American comics started from Hong Kong movies

Chapter 384 The Sharknado Comes

Chapter 384 The Sharknado Comes

"Natasha, I need your help with something."

Zhao Nanshan cut to the chase.

No vain thoughts.

Because Natasha is not an ordinary woman, any lie can be easily exposed, and she is extremely sophisticated in human relations. She has an incredible affinity, can hide her true emotions, and has the ability to quickly process multiple information streams.

in short.

It's just that men can't lie to her, only she can lie to men.

Zhao Nanshan is willing to make friends with her, even to be a pair of close friends who know the things between men and women, but he dare not talk about feelings with her.

It's not that I'm afraid, but that it's unnecessary.


Natasha asked curiously.

Zhao Nanshan smiled and said, "Have you heard of Xandar?"

"No impression."

Natasha shook her head.

Many supernatural events are recorded in the S.H.I.E.L.D. archives, and many magical items are sealed in the resource library. Many Natashas have the right to read them, but for now, the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury alone.

Of course.

Because of the appearance of the blue-blooded Fang Tianya, S.H.I.E.L.D. knows that the number of people on Xandar has increased day by day.

But basically they are all from Hydra's side.

Natasha has not received any news yet.

Including Director Braised Egg who sits in S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Then let me tell you briefly that Xandar is an interstellar empire that dominates the entire Andromeda galaxy. The queen is Adora, and she has a powerful space army under her command to protect the Andromeda galaxy and the earth..."

After listening to Zhao Nanshan's narration, Natasha frowned slightly: "A'nan, you mean a blue-blooded man from Xandar was imprisoned by agents of the San Francisco branch of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"Not only the blue-blooded people, but also my friends."

Zhao Nanshan reminded.

Natasha felt a sudden in her heart: "Who is your friend?"


"Oh, I know him, an important member of the United Nations Alien Bioanalysis Bureau."

After a pause, Natasha said: "Anan, you can take Wesley away at any time, and I will notify the San Francisco branch to release him. But... the blue-blooded Fang Tianya! I need to call the director to discuss it before I can come to a conclusion .”

"Natasha, there is one thing you must understand. The blue blood race is Xandar, one of the main ethnic groups. Your S.H.I.E.L.D. agency detains Fang Tianya and conducts brutal experiments. It is very likely that it will turn into an interstellar diplomacy incident."

"I understand, I will give you an answer as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll wait for you."


SHIELD, Trident headquarters.

Coulson, who is known as the village head of the Novice Village of Marvel fan fiction, is not bald yet. He is wearing a clean suit, holding a page of documents, and hurried into the director's office.

"Director, something is wrong."

Coulson yelled through the door.

Nick Fury, who had just finished processing a few documents and was resting on the armchair, was taken aback by Coulson.

"Colson, didn't your mother teach you to knock on the door before entering?"

"Sorry, I forgot."

Coulson entered the industry in 97 for a very short time, but he has already made good achievements. He has handled many special incidents, and he handled them well.

"Forget it, let's talk about something."

Nick Fury waved his hand.

Coulson hurriedly said: "Boss, urgent news came from the California branch. A super tornado appeared in the Channel Islands. It swept up thousands of sharks in the nearby waters and approached Los Angeles at a speed of 320 kilometers per hour."

"If the super tornado fails to hit Los Angeles, Los Angeles will suffer unpredictable disasters. It will not only destroy the buildings in Los Angeles, but also bring a huge threat to the lives of the people of Los Angeles."

"...those populations of sharks sucked into a super tornado would likely claim the lives of thousands of civilians."

Nick Fury tightened his expression, and ordered: "Contact Xavier Academy for Gifted Boys, we need the support of the X-Men. Tell them, to solve this sudden disaster, S.H.I.E.L.D. will help them fight for the civil rights that mutants deserve .”

"Okay, Chief."

Coulson exited the office in response.

The super tornado blowing in the Channel Islands is related to the safety of more than 300 million people in Los Angeles. If the mutants at Xavier School for Gifted Boys can make the disaster invisible.

Then, SHIELD should help them say some good things and fight for the rights that mutants should have.

Anyway, it's not a big payoff, it's just lip service.

For Nick Fury, this is simply a profitable business.

Life for mutants is very difficult these days.

Not long ago, a politician in the Meilijia was assassinated by an unknown mutant, prompting the White House to sign a document that is very unfavorable to mutants. As of today, hundreds of mutants have been persecuted and secretly transported to a certain military base. Inhuman research.

Relatively speaking.

The unfair treatment Fang Tianya suffered was nothing at all.

"Jingle bell~~"

In the drawer on the right side of Nick Fury's desk, a rapid bell rang suddenly.

He quickly opened the drawer and took out the satellite phone inside.

"Boss, discuss something with you."

On the other end of the phone, Natasha's worried voice came.

Nick Fury couldn't help frowning.

What's going on today?

The Sharknado that just started was not resolved, and there was another problem on Natasha's side, and she was quite anxious to hear the sound.


Nick Fury asked.

"Boss, Wilson, the director of the San Francisco branch, captured an alien a few days ago, from the blue blood race on Xandar. According to my good friend Anan, the blue blood is one of the main ethnic groups on Xandar."

"If we don't release it in time..."

Before Natasha could finish speaking, Nick Fury hurriedly interrupted: "Natasha, are you sure that Wilson from the San Francisco branch arrested the blue-blooded man living on Earth?"

"Boss, do you know Fang Tianya?"

Natasha, who is talented and intelligent, grasps the key points very keenly.

"I did a risk assessment on her decades ago. The level of danger was not high, only level three. After observing her for a few months, I let her go. I didn't expect that this lady from Xandar would Arrested by our people..."

Nick Fury couldn't help sighing.

Fang Tianya came to Meili's home when her former husband Huang Feihong died and was heartbroken. Because of her beautiful face and figure, she was often harassed to protect her own safety.

Fang Tianya used some special means to punish the villains.

Then, she was targeted by S.H.I.E.L.D.

The difference from now is that at that time, Nick Fury adopted a soft policy. He not only helped Fang Tianya settle in Meili's house, but also gave him a living fund.

Because Nick Fury had just finished dealing with an alien incident at that time, and he was very conscious of the gap between Earth and Xandar, if Fang Tianya didn't want to go back.

He would even find a way to withhold funds from S.H.I.E.L.D. and ask Tony Stark's father, Howard, to build a spaceship for Fang Tianya and send this beautiful alien lady back.

(End of this chapter)

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