American comics started from Hong Kong movies

Chapter 388 Farewell to the X-Men

Chapter 388 Farewell to the X-Men
"Look up."

Zhao Nanshan looked up at the sky.

I saw a fighter plane with a sense of technology suddenly descending from the clouds to the sky above the rooftop.

Immediately afterwards, the hatch opened.

A group of men and women in tight leather jackets stepped out of the fighter plane one by one.

Phoenix Girl, Storm Girl, Cyclops, Beast, Wolverine, Iceman, Colossus, Phantom Cat... more than a dozen people walked down one after another.

Except for Professor X and Mystique who didn't show up, the elites of Xavier's Academy for Genius Boys almost moved together. It can be seen that the bargaining chip given by Nick Fury made them very excited...


Qin Gelei rushed to Zhao Nanshan with strides, gave him a big hug, and said happily: "Long time no see, how are you doing recently? Are you also here to save people? I didn't expect that we would meet here. Fate is true." It's incredible."

Storm Girl Ororo laughed and said, "Qin, you ask so many questions at once, how can anyone answer them!"

"Qin will inevitably be a little excited when she sees her benefactor."

The bearded Wolverine smoothed things over for Jean Grey.

Two years ago, Zhao Nanshan assisted them in dealing with Magneto, and later took away the phoenix power from Qin Gelei's body. This is a powerful force that Qin cannot control. Zhao Nanshan has not fully refined it until now.

When he refines the power of the phoenix, even if he can't break through the realm of transforming gods, he can still cultivate to the golden elixir.

Without the power of the phoenix that may get out of control at any time, Jean Grey can liberate her super telepathic ability. In addition, she also has the ability to manipulate objects, create force fields, fly, and accelerate molecules to produce concussion explosions.

The uncontrollable power of the phoenix is ​​equivalent to poison to her.

Losing is far more than having freedom.

Therefore, Qin is very grateful to Zhao Nanshan. Seeing each other is like meeting family members.

This made Cyclops and Wolverine very uncomfortable.

Wolverine is better.

After all, Jean is Cyclops' girlfriend, not his.

Watching his girlfriend fall into someone else's arms and ask for warmth, Cyclops did not send a shock wave to Zhao Nanshan, which is already very patient.

"Qin, it's almost enough, if you hug me again, you will call me molested."

Zhao Nanshan was very gentlemanly and drew out a hand, patted Qin Gelei's fragrant shoulder, motioning for the other party to let go of him.

Nephrite is enjoyed in the arms, but it also scores occasions, right?

Jean Gray was amused.

Storm couldn't help laughing and said: "Zhao, you are really humorous, it must be very happy to be your girlfriend."

"Would you like to try?"

Zhao Nanshan raised his eyebrows at Ororo.

Not to be outdone, Ororo said, "As long as the lady around you doesn't mind, I'd be happy to try."

Beast is a man of culture, seeing the two flirting and playing ambiguously, he was speechless and said: "Hey, buddy, now is not the time to be in heat, the Sharknado has already landed on the beach, have you thought about how to eliminate this disaster?"

"I do not know what to do."

Zhao Nanshan shook his head and said, "The area of ​​this sharknado is too wide. I will do my best. I may be able to eliminate part of the storm. However, as long as the storm cannot be completely eliminated, it will come back soon, and the success will fall short."

"I can't do anything either."

Storm's ability is to control the weather, but "control" is also limited. For tornadoes below EF5 level, she can disappear invisible at any time, but for super tornadoes of EF5 level or above.

It's not something she can control at all, forcibly controlling it will kill people.

When the Sharknado formed in the Channel Islands, it had a speed of 320 kilometers per hour, almost reaching the fixed point of an EF5 tornado. When it landed in Los Angeles at this moment, the Sharknado had already exceeded this critical point.

It can not only suck up sharks in the sea, but also roll up cars on the road, blow down houses, and even scrape asphalt off roads.


Wolverine shrugged when he heard the words, and said: "Even the professional counterpart Ororo can't do anything, it seems that we can only stare blankly."

"It's all here, how can you stare?"

Jean Gray glared at Wolverine.

Cyclops lamented, "Then do your best!"

"Hey, save someone!"

The beast sighed softly, then took a stride, and jumped directly from the rooftop tens of meters high.

While everyone was talking, the sharks had already landed in the coastal city, and the sharks caught in the super tornado were swimming around in the air and eating people, it was amazing.

Sharks can swim in a tornado, and the people below are not swept away.

I have to say that the movie "Sharknado" is really a bad movie with no logic.

It would be difficult for Zhao Nanshan and Shi Cuifeng to cooperate with the X-Men to launch a rescue operation.

"Dafeng, follow Ororo, her defense is not high, please take care of her."

Shi Cuifeng heard the words, and joked: "Boss, you don't really like her, do you?"


Zhao Nanshan had a black line on his face: "Don't make trouble, go and save people."


Shi Cuifeng procrastinated on purpose.

next second.

Her temperament changed suddenly. If she was a little woman just a second ago, then she is now a noble, glamorous and proud girl.

Her movements were extremely agile, and her speed of jumping off the roof of a tall building was not inferior to that of Storm who flew downstairs.

This makes Wolverine, Colossus and other mutants who need to walk up the stairs feel very incredible.

Hey, this woman is strong enough!

Wolverine, who has rich emotional experience, has a strong interest in Shi Cuifeng.

As for whether the other party is famous or not?

Wolverine never cared about this. He has had more married women than he can count on two hands.

Of course.

Wolverine just thinks about it now, if he really wants to take action, he has to live together for a while, but this is obviously impossible.

After all, Dafeng is a follower of Zhao Nanshan.

It is impossible for her to go to the Mutant Academy for no reason, and have an intersection with Wolverine for no reason.

"Big man, do you need me to take you down?"

Zhao Nanshan said to Colossus.

Colossus has good abilities, high strength and defense, and it is difficult for ordinary grandmasters to break through the defense. It is the most suitable to go downstairs to fight sharks to save people.

"Brother Nan, can you send me down too?"

Phantom Cat Kitty replied first.

Colossus, who wanted to speak, suddenly fell silent.


Zhao Nanshan nodded.

Due to time issues.

He teleported directly to the phantom cat, stretched out his hand to wrap his arms around the opponent's waist, then teleported to Colossus, grabbed the opponent's arm, and teleported directly from the rooftop to the southeast block.

There are many people in this position who need to be rescued.

"When you save people, remember to ensure your own safety."

With a hasty instruction, Zhao Nanshan used the method of teleportation, spanning tens of meters in one step, flashing out of thin air to the roof of a car that was blown away by the tornado, and using the jacked fall in the plum blossom pile, forcefully pressing the car back to the surface .

The driver in the car was startled at first, but after he regained his composure, he quickly ignited the car and drove into the congested and chaotic street ahead.

"Colossus, leave this to me and Katie, go ahead and clear the intersection."

"Okay, sir."

(End of this chapter)

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