Chapter 65

"Third sister, have you investigated the identity of that perverted lawyer?"

Just when Cheng Xiaoxi and Xu Zhengyang chatted more and more heatedly, Zhao Nanshan interrupted inappropriately.

Because, he suddenly remembered that the perverted lawyer in the strange case in Hong Kong had violated Jiewen more than once.After violating the defendant for the first time, not only did she not repent, but she intensified it, imprisoning Jie Wen and violating wantonly.

Until playing to death!

They must act in time, otherwise Jiewen is very likely to be murdered.

"I asked someone to investigate..."

Cheng Xiaonan, who was beside Zhao Nanshan, frowned slightly and said, "The perverted lawyer 'Mark', on the surface, is a serious lawyer, but he is actually a member of a gang. His real name is Situ Haonan, and he is one of the five tigers under Dongxing Camel. Dragon Tiger owns a trading company and finance company, as well as a law firm serving gangs."

"Of course, these are irrelevant. The important thing is that Situ Haonan holds the Raksha Order in his hand."

"Before he hands over the Rakshasa order, we'd better not touch him, so as not to annoy the Rakshasa sect..."

Raksha Order!
Zhao Nanshan frowned when he heard this.

If Cheng Xiaonan's Rakshasa Sect is the Rakshasa Sect in the Dragon and Tiger Gate, then with their current strength, they really can't provoke the Rakshasa Sect, because the leader of the Rakshasa Sect, Huoyun Evil God, is an extremely profound cultivator. strong.

Of course, with the strength and relationship of the Cheng family's father and daughter, it is not a big problem to offend the Rakshasa Sect.

A Huoyun evil god really can't do anything to Cheng's father!

The problem is that Cheng's father has been cultivating his mind and character for many years, and rarely fights with others. Partridge, a great master, often fights with others. However, even though Partridge is a great master, he may not be able to win against Huoyun. evil god.

What's more, this is a matter for their juniors, there is no need to involve the elders.

This is also the reason why Cheng Xiaonan doesn't move Situ Haonan temporarily.

"Second Sister, when will the Rakshasa order be handed over?"

When he mentioned his best friend who was violated, Cheng Xiaoxi's eyebrows became more cold.

She was cruel to Situ Haonan, and also cruel to herself for not working hard in martial arts.

If she had spent as much time practicing martial arts as the elder sister and the second sister when she was young, she would definitely be able to step into her innate ability now, and she could avenge her best friend by herself without bothering her sisters at all.

"In the Palace of Longevity on July [-]th, when no one is whispering in the middle of the night."

Cheng Xiaonan read a line from the Song of Everlasting Regret.

July [-]th is the time when the Rakshasa Sect was established, and the handover meeting was held in the middle of the night because there was no light.

All forces competing for the Rakshasa order will inevitably bloody the meeting. It is easy to attract the police during the day, but the chances of being discovered at night are very low.

As for where the Hall of Eternal Life is, this is unknown.

The venue changes every year, and only the big brother who receives the invitation will know where to hold the handover meeting.

"Seventh of July?"

Cheng Xiaoxi murmured, and then nodded: "Okay, then let Situ Haonan live another half a month, and it won't be too late to do it after he handed over the Rakshasa order..."

"Third sister, gangsters have always been vicious. Wenwen has sued Situ Haonan, and the other party will definitely not let it go. It is better to take Wenwen over and let her live here for a while. First, it may protect her from being violated. Second, You can also chat with her, so that one person will not be tempted to commit suicide."

As soon as Zhao Nanshan said this, Cheng Xiaoxi's heart tightened.

Cheng Xiaodong, Cheng Xiaonan, and Yang Qian'er all showed signs of worry.

The same goes for Xu Zhengyang.

"Third sister, call Wenwen quickly and ask her to come and stay for a few days."

The resolute Cheng Xiaodong quickly opened his mouth to give orders.


Cheng Xiaoxi nodded.

Then, he quickly picked up his home phone and called his best friend Jiewen.

Soon, 1 minutes passed.

No one answered.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the call was still not answered.

Gathered in the living room, Zhao Nanshan and others frowned unanimously.

"No, something may have happened to Wenwen, hurry up and save her!"

Cheng Xiaodong hadn't finished speaking when he ran out of the living room at a speed like thunder.

Cheng Xiaonan, who was still gentle and gentle just a second ago, also immediately transformed into Chen Qi, and ran out with a remarkable style.

Naturally, Cheng Xiaoxi didn't need to say much, but the speed was much slower.

"Brother Xu, you stay and take care of Michelle, I'll go out with them."

Zhao Nanshan held Xu Zhengyang who was about to move, quickly turned around and ran out of the living room, and got on Cheng Xiaonan's modified motorcycle in a flash.

Cheng Xiaoxi got into the car of the eldest lady Xiaodong.

"Ah Nan, hold tight, I'm going to take off."

Cheng Xiaonan, who has a double-faced personality, turned into Chen Qishi, with an extremely hot personality. He not only took the initiative to grab Zhao Nanshan's hands, pressed them on his soft waist, and asked him to hug him a little tighter.

When Cheng Xiaonan was gentle and pleasant, he would never say such provocative words.

Faced with the offer of cheap hands, Zhao Nanshan certainly would not be polite, and without hesitation put more effort, put his body against Cheng Xiaonan's back, and sniffed the unique fragrance of the other party.

"These stupid girls don't know how to call dad when they save someone, how can driving be faster than going through the portal!"

On the balcony on the second floor, Cheng's father looked at the three daughters who rushed out of the house in a hurry, silently took off the hanging ring on his left hand, and stared straight at Zhao Nanshan.

Zhao Nanshan, who was enjoying himself, shuddered suddenly, subconsciously increased his hands, and hugged Cheng Xiaonan with firm skin tightly, so angry that Cheng's father's eyes spit fire.

"Brat, you know how to take advantage of my daughter!"

Cheng's father thought angrily: "Could it be that this is the retribution of heaven's law?"

When the five lucky stars were young, they were full of romantic figures. When they assisted Bawanghua in handling the case, they took advantage of many female policemen, and even Bawanghua couldn't avoid it.

Of course, they are just taking advantage of it, and will not do things that are too excessive.

To put it bluntly, the five lucky stars just love to play, not really flirtatious, playing with women.

Watching her daughter leave the community.

Cheng's father returned to the living room on the first floor and greeted Xu Zhengyang and Yang Qian'er.


Wanchai, Wenhe District.

This is a mid-range community, and housing prices are not particularly expensive, but it costs several thousand per square foot. A 100-square-meter "thousand-square-foot mansion" costs HK$60 million, which ordinary white-collar workers really can't afford.

Only some talented gold-collar workers are able to buy a house here.

Cheng Xiaoxi's best friend Jiewen, because she is a popular model, has high prices for commercials, photoshoots, and endorsements. She has made a lot of money in recent years and bought a house in Wenhe Community.

A big house of 120 square meters.

It's just that living alone is very empty, and I feel very insecure.

Jiewen didn't think anything was wrong before, but after she was invaded by someone, she would be very nervous at night. Not only would she close the doors and windows tightly, but also put several locks on the door, and even the bedroom where she slept was extra Added three locks.

Unfortunately, the lock failed to bring her any sense of security.

She is like a weak woman in purgatory with nowhere to hide. Apart from sleeping on the bed with her head covered, she can feel a sense of security, and when she gets up to go to the bathroom, she will feel frightened by being followed by someone.

The spirit is getting more and more tense every day.

She hasn't been out to work for days!

 ps: Thanks to 'Book Friends 20170515123608758' for the reward, and all friends who voted!

(End of this chapter)

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