Chapter 93 Fumio Funakoshi
Carefully laying out the killing game is still a short move!
No one could have predicted that Zhao Nanshan would change his form and transform into Yang Qian'er, luring the last killer to attack.

They came to a Mingxiu plank road and darkened Chencang.

At this moment, looking at Zhao Nanshan who was approaching every step of the way, the senior brother was full of despair. If he was in a crowded street, he might still have a chance to escape.

However, in this dead end that was sealed on three sides, the escape route was blocked by Zhao Nanshan.

"Inspector Zhao, I am a Japanese karate master, a cutting-edge guru of Guanshuiliu in Shikoku, and is favored by the Mishima family. Killing me will not do you any good. Why don't you give the Guanshuiliu Mishima family a face, and I will definitely thank you in the future!"

Brother Guashuiliu, who had regained his composure, slowly stood up from the ground and begged respectfully.

The Mishima family of Kansui-ryu is one of the strongest families in karate, together with the Shoto-ryu Funakoshi family, the Goju-ryu Miyagi family, and the Gokushin-ryu Oyama family are called the four major karate families.

Every family has a grand master sitting in the town.

Among them, the Kyokushin-ryu and Gangju-ryu belong to the hawk faction. During World War II, they accompanied the military and attacked the inland...

The Songtao Liuchuanyue family advocates going with the flow, not forcing anything, and being introverted and easy-going; the old patriarch Fufufufumi, who was once the head coach of the Black Dragon Society, went to the Demon Capital of the Mainland during World War II, and competed with Chen Zhen of the Fist of Fury.

Today, Fumio Funakoshi is a hundred years old, and he is the most prestigious master in the Japanese martial arts world.

The Mishima family of Duanshuiliu can be tied with the Funakoshi family, and the power of the family is naturally not weak. The elder brother sacrificed the Mishima family behind him to threaten Zhao Nanshan, not because of blind self-confidence, but because he really has the confidence.

"Sorry, I haven't heard of the Mishima family, you have to die today..."

Zhao Nanshan didn't say any more nonsense, he took the initiative to attack as soon as he finished speaking, his whole body was like a cheetah, straddled in front of the elder brother, holding the fish intestine sword in his right hand, and swiped towards the elder brother's neck from bottom to top.


The body-protecting qi stretched out by the elder brother is as fragile as a thin film in front of Yuchangjian, and it will be broken with a single stab.

The fish intestine sword that sliced ​​through the body-protecting qi did not stop because of this, but in one go, it skipped the big brother's jaw.

Breaking the flow of new cutting-edge masters, suddenly!
The big brother who entered the elite center strongly and didn't put any bishop in his eyes, was caught by Zhao Nanshan in seconds.

Where the sword is pointing, look at the direction!
The Fish Intestine Sword is worthy of being a middle-grade spiritual weapon. Zhao Nanshan, who holds a magic weapon, has at least doubled his combat power.

If he didn't have the Fish Intestine Sword in his hand, if he wanted to instantly kill the elder brother with one move, he would have to use the Five Sacred Fist. However, in this narrow alley, Mount Tai would definitely not be able to use it.

This sudden fist technique, if you insist on using it, will destroy the buildings on both sides of the alley and cause innocent casualties.

The second form winds up Hengshan, but it can be used with difficulty, but if you want to kill the big brother in a flash, you must use your full strength, and the destructive power is also great. If one is not good, it will lose control.

Because the wind blows out from Mount Heng, it will form a hurricane, sweeping the sky and dismembering everything.

Left unchecked, it will inevitably evolve into a natural disaster.

The third form shakes Chongshan with punches, the fourth form strikes clouds at Hengshan Mountain, and the fifth form smashes Huashan Mountain with anger. Each move is stronger than the other, and the destructive power is greater than the one.

Without the Fish Intestine Sword in hand, he couldn't make a big move!

Zhao Nanshan really had no way to instantly kill Senior Brother Duanshuiliu.

No way, I have to waste a lot of effort.


Central District, Magistrates' Courts, located in the Central Police Station Complex.

When Zhao Nanshan arrived at the court, sisters Cheng Xiaodong and Cheng Xiaonan had already sent Yang Qianer to the court to testify against Zhao Guoming, chairman of Yihui Group, while Xu Zhengyang accompanied the two daughters to sit in the courtroom.

