Chapter 54 Salina Can Fly!
"This man, surnamed Zhu Mingtao, aged 44 to 48; businesses under his name include nightclubs, real estate, import and export, etc. We have checked all his businesses, and almost all of them are losing money..."

"This one is called Dayong, and he's his personal bodyguard. The others, he says, are buddies, but they're actually hired thugs."

"This is Zhu Dani, Zhu Tao's nephew, and the one next to him is Gao Yuehan, Zhu Tao's master. The last woman, named Sha Lianna, only appeared at the end of our investigation. I don't know much about her. You can ignore her. exist."

Central District Police Station, on the podium in a meeting room, Director Lin Leimeng explained with pictures and texts.

Chen Jiaju, who was reminded last night, heard the name Shalena, a faint light flashed in his eyes, and he carefully looked at Shalena's appearance.

Because there may be moles in the police station, the director Lin Leimeng and his deputy, Uncle Biao, did not announce that Sarina was planning to be an undercover agent, otherwise the news would leak out and they would definitely startle the snake.

Once Zhu Tao cancels today's deal, the pig hunting operation that the police station has been preparing for for many days will come to an end without a problem.

Lin Leimeng already knew where Zhu Tao was trading. Before the action police officers entered the conference hall, only Lin Leimeng, Uncle Biao and Chen Jiaju knew that Zhu Tao would trade in the shanty town.

It can be seen that Chen Jiaju has won the trust of the director and deputy director!

After all, this is a perk that no one else has.

After half an hour.

Central Police Station Serious Crime Team, Anti-Mafia Team, Narcotics Investigation Section, CID and other departments formed a joint action brigade, coordinated with the PTU mobile unit, and hundreds of police officers rushed to the shanty town on the top of the mountain in advance under the mobilization of Uncle Biao, disguised as Small citizens from all walks of life are waiting for Zhu Tao's criminal group to enter the network.

This operation is huge and mobilizes a lot of resources. If it returns without success, Lin Leimeng will become the laughing stock of the weekly meetings of the district bosses.

Therefore, he was more nervous than anyone else, and he didn't even know the coffee was cold.

"I hope that Zhu Tao's criminal group can be eradicated in one fell swoop this time, and I also hope that Jia Kui can restrain himself and cause less damage. The expenditure in the Central District has increased year by year, and it is all because of Jia Kui, a troublemaker!"

Lin Leimeng gritted his teeth and thought.

Chen Jiakui's case handling expenses are the entire Central Police Station, no, it should be the largest of all the police stations on Hong Kong Island!
Sometimes catching a thief who steals things can cause a series of car accidents, and the compensation is tens of millions, which often makes the central district's finances tight. If it weren't for Uncle Biao to protect the calf, he would have transferred Chen Jiaju to be a traffic policeman.

At the same time, there are shantytowns around the mountain.

The well-deployed Chen Jiaju and others were scattered in every corner of the shanty town. After a long wait, a Mercedes-Benz car of the latest model appeared on the road below the shanty town and stopped at the intersection.

First of all, Danny Zhu and John Gao, the master, got out of the car. The two of them opened the rear door with smiles on their faces like dogs.

However, Danny Zhu opened the door for his uncle Zhu Tao, while Johan Gao, a four-eyed, wet-eyed guy, was trying to curry favor with Cheng Xiaodong, whose pseudonym was 'Salena'.

"Thank you!"

Cheng Xiaodong got out of the car and said with a half-hearted smile.

The role she plays is a fashionable new woman, fashionable, sexy, and aloof from the bottom of her heart. The recently trimmed short hair makes her already charming and charming, adding a lot of heroism.

John Gao was deeply fascinated by her the first time he saw her.

A group of people walked into the shanty town, and when they were about to arrive at the dyeing workshop, Zhu Tao turned his head and said: "Sha Lianna, you go to the small store above to watch, and if you encounter any abnormalities, please notify me immediately."

"Okay, boss."

Cheng Xiaodong walked up to the top of the mountain in response.

Zhu Tao took his cronies Zhu Dani and Gao John into a small dyeing workshop more than ten meters away.

