American comics started from Hong Kong movies

Chapter 401 Spaceship Completed

Chapter 401 Spaceship Completed
Police headquarters.

Lu Xuanxin wore a white suit, with a bit of heroism and softness, and led the deputy director, Lu Minghua, up to the rarely seen rooftop.

"Uncle Qi, Anan will be here in a while, you wait here for a while."

Lu Xuanxin said.

It's an unexpected name, but it makes sense.

After all, both Lu Xuanxin and Lu Minghua were surnamed Lu. Seventh uncle Lu Minghua contributed a lot to her success in the serious crimes team of the headquarters all the way from trainee inspector to chief inspector.

Without Lu Minghua's care, it is impossible for her to rise so fast.

The serious crime team is a department with real power in any department, one radish and one pit, someone is promoted and someone is demoted, or transferred, or assigned to some unimportant but indispensable departments for the elderly.

Long Jiu was able to be the head of the serious crime team of the Western District Police Station because Zhao Nanshan and the director Yu Suqiu were behind him. Similarly, Lu Xuanxin was the chief inspector of the serious crime team of Hong Kong Island, and there must be someone behind him.

Li Wenbin, Fang Jiexia, Liu Jiehui and others who entered the police force with Zhao Nanshan at the beginning basically all have the title of chief inspector now, and only a few are senior inspectors, or inspectors.

Liu Jiehui, Li Wenbin, and Fang Jiexia, who were relatively outstanding, all started planning to be promoted to superintendent.

Of course.

No matter how outstanding they are, no matter how background they have, they will be overshadowed by Zhao Nanshan.

Even Liu Jiehui, who has always been aloof, had to be respectful in front of Zhao Nanshan, calling him team leader.

"Xin'er, if the Serious Crime Squad has a case, you can go back first, I want to be alone."

Lu Minghua walked straight to the edge and looked down at the blossoming neighborhood, feeling inexplicably sad. The Wanchai neighborhood was full of traffic and traffic, and the streets were full of neon lights and endless streams of people.

scenery is beautiful.

It's a pity that Lu Minghua couldn't be happy when he thought of all the bad things going on in the police department.

Obviously, many of them are yellow-skinned and black-eyed Chinese, but their hearts are towards a "sovereign country" like a crap stick in Europe, thinking that following them will be able to eat well, drink spicy food, have freedom and the rule of law.


During the hundreds of years that Hong Kong Island was ruled, dozens of histories of humiliation could be written.


Not long after Lu Xuanxin left.

Zhao Nanshan, who was wearing slacks and a white T-shirt, quietly appeared behind Lu Minghua, and said with a smile, "Lu sir, you seem to be in a low mood. What's bothering you? Tell me."

"Anan, you are here!"

Lu Minghua smiled slightly, and changed the subject: "Is Wesley okay?"

"He's doing well! He has an alien girlfriend, and a confidante who can become a regular at any time. I don't know how comfortable it is to live in the Meilijia factory."

When Zhao Nanshan said these words, he felt a little guilty in his heart. The night before, Fang Tianya repaid his kindness by stimulating the hidden potential of the human body.

Fortunately, Wesley and Fang Tianya were just romantically involved. After all, it was no different from that night between him and Fang Tianya, so there was no need to feel overly guilty.

After all, when the spaceship is built and Wesley sends Fang Tianya away and returns to Earth, he will be with Bai Su...

If not.

No matter how great the temptation to stimulate the hidden potential of the human body and enhance its strength is, he will not repay Fang Tianya in the same way, at least not in that way!

"Just live well."

After a pause, Lu Minghua smiled and said, "Anan, you asked me to meet, is there something good for you?"

"That's right, we have already obtained the criminal evidence that Zhuo Jingquan colluded with drug lords, abused his power, and used the laundry powder confiscated by the police to fish for law enforcement. This time he will be completely reduced to the laughing stock of the police."


With a wave of his hand, Zhao Nanshan took out a hard drive out of thin air.

Lu Minghua's face was filled with joy, and he quickly reached out to pick it up: "A'nan, this favor is too great."

"What kind of human feelings are not human feelings? They are all doing things for the motherland!"

"Yeah, yeah, we're all about justice."

"Lu sir, it won't be long before I call you brother one."

"Don't dare, don't dare."


After receiving the evidence of Zhuo Jingquan's crime, Lu Minghua acted resolutely, and quickly summoned the high-level pro-China faction, as well as the high-level pro-China faction from the [-]rd Division and [-]th Bureau to join hands, and launched a massive mopping up of the black police.

Zhuo Jingquan, deputy director of the Police Department (Operations), was arrested that night. Not only did he cut off his lifelong career, he also "forcibly resisted arrest" during the arrest process, and was shot dead by the pro-hawks.

A chess piece that has been exposed, living will only bring more people down.

Therefore, the pro-hawk faction was very decisive, secretly arranged a few people lurking in the pro-China faction to join the arrest team, and deliberately raised Zhuo Jingquan to resist, and then shot him to death.

And the naive Zhuo Jingquan didn't understand why the master behind him suddenly arranged for someone to shoot him to death.

Because, the signal he received was to escape from Hong Kong Island and secretly smuggle to Australia to live a life of riding a horse and chopping firewood, living in a sea-view house, sleeping with foreign girls, and a dreamy retirement life. During the years when he was a senior police officer, most of the money he earned was transferred. When we got there, we even bought a house.

It's a pity that I can't live in it for the rest of my life.

After Zhuo Jingquan died.

Among the top police officers who are eligible to compete for the post of director, there is only one neutral leader left - Zeng Xiangrong.

This person usually does not show off the mountains and does not show water, and has both sides. In fact, his political power is not weak. However, Zeng Xiangrong is qualified to run for the post of director, and he will not compete for the position when the pro-China faction overwhelms the pro-hawk faction when the power of the police force is in the limelight. Big Brother.

Because he knew very well that Lu Minghua's victory was actually a certainty. Before the handover of Hong Kong Island, the replacement leader of the police force must be a pro-China faction. There is no doubt about this.

After returning.

If the pro-hawks retreat, the neutrals will no longer exist.

Zeng Xiangrong retired without fighting, in fact, he was standing in line, and he should do the same!
Just when Lu Minghua took the lead to eliminate the power of the pro-hawks in the police force, Zhao Nanshan bid farewell to his wife and goddaughter at home, and teleported back to the beautiful Tony's secret factory.

Spaceship construction progressed extremely fast.

Both Tony and Hank are top scientists with extraordinary intelligence. The blueprints of the spaceship they designed are not only high-end and elegant, but also have a number of cross-age technologies.

Zhao Nanshan can understand things like cold nuclear fusion engines, space jump technology, and ecological environment simulation cabins, but if he makes them, his eyes will be blackened.

These things can only be left to professionals...

As time goes by day by day!
An elliptical spaceship about 50 meters in length, 30 meters in width, and 20 meters in height gradually took shape. Zhao Nanshan, Shi Cuifeng, Hanke, Wesley, Fang Tianya, Bai Su, and Tony, who participated in the construction, showed gratified smiles at the same time .

It took two months.

The spaceship is finally built.

As long as there is no problem with the test flight tomorrow, they will board the spacecraft and embark on a fantasy journey among the stars.

(End of this chapter)

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