fish out a entertainer

Chapter 18 Happy Editorial Department

Chapter 18 Happy Editorial Department
When Li Yi was still studying in school.

Magic City, Origin Novels Network, History Editorial Department.

Bai Ye now has to look at the data of top-rank poor scholars several times a day, and he is even more diligent than Li Yi, a fake real father.

However, Bai Ye felt that this was a matter of course.

The top-rank poor scholar was pulled out from the vast sea of ​​books, and pushed to this position step by step.Even if it's not as good as Zhou Yi's real father, being a godfather is always okay, right?

As his own godson, he gave the only resource in his hands that was classified and pushed to the top-rank poor scholar.

You should pay more attention.

And this godson did surprise him.

In the aftermath of the battle of the fourteen new books of the great gods, he survived tenaciously and reached the average level of the previous historical frequency division.

Standing out from the crowd in the crowd, very conspicuous.

But it is a pity that the influence of the great god battle is still too great.

Otherwise, the data of top-rank poor scholars may be able to go one step further.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye's face behind his thin glasses also showed a helpless expression.

There is no way, the timing of Zhou Yi's book release is too inappropriate.With these fourteen new books of the same period of the great gods, they have been pressing on top of their heads, and any other books are infinitely more difficult than the initial difficulty.

After all, the release of books at the same time will not only affect the new book issue.

Subsequent homepage recommendations, Sanjiang recommendations, and other recommendations, large and small, all have the highest priority for the books of the Great God.Other books can only follow behind to drink soup.

So if there is no accident, the top-rank poor scholars, including all new books in the same period, will live under the shadow of these fourteen books from the beginning to the end of the book.

In fact, Bai Ye also had a hard time understanding why the Origin website allowed fourteen great gods above level five to open a book together.

Generally, when the two great gods open a book, they will choose to cross it under the arrangement of the editor.Try not to meet each other, causing the phenomenon of competing for traffic.

But now the fourteen great gods are opening the book together?What do the senior executives of Origin think?

Bai Ye's thoughts were racing for a while, but he couldn't think of a reason.

That kind of level is still too far for him as an intern editor.

At present, fourteen great gods are publishing books together, and the trend of iron lock Hengjiang has become. For authors below the fifth level, this is a natural barrier.

There is only one way to get there.

Active eunuch, reopen the book.

Of course, this idea just flashed through Bai Ye's mind.

Not to mention how much influence the eunuch had on the author himself, if it was only Bai Ye himself, if he was a top-rank poor eunuch, he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to control his urge to rush to the imperial capital to hack Zhou Yi to death.

In the end, all the thoughts turned into a sigh.

Bai Ye looked up to the sky and sighed.

"Top Grade Poor Scholar" was born at an untimely time!
However, Bai Ye still had a little fantasy in his heart, the fantasy that the top-rank poor scholars could explode and break through the cooperation of fourteen great gods.

It's just a pity that it is impossible for a top-rank poor scholar to break out of the tight encirclement by relying on his own strength.

No matter how good the top-rank poor scholar is, it is impossible to compare the traffic with the seventh- and eighth-rank authors.

The eighth-level author Liu Yinhuaming, the new book comes with [-] leaders, hundreds of thousands of collections, millions of recommendations, tens of millions of index such a terrifying popularity index has long been not just a matter in the Internet circle, his name has already broken through the Internet circle The ceiling is up.

And the top-rank poor scholars are still far away from the ceiling of the Internet circle, even if Bai Ye is very optimistic about the top-rank poor scholars, he has to admit it.The writing style of top-rank poor scholar is destined not to be too popular, he is the delicacy of the small crowd, but not the food of the public.

However, the top-rank poor scholar is enough to establish the Godhead of the Zhouyi Little God on the History Channel.Even if there are fourteen great gods pressing on top of his head, Bai Ye's estimate of the top-rank poor people is still a high-quality product within three days of being on the shelves, and then it will remain at the level of five or six thousand average orders.