Fatty Liang from the Haibang Branch, Uncle Biao from the Central Police Station, and some relevant police officers were all there.

It can be seen that the boss of the Central District, 'Lin Leimeng', is very concerned about this case.

At this moment, the defendant's lawyer 'Wu Jun' impassionedly defended the master, but unfortunately, in the case of conclusive evidence, Zhao Guoming could not be exonerated even with his iron teeth.

Sophistry, it doesn't help at all.

At most, the time to go to jail will be delayed.

Of course, Wu Jun can also appeal to the master, but in the case of conclusive evidence, the court will generally not accept it, let alone overturn the judgment of the Magistrate's Court. If you get sick, you can postpone the court session for one month.

Here, Zhao Guoming did the same thing, but was rejected by the Magistrate's Court.

Because, to a large extent, the court of the Central District Magistrates needs to listen to the opinions of the Central District Police Department. Unless Zhao Guoming can invite a big shot, no one will give him a chance to get away with the crime.

After sophistry.

The verdict came after all.

"...The jurors unanimously ruled that Zhao Guoming, chairman of Yihui Group, deliberately killed accountant Liao Jinchao in order to cover up the group's tens of billions of internal transactions, and was convicted of murder!"

"Sentence, Zhao Guoming... to life imprisonment!"

Hearing the verdict announced by the judge, the defendant Zhao Guoming's head twitched suddenly, his eyes went dark and he fell to the ground.

Yang Qian'er, who acted as a witness, let out a long sigh of relief.

The same is true for Zhao Nanshan, Cheng Xiaodong, and Cheng Xiaonan.

Colleagues from the Central District Police Station and the Haibang District Police Station, represented by Liang Fatty and Biao Shu, also unloaded a big rock at the same time.

The case is finally solved!
Only Xu Zhengyang was a little worried about gains and losses.

Because, Zhao Guoming's case is over, and Yang Qian'er no longer needs protection.

After the mission is over, he has to go back to the mainland, and it is difficult to see the woman who makes his heart beat.

out of court.

Zhao Nanshan reached out and hooked Xu Zhengyang's shoulder, jokingly said: "Brother Xu, you seem a little depressed, are you worried that the case will end and it will be difficult to see Third Sister again when you go back to the mainland?"


Xu Zhengyang sighed softly: "Anan, Xiaoxi is a young female reporter from Hong Kong Island TV Station, and I am a bodyguard of the Mainland State Council Police Department. The two of them are at odds with each other. Are Xiaoxi and I really suitable?"

"You don't know if it's suitable until you've lived with it. It's like buying shoes. You don't know if it fits you until you wear it! You say it's not suitable without even talking about it. It's probably because you're afraid from the bottom of your heart and don't dare to pursue my third sister?"

Zhao Nanshan looked like an old driver, and he was sure that Xu Zhengyang would not dare to pursue the third sister.

Because Xu Zhengyang is a man with a strong sense of responsibility, he can't promise girls, he would rather bury his love in his heart than show it to girls, his personality is extremely reserved.

"I, it's not that I don't dare, it's that I can't promise Xiaoxi. The job of Zhongnanhai's bodyguard has always been full of crises. Even if I am a Tai Chi master, I can't guarantee that I can retire safely every time..."

"In case Xiaoxi accepts my confession, wouldn't it be very sad to suddenly receive the news of my sacrifice in the days to come?"

After getting along with each other these days, Xu Zhengyang has already figured out Cheng Xiaoxi's heart. They both developed feelings in the first meeting, and escalated into love in subsequent contacts.

The chances of success are very high.

Therefore, what he is worried about is not the present, but the future...

 ps: Thanks to all friends who voted!In addition, regarding the group, wait for the shelves to create it as appropriate!Now there are less than [-] collections, and few people have joined the group...

  Finally, let’s talk about the system. This is an auxiliary system that judges good and evil, rewards merits to exchange for resources, and adds gold fingers to pig’s feet.

  Read the novel for fun, don't be too serious, dear!
  ps: The collection has been very sluggish recently. Students who have a book list think they are eye-catching. Please help add a book list, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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