Chapter 95 Private Detective
Fashion show is the stage art that is closest to life. It can play a leading role in people's clothing and clothing in life. Model performances are based on life, loyal to life, and higher than life.

Causeway Bay, the fashion show held by Elizabeth Building was organized by IT Fashion Group to celebrate the group's seventh anniversary.

This is a business-style fashion show. The models have improved suits, which are rigorous and individual, highlighting the feminine charm in the fashion.

As can be expected, after the fashion show.

The series of professional suits designed and released by IT Group will soon become popular on Hong Kong Island and spread to the whole world.

On the catwalk, the models shine brightly and show off their charm.

The audience in the audience couldn't take their eyes off it.

Women look at fashion, men look at models.

For a woman who can become a model, her appearance and figure must be all online. Zhao Nanshan, who was invited by Jiewen, is watching it with great interest, with a silly smirk hanging from the corner of her mouth

When the ninth model walked onto the catwalk, Zhao Nanshan suddenly let out a cry of surprise.

Because, he saw a familiar face, a pure and beautiful girl who was popular all over the world after her debut.

"Inspector Zhao, you seem to be very interested in my assistant?"

A frivolous voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Zhao Nanshan looked back, his expression suddenly became weird.

"you are?"

"Lin Guiren, private detective."

The extraordinary handsome Lin Guiren has melancholic special effects in his eyes, and his body is full of masculine charm.

Even though Zhao Nanshan was self-confident that he had outstanding temperament, he still felt a little guilty in front of Lin Guiren, not that he was inferior to him, but that he was too young, just in his early twenties, no matter how mature his mind was, it was impossible to change his youthful vigor.

He lost in age, not appearance.

Of course, Lin Guiren is not very old, about 25 or [-].

However, there is a difference of five or six years, and the difference is still very big.

The saying that the more mature a man is, the more temperamental he is, and the younger he is, the more vigorous he is, is really obvious when applied to Zhao Nanshan and Lin Guiren.

"Oh, so you are Mr. Lin, a well-known detective in Hong Kong Island, 'Lin Guiren'."

Zhao Nanshan grinned, stretched out his hand and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Happy to meet."

Lin Guiren, who was a little familiar, said, pushed aside the man in suit beside Zhao Nanshan, and said with a smile: "Inspector Zhao, you have been staring at my assistant Liu Piaopiao just now, do you think she is very beautiful?"

"It's really beautiful."

Zhao Nanshan nodded in response.

Liu Piaopiao, the heroine of the King of Movie Comedy.

However, the occupation does not match the original movie. From a girl with a tough personality to the female assistant of a great detective, the style of painting has changed a bit.

When I first came to Hong Kong Island, I thought about patronizing Liu Piaopiao and taking care of his business.

Now, it seems that the plan is in vain!
"Don't look at her very beautiful now. When I met her six years ago, she was as thin as ribs. She was almost kissed by a drunk and sold to be a lady on Bolan Street. I saw her pitiful, so I paid her It was taken."

"Piao Piao is not only my assistant, but also my sister-in-law of Jinlan. It is really not easy to take care of her so well."

Speaking of this, Lin Guiren changed the subject and said solemnly: "Inspector Zhao, if you are attracted to Piao Piao, I allow you to pursue her, but you must not play with her, otherwise... even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I, Lin Guiren, can still take her away." You find out."

"Brother, you think too much."

Sensing Lin Guiren's looming powerful aura, Zhao Nanshan's expression did not change, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"I didn't expect that Lin Guiren was also a grand master!"

"It seems that those who can make a name for themselves on Hong Kong Island are not good people!"

Since Zhao Nanshan joined the recruitment plan of "Supervisor Potential", the masters who had not met a few in the past year appeared one after another like leeks, one after another at a speed of more than one.

There were Cheng Xiaodong, Liu Jiehui, Ma Jun, Li Wang and others in the front, and Xu Zhengyang, Warden Ah Yi, Brother Duanshuiliu and others in the back.

Now another Lin Guiren appeared!

Hong Kong Island is not a big place, but the water is quite deep.

"Are you really not thinking about it?"

Lin Guiren frowned slightly, just now he clearly saw the other party staring at his righteous sister, how could he have no idea?
His younger sister Liu Piaopiao is so pretty, how can there be a man who would not have misleading thoughts.

Even he himself is sometimes tempted.

I haven't eaten this little cabbage all the time, it's just because I took away the other party back then, the thin and helpless appearance, I can't get rid of it in my mind, and I extinguished it whenever I had a wrong thought.

As long as this scene cannot be forgotten.

Even if Liu Piaopiao is beautiful and punctual, he is still a little girl in his heart.

A helpless and pitiful little girl.


Zhao Nanshan's eyes were clear and he was upright.

Liu Piaopiao is indeed beautiful, pure, and has a great figure. If he hadn't met Cheng Xiaodong and Cheng Xiaonan, he would definitely try his best to pursue Liu Piaopiao with Lin Guiren's permission.

Now, I have a woman I like in my heart.

Naturally, he will no longer have thoughts about other women.

"That's a pity."

Lin Guiren regretted: "I still want to introduce Piao Piao to you!"

This is true, it has always been Lin Guiren's wish to find a good home for his righteous sister.

Zhao Nanshan is young and promising, and is also a senior inspector. If he can pursue Piao Piao, he will definitely bring happiness to Piao Piao.

Then he will be completely liberated, no longer need to worry about his sister, and can focus on his own emotional life.

The fashion show continues...

Soon, it will be Jiewen's turn to play!

Tonight, as the finale model, she was dressed in very gorgeous, graceful, simple and elegant clothes. She walked on the runway with sexy catwalks, as if she had changed.

The audience is quiet and skillful, and the stage is full of enthusiasm.

When she walked in front of Zhao Nanshan, she blinked mischievously, then turned around leaving behind a gust of fragrance, and walked back to the catwalk to change clothes behind the scenes, stepping on a rhythmic pace.

In a fashion show, the models need to change several sets of clothes, and the backstage is very busy.

Some female models didn't even bother to go to the dressing room to change their clothes in a hurry, so they changed directly backstage.

But Jiewen would never do that.

Her quiet personality doesn't allow it either.

At this time, Lin Guiren suddenly said meanly: "Inspector Zhao, tonight's finale, Madou, is about to appear. Don't blink for a while, otherwise you will feel like you have missed hundreds of millions."

"Isn't Jiewen the finale Madou?"

Zhao Nanshan said in astonishment.

Most of the models participating in the catwalk tonight are Ye Luzi, that is, Liu Piaopiao, a beautiful part-time model, a professional popular model, and Jiewen seems to be the only one.

"She used to be the finale, but since she was..."

Speaking of this, Lin Guiren smiled awkwardly, and apologized: "Inspector Zhao, I didn't mean to say that you are a friend, but once this kind of thing happens, the popularity will be affected to some extent, so tonight's finale is not her, but another popular Model Zuer."


Zhao Nanshan's eyes darkened.

In the past few years since he came to Hong Kong Island, he has devoted all his energy to spiritual practice, and paid little attention to entertainment stars. Even the popular model Jiewen had an encounter because of Xiaoxi.

 (ps: Are you interested in guessing who 'Jo'er' is?) ——Last night, I was dragged to play cards by a friend, so I didn't update it at night... During the Chinese New Year, there are always various entertainments. I haven't seen you in a year. I can't justify it, please forgive me!
(End of this chapter)

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