This is also the benefit of History Channel and niche articles, which may not be able to leverage mass traffic.But people in niche circles will become loyal fans, and no matter how bad their grades are, they will not be so bad.

And that's enough.

The Wei and Jin demeanor of the top-ranking poor scholars is detached from the world, and there is no need to make any lists with these books. As long as one acre of land on the History Channel is well cultivated, it is enough.

As for the poem "Standing Clouds", Bai Ye has always wanted to ask Zhou Yi if he wrote it himself.

But some dare not ask.

This feeling of little fear, worry, and excitement, Bai Ye only felt when he confessed to his girlfriend.

The problem is, if Li Yi answered, he wrote it himself.

Then Bai Ye had to consider whether to believe him or not.

A freshman who writes Ting Yun is even more shocking than writing a top-ranked poor scholar.

Even if this student is a first-year student at the top university, Imperial University.

So simply do not ask.

Solve all problems from the root.

Then Bai Ye took another look at the data of the top-rank poor scholar.

Not bad.

In the past two hours, dozens of favorites have increased.

At this time, the other editors in the history editorial department were not as sentimental as Bai Ye.

Compared with Bai Ye, who was a little sad, their faces were ashen.

Although Bai Ye regretted the achievements of the top-rank poor scholars, they didn't even have the chance to regret it.

All the books under their hands that were highly recommended, at most, only increased by two or three hundred collections a day, which can be described as extremely miserable.If the score is so strong, the other weaker recommended positions will be even more miserable. It would be good if you can increase dozens of favorites a day.

Although the results of the history channel are dismal, but looking at the three brother channels of the next door city, Xuanhuan, and Xianxia, ​​their mood will be improved in an instant.


These three channels are the hardest-hit areas for books published by great gods. After the data came out this week, the new books with the best results can be added to the collection every day.Compared with the four-digit daily new collections of the Great God, it is nothing to look at.

In just one week, [-]% of the new books on the three channels of Urban, Fantasy, and Xianxia chose eunuchs.

So compared to Brothers Channel, although the life of History Channel is tight, it is still manageable with tighter belts.

On the contrary, Bai Ye has become a model for the history editorial department recently, and was greatly praised by the editor-in-chief.

What Bole Xiangma, Wisdom Eyes and Beads, the last card of the History Channel, etc. have all been adjusted.He even asked Bai Ye to give a speech at the conference.

For a while, Baiye became the favorite of the history editorial department, and many people learned from Baiye.

Except for one editor. It is the editor who marked the top-ranked poor scholar as [to be followed up].Every time he watched Bai Ye surrounded by the sister editors of the history editorial department, he would start to think about it full of resentment.

Saying "It was me, it was me first, obviously I came first", "Whether it is the first review or waiting for follow-up, it is obviously me first. Why did it become like this" and so on if.

The editors around heard the editor's thoughts, but they still couldn't hold back and laughed.After the other editors learned about it, they also laughed, and the history editorial department was full of laughter for a while.

After laughing enough, someone said, "The Huaxia Poetry Conference is about to begin tonight."

"So soon? I have been waiting for a long time. I have watched the Huaxia Poetry Conference twice."

As a history editor, he would be more or less influenced by traditional culture, so he would naturally be very concerned about traditional culture programs. In addition, the Huaxia Poetry Conference was really exciting, so the entire history editorial department started to discuss it.

Why is the big guy who won the championship last issue so talented.

The sitcom about Lianhua is simply invincible.

The history editorial department suddenly fell into a heated discussion.

Seeing this, Bai Ye also participated in the discussion. He also likes this kind of program that promotes traditional culture very much.But while chatting, Bai Ye thought of "Standing Cloud".

It would be interesting if Zhou Yi took "Standing Cloud" to participate in the Huaxia Poetry Conference.

I don't know what the evaluation of those literary masters will be?
Just thinking about it, Bai Ye suddenly looked forward to this situation.

It's a pity that this historical master whose real name is Li Yi and whose pen name is Zhou Yi is actually a freshman student at Imperial University.

He should have no chance to participate in this kind of program that requires a master's degree.

(End of this chapter)

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