Before they arrived, not only the police were ambushing, but the gunmen hired by Zhu Tao also came to the shantytown in advance and ambushed in every corner.

At this moment, the gunman in red was ambushing on the top of the mountain.

Seeing the company's new sexy secretary, this person immediately leaned forward with a shy face and said, "Miss Shalena, the temperature is quite high now, I'll go buy a cold drink to quench your thirst."

"OK, thanks."

Cheng Xiaodong squeezed out a smile, and a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

She hates these stinky men very much, and she is courteous whenever she gets a chance, not manly at all.

Moreover, they all look ordinary, not a single one is handsome.

"I haven't seen Anan for a long time, and I don't know how he is now?"

Cheng Xiaodong thought to himself.

At this time, the red-clothed gunman who went to the canteen silently returned to Sha Lianna, and whispered: "There is something wrong with someone, you go and inform the following, I will go over and have a look..."


Cheng Xiaodong asked knowingly.

"Don't ask so many questions, just notify the following."

The red-clothed gunman was not John Gao, and when he encountered something wrong, his expression became quite serious.

"Okay, I'll notify the boss right away."

Cheng Xiaodong took out his Motorola flip phone and pretended to call Zhu Tao who was doing business.

Seeing this, the gunman in red relaxed his vigilance slightly, turned around and walked back to the commissary.

next second!
The shooter felt a pain in his stamina, his eyes darkened, and he fell unconscious on the ground.

At this time, Cheng Xiaodong quickly took out the walkie-talkie and called: "Report to the headquarters, the pig is in the dyeing workshop, and the piggy found something abnormal, please act immediately! The pig is in the dyeing workshop, and the piggy found something abnormal, please act immediately!"

Hiding in a private house on the top of the mountain, Uncle Biao got a report from Cheng Xiaodong and quickly issued orders.

"Attention all personnel, go to the dyeing workshop immediately and arrest the big drug lord Zhu Tao."

As Uncle Biao's voice fell, the scattered policemen rushed to the dyeing workshop without hesitation, except for the Wen inspector who was stationed at the intersection, anxious.

Because, he is the traitor that Lin Leimeng suspected, the black policeman that Zhu Tao bought with money!




After a while, gunshots rang out from the dyeing workshop.

The distraught Inspector Wen immediately opened his mouth and said: "There is a gun battle above, go over and help."

"Wen sir, did your superior tell us to stay here?"

"Staying here can make meritorious service?"

Inspector Wen shouted: "If you want to get promoted, follow me, if you don't want to get promoted, just stay!"

After finishing speaking, Inspector Wen rushed into the shanty town without looking back, and the other four police officers who were assigned to guard the intersection looked at each other, drew their guns and followed.

Participating in a shootout is dangerous, but it is also easy to make meritorious deeds. As long as you perform well enough, you will definitely be promoted to the police rank. Even motivated policemen cannot resist this temptation.

Under the deliberate guidance of Inspector Wen, the airtight encirclement suddenly opened a loophole.

Zhu Tao, who had nowhere to escape, immediately seized the loophole, and under the escort of bodyguards, he escaped from the Skynet woven by the police.

"Someone left his post without authorization. It seems that I have to take action to arrest Zhu Tao, a big drug lord!"

Cheng Xiaodong, who hadn't planned to make a move at first, couldn't help shaking his head secretly when he saw Zhu Tao escaped from the encirclement and was about to run into the street down the mountain.

Then, tap the ground with your toes, and jump down to the top of the mountain.

She is like a light and agile bird, with just a tap of her toes, she can use her strength to step into the void, and dive down at a thunderous speed.

A strong wind hit from above.

Chen Jiaju, who was running wildly with his horoscope, subconsciously stopped, and looked forward stupidly.

"I'll go! It's so fast! Could it be...she is a congenital master?"

Chen Jiaju was stunned, his face was full of shock.

"Salena can fly?"

Zhu Tao, who was about to run to the street at the foot of the mountain, looked back and saw Cheng Xiaodong who was coming from the sky, and he was dumbfounded.

Darong, the bodyguard beside him, was even more shocked!
(End of this chapter)

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