Chapter 41 Relief
Kokubu Prison Import and Export.

The correctional director Wang Fugui opened an iron door, looked back and said: "Li Wang, don't use martial arts after you get out of prison. I don't want to see you come back. Inspector Zhao can help you once, but not for a lifetime." , I hope you can remember this sentence so that you can do it yourself."

"Thank you, I will remember."

King Li thanked him sincerely.

Wang Fugui is a good person. In the past, the private power of the prison was limited, so he had to turn a blind eye. Now that the prison has returned to the public, he is full of vitality and constantly contributes to the reform.

The prisoners are also very friendly.

Of course, there are exceptions for some repeat offenders who do not mend their ways and are cruel by nature.

"Let's go!"

Wang Fugui tilted his head, motioning for Li Wang to leave.

At the same time, in a residential building in Central, a field team headed by Wang Jianjun is currently discussing in the room how to sneak into the God of Gamblers and assassinate the target of the bounty—Yang Qianer.

There are not many people in the room, only seven people, but they are all elites, all of them have experienced many battles and are extremely brave.

It is very different from the small shrimps shot one by one in the original movie.

Wang Jianjun, with a tough temperament and a fierce face, was once a top field soldier. His instinct was to attack and put people to death. of beasts.

Except for the younger brother who fought with him in the Vietnam War, the other team members didn't dare to approach him very much.

"Brother, Yang Qianer's participation in the maiden voyage of the charity cruise is a good time for us to make a move. We only need to send people to create a little chaos, and the people on the cruise will become chaotic. At that time...we can take advantage of the chaos to kill Yang Qianer and take away 1000 Ten thousand dark flowers."

'Wu Huasheng' who had a lifelong friendship with Wang Jianjun said excitedly.

Wu Huasheng is also a brave and skilled soldier. He once defended Wang Jianjun from bombing. It was then that Wang Jianjun recognized him as his righteous brother. The two brothers had a deep relationship.

The other five field members are all recruited players, and they are just ordinary cooperative relationships.

Even veterans, but also warriors.

Except for Wang Jianjun, the members are all second-rate fighters, including Wu Huasheng.

"Little brother, Yang Qian'er is not only surrounded by bodyguards from Zhongnanhai, but also a senior inspector to protect her. Both of them are not inferior to me in strength. Killing Yang Qian'er is not as easy as you think. You must treat it with caution."

Wang Jianjun's expression was extremely solemn. A bodyguard from Zhongnanhai was enough for him to drink a pot. Now there was another senior inspector, and he was also an undercover agent in the Kokubun Prison.

Although Zhao Nanshan's achievements in Kokubun Prison were not made public, they have been widely circulated in the martial arts circle, and the boxing technique that fell from the sky is even more miraculous.

Hajime, who turned into a golden-armored giant, couldn't resist this move, so he had to treat it with caution.

"Brother, since the strength of the protection personnel around Yang Qian'er has surpassed that of our field team, Killer O and Nanyang Thor will definitely not be able to complete the mission alone. Why don't we unite with them first, gather everyone's strength to complete the mission, and then we will eat it later. Black kill them?"

Field team think tank 'Yang Bin' suggested.

Yang Bin is also a veteran, but he is a little different. He is the only soldier in the field team who has gone to college.

Moreover, he was still studying at a top university - Tsinghua University.

"Dabin, you have a good idea, contact them immediately, and take action for me."

"yes, Sir."

Victoria Harbour.

When the gambling saint Ah Xing and Long Jiu, the senior inspector of the political department, secretly boarded the charity cruise ship God of Gamblers, the cruise ship had just set sail and headed for the high seas.

Putting on a tie, Chen Xiaodao, who successfully sneaked into the casino, was also stopped by Hussein just like in the original movie.

"Mr. Chen Xiaodao, welcome!"

Hussein stretched out one hand, seeing that the other party had no intention of pandering, and showed no embarrassment, instead, he stretched out his hands to straighten the front of the other party's clothes, and said sarcastically, "It's really rare to come to join us today after losing everything yesterday!"

"It's nothing, I just want to gamble a few more times."

While talking, Chen Xiaodao pushed Hussein's hand away.

Hussain was not angry either, but instead said cheerfully: "Okay, I will personally participate in the Charity King Poker Competition later, but the betting stake must be at least 300 million U.S. dollars."

"That would cost more than 2000 million Hong Kong dollars!"

"Yes! As long as you have enough gambling capital, I absolutely welcome..."

"What if there is nothing?"

Chen Xiaodao pretended to be wronged and spread his hands.

Hussein grinned and apologized, "Then there is nothing I can do."

"No, you can help me. Lend me ten yuan for chips, and give me a little more time to ensure that I have enough money for the game."

Chen Xiaodao helped the other party to fix their tie while talking.

"Ten dollars?"

Hussein was startled for a moment, then laughed loudly: "I want to win 500 million for ten dollars, are you sure you're not kidding me?"

The surrounding melon-eating gamblers also showed sneers when they heard the words.

The same goes for Yang Qian'er, who thinks that Chen Xiaodao is a bit whimsical, but Zhao Nanshan and Xu Zhengyang are not.

Zhao Nanshan knew Chen Xiaodao's ability, while Xu Zhengyang simply couldn't ridicule others.

Moreover, Xu Zhengyang could also see that Chen Xiaodao had real abilities. Although his acquired eightfold cultivation was ordinary in his eyes, he could be called a young hero in this martial arts world.

After all, young masters are a very small number after all, a rare existence.As long as one can cultivate to the acquired seventh level or above before the age of 30, they are all qualified to aspire to the innate martial arts genius.

What's more, Chen Xiaodao's main energy is devoted to gambling, and he is already very talented to be able to practice kung fu to the top in his spare time.

"Do you borrow it?"

Facing the ridicule of the crowd, Chen Xiaodao acted indifferently, as if they were not laughing at him, but others.

"Borrow, of course, help others is the foundation of happiness!"

After Hussein finished speaking, he took out his wallet, took out two ten-yuan notes, and handed them to Chen Xiaodao.

However, before Chen Xiaodao could catch the banknote, he let go, pretending to accidentally drop it on the ground, and then said with an innocent face: "I'm sorry, I have a problem with my waist, the doctor told me not to bend over, so I can only do it myself." picked it up."


Chen Xiaodao's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a cold look.

At this time, Zhao Nanshan, who had expected it for a long time, stepped forward and said, "Brother, I will lend you two hundred. Although it is not much, you can play a few games. Don't think it is too little."


Chen Xiaodao took the money, patted Zhao Nanshan, and said gratefully: "Thank you! I will treat you to dinner later."

"You're welcome."

Zhao Nanshan smiled faintly, and without even looking at Hussein, he turned and returned to Yang Qian'er's side. Hussein's chest heaved violently with anger. If he was a woman, he would definitely cause waves.

"Where did the bastard come from, dare to spoil my good deeds?"

Hussein's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he stared at Zhao Nanshan coldly.

Seeing this scene, Xu Zhengyang reminded him in a low voice: "A'nan, this person is very narrow-minded, he might get revenge, so be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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