is copyright income, and the money and novels can be said to be It doesn't matter if it's half a penny.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is the most important reason why reclaims copyright.

And why is this a major earthquake that concerns the entire industry. is the benchmark of the entire web literature industry. The master-level authors under Wangjia account for [-]% of the entire web literature circle. It can be said that it is an unquestionable leading website.

If the copyright recovery of is successfully passed, then other small sites will inevitably follow suit. At that time, the copyrights in the hands of authors in the entire industry will return to the website. This is a great thing for the website, but for the authors of online articles , especially for the great author, it means that this move has abruptly weakened the ceiling of the entire net income from nine figures to eight figures.

All the eyes of countless people are on the reform of

"Chen Tianhe wants to reclaim the copyrights of all authors, establish a copyright library, and then create copyright hits by hiding the copyrights of most authors to obtain high profits?"

Bai Ye looked at the news sent by Li Yi, nodded and couldn't help admiring, he just said some simple information about this news, but Li Yi had already guessed the truth of the matter very closely.


Li Yi on the other side of the screen frowned slightly as he looked at Bai Ye's determined 'Yes'.

Even if Li Yi broke away from his identity as the author of the web article, from the perspective of God, he knew that this news was not a win-win relationship between the web article and the author.

This is the unilateral overlord clause of the website.

But the person who made the decision was Chen Tianhe, the former richest man in China, who was at the helm of China's top [-] game company Apocalypse Games!

Li Yi is quite familiar with Apocalypse Games. He also played games launched by Apocalypse Games when he was a child. This is a company that mainly relies on agency games to obtain profits. After development, Apocalypse Games, which had weak self-developed capabilities, was gradually overtaken by the Tengfei Group, which started out as a social network, and the cloud game company with strong self-developed capabilities. Yougai mobile game has continued its life, but looking at this game company as a whole.

As for why Li Yi knows Apocalypse Game Company so well, it is because of his profession.

Li Yi majored in animation design. Although his name is animation design, according to the employment data analysis report of graduates over the years, only about 8% of them entered the animation company in the animation industry.

Most of the other 92% chose to enter the game industry.There are also quite a few who choose to go abroad for development.

It’s not that these animation fresh graduates don’t like the animation industry. Most of them want to revive domestic animation and restore the glory of domestic animation in the 70s and 90s, but their dreams are always very realistic.

In fact, China's animation industry is too sluggish and cannot afford to support the 10,000+ freshly graduated animation talents every year.

Compared with the upstream and downstream animation industry chain of Neon next door, which is measured in tens of billions, the animation industry in Huaxia, a country with a population of more than one billion, is less than tens of billions of yuan.

It can be said that Apocalypse Games is bigger than the entire animation industry.

The current companies that protect the last card of Huaxia Animation and can achieve profitability are a few animation companies that specialize in developing the market for children under the age of 12.It can be said that the animation industry is currently an even more embarrassing industry than the online literature industry.
Li Yi naturally also has the dream of reviving the glory of domestic animation, but he doesn't want to pay attention to some game companies because the whole family will not drink the northeast wind in the future, so he has a good understanding of the major game companies in the industry.

However, although Li Yi knew about Tianqi Company, he only had a few key words in his impression of Chen Tianhe, the helm of Tianqi Company - once the richest man in China, dictatorship.
So in Li Yi's vague impression, this is an authoritarian and rich old man.

He even forgot that the old man's Apocalypse Company holds [-]% of the shares of, but now that he ordered it all his life, a major earthquake has occurred in the entire online literature industry.And almost the entire industry, under the power of this old man, no one has the ability to resist.

Li Yi is absolutely unwilling to sign the overlord contract for the copyright recovery this time.

This contract is simply turning the cooperative relationship between the website and the author into an author becoming a wage earner for the website, and there is no freedom at all.Although it is also stated in the contract that if the copyright is sold, the author will also be divided.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is nonsense, the copyright is in the hands of the website, and the share is not given to you if you want it?

Do you still dare to sue the website even if you don't give it to you?Unless you don't want to mix in this line.Moreover, in a lawsuit between an individual and a company, it will always be the individual who suffers.

Moreover, he has already clarified the copyright library model of Chen Tianhe's Gu raising model, and even scoffed at this sentence.

When the copyright is taken back, even the authors of the fifth and sixth grades may be able to sell the copyright to very few.Most of them will become nutrients for the copyrights of seventh- and eighth-level authors.

One sentence changed an industry.

Is this the strength of Internet predators?

A sense of powerlessness also rose in Li Yi's heart. He is only a small second-level author so far, and he is not even an ant in the face of such a behemoth.

Even the eight supreme gods of Novel Network are probably just slightly bigger ants facing Chen Tianhe.

And while Li Yi was still frowning at this earthquake of online articles, time passed quietly at twelve o'clock on October [-]th.As the clock struck midnight, automatically refreshed all the lists on time.

A new month has officially started!

(End of this chapter)

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