American comics started from Hong Kong movies

Chapter 391 Finding Tony to Build a Spaceship

Chapter 391 Finding Tony to Build a Spaceship

new York.

After the Sharknado dies down.

At the warm invitation of Tony, Zhao Nanshan, Qin Gelei, Storm, Wolverine, Beast and others came to the Stark Tower in Manhattan, New York, the exclusive office area for the chairman of the group.

"Logan, this is a limited edition whiskey, a bottle is worth 10,000+ US dollars, can you be more gentle, it's too wasteful to drink a glass."

Beast Hank held a glass of red wine, walked up to Wolverine Logan, and said with a look of disgust.

The X-Men are a group, and if they behave vulgarly in someone else's territory, it's not a loss of one person's face, but the entire group. Of course, it's mainly a waste.

Good wine should be tasted slowly, but a cow chewing peonies will not taste good.

"Hank, it's because the wine is expensive that I'm going to drink more..."

Wolverine drank his own way, not caring what others thought.

There aren't many free opportunities like this one.

Based on the principle of not drinking for nothing, Wolverine brought seven or eight bottles of liquor out of Tony's wine cabinet, and took them away if he couldn't finish.


Hank was speechless.

Tony didn't care at all, but became a little interested in Logan, especially after learning that the other party has super self-healing ability and indestructible steel claws, his interest became even stronger.

However, he did not contact Logan immediately, but raised his glass to Zhao Nanshan and asked, "Zhao, what are you going to do in San Francisco? Why didn't you inform me?"

"Because I'm afraid you'll be attracted to sex."

Zhao Nanshan replied with a smile.

Storm sat beside him, drinking red wine quietly.

Qin Gelei and Scott sat together, not knowing what to talk about. Colossus, Iceman, Phantom Cat and others all had injuries of varying degrees and were receiving medical treatment.


Tony was a little puzzled.

"I'm helping an alien from Xandar, a woman of blue blood. She is very beautiful and has lived on Earth for more than 200 years. Recently, she accidentally exposed her identity and was arrested by the San Francisco branch of S.H.I.E.L.D. gone."

As soon as Zhao Nanshan said this, the reception hall was instantly silent.

Everyone cast a curious gaze.

Tony's eyes brightened even more: "Really?"

"of course it's true."

Zhao Nanshan nodded.

"Zhao, you are so mean. You didn't call me for such an interesting thing. Do you still consider me a friend?"

Tony said angrily.

A baby looks very angry.

He was a man who went to Zhao Nanshan's house for a New Year's Eve dinner, even though it was not Zhao Nanshan who invited him, but the beautiful and generous Ms. Cheng Xiaonan.

But this cannot deny the relationship between him and Zhao Nanshan.

Even if the two often bicker, they don't even give a hug when they meet, and they even miss each other's woman.

Of course, the last sentence is a joke.

Let's not talk about whether Tony has the opportunity to use the mobile phone, even if he has, it is impossible for him to attack his friend's wife.

This is a matter of principle.

The same is true for Zhao Nanshan.

"Tony, I didn't call you because it wasn't the time before."

"now what?"

Tony asked.

Zhao Nanshan grinned and said, "It's just right."

"OK, what do I need to do?"

Tony's eyes lit up, and he said quickly.

"To build a spaceship capable of navigating in space, I need to send Fang Tianya back to Xandar."

When Zhao Nanshan said this, his expression was very relaxed, as if making a spaceship was like making a bicycle, and a spaceship could be made by building a workshop casually.

Hearing this, Tony had a black line on his face: "Zhao, you really think highly of me."


Zhao Nanshan raised his eyebrows and teased: "Tony, a genius scientist who entered MIT at the age of 14 and graduated at the age of 17, can't even build a spacecraft that can navigate in space!"

"Who said I couldn't make it?"

Tony was impatient.

He stiffened his neck and said, "My hesitation is not because it can't be built, but because it will cost too much. This is a big project, and it will take a certain amount of time and money. If you want me to help, can you bring the money?"

"How many?"

Zhao Nanshan thought about it, and he really couldn't let people contribute money and effort.

Now I am not short of money, maybe not as rich as Tony, but not much worse.

The medical robot Dabai produced by the Zhao Group has a very high sales volume, earning billions of US dollars in revenue every year. In the past two years, it has achieved an income of more than [-] billion US dollars.

Pull out some working capital and build spaceships, no problem.

It's just that the price paid for helping people is a bit high.

But who told him to be helpful!

Well, let's be honest.

He mainly wanted to take a stroll on Xandar to see if he could meet Star Lord, Treant, or some interesting people, or to experience the service of a beautiful female alien and send the blue-blooded Fang Tianya back. By the way.

There is also a guiding role.

The faces of Lu Minghua and Wesley are not that big, and they can make him contribute money and efforts, if it is not beneficial, who will do it!
"Brothers settle accounts clearly, first invest [-] million US dollars, I will make up if there is less, and I will not refund if there is more."

It is estimated that hundreds of millions of dollars will be needed to build the spaceship. This does not take into account the epoch-making scientific and technological knowledge used by Tony to build the spaceship. It is already very loyal for Zhao Nanshan to invest [-] million.

"Okay, that's it."

Zhao Nanshan readily agreed.

On the other side, Hank the Beast, who heard the conversation between the two, couldn't help but said, "Mr. Zhao, can you give me a card?"

"of course."

Zhao Nanshan was happy to get the beast involved.

Don't think that this guy has well-developed limbs and a simple mind because he looks like a beast, but he is not.

Hank has a very well-developed mind and is known as one of the smartest people on Marvel Earth. The stealth fighter that the X-Men attended was made by Hank alone, and this is just one of his technological achievements. Xavier is a genius In the Youth Academy, there are still many unknown scientific and technological achievements, almost all of which are from his hands.

"Hank, since Zhao has already agreed to you, I will reluctantly accept your joining, but let me state in advance that if your scientific research ability can't help me, I will fire you."

Even if Tony knew that Hank was an excellent scientist, he would never admit that Hank's brain was as developed as his own before witnessing the other party's ability with his own eyes.

"no problem."

Compared to the tsundere Tony, Hank behaved like a gentleman.

This made Wolverine very dissatisfied, and couldn't help muttering: "Hank, no one else looks down on you, why do you still try to get along? Don't you think it's embarrassing?"

"Logan, there are some things you don't understand."

Hank smiled and shook his head.

He is absolutely confident that in the process of building the spaceship, he will convince Tony with his rich knowledge and become good friends with him.

As long as Tony recognizes himself.

Then on some special occasions in the future, they will definitely speak up for the mutants.

If mutants want to get their due rights, they really need a rich and powerful man like Tony to speak out.

in short.

It is Hank's overall view, which is far higher than that of Wolverine.

Momentary grievances are nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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