Chapter 343
At the southern end of the Mariana Trench, there is a virgin land that has never been explored. It is a mysterious super-abyss area with a sea depth of more than 10000 meters, covering an area of ​​about [-] square kilometers.

There are colorful coral forests, huge deep-sea fish, and many unknown mysterious marine creatures...

This is the mermaid habitat!
One day ago, this was the holy land of the mermaid clan, singing and dancing, and everyone's faces were full of joy.

A day later, the place turned into ruins, with broken walls and ruins everywhere. The corpses of strong mermaids can be seen everywhere. A stumped arm, and some left nothing behind.

Of course, among the corpses of the mermaid clan, there were unavoidably the corpses of the snake-human clan.

The price paid by the snake people to encircle and suppress the mermaid people is also extremely high.

According to Zhao Nanshan's observations, there are hundreds of snake-human corpses that have not been collected, or forgotten, and whose appearance cannot be seen clearly. However, he only observed one side. Five or six hundred.

There are five hundred and six corpses that have not been collected. It can be seen that the number of snake-human clansmen who died in battle is very high, at least to the point of injury.

after an hour.

Zhao Nanshan searched the entire battlefield.

He couldn't help feeling relieved that he didn't find Shanshan's mother's body.

Sometimes no news is not necessarily bad news.

At least, it proved that Shanshan's mother might not be dead.

"It's impossible for the mermaid clan to be completely wiped out in such a large underwater battlefield. They won't be so stupid as to use up their manpower. If they can't turn the tide of the battle, there will inevitably be a master from the clan leading people to break through..."

"In other words, the defense battle has become a pursuit battle."

"The sea world is vast and boundless. Finding Shanshan's mother in the sea is like finding a needle in a haystack. No wonder the senior sister is unwilling to make a move!"

"Forget it. Do your best and obey the destiny. May the world be peaceful!"

Zhao Nanshan sighed.

Immediately, his figure disappeared in a flash.

after he left.

A nearby stone door that had been turned into ruins suddenly lit up with light blue light, forming a blue rippled light curtain.

Immediately afterwards, a crutch as white as jade came out through the screen. The hand on the crutch was the hand of an old woman covered with wrinkles. The skin on the old woman's face was so wrinkled that it could kill flies.

The average life expectancy of mermaids is 170 years. Before the age of 150, the skin is supple and lustrous. After the age of 150, if the golden elixir cannot be condensed and promoted to a strong golden elixir, the body functions will rapidly age.

When the mermaid enters the aging period, her strength will stagnate, and no matter how hard she practices, she will not be able to improve a single bit.

This is the eternal fate of the mermaid race, and the golden elixir is the basis for breaking the fate, and the entire race will not produce one in 100 years.

Of course, compared to people with an average life expectancy of 80 to [-] years, mermaids are still favored by heaven, at least they can live longer.

Moreover, the growth period is as high as 150 years. Before that, there is no need to worry about the skin not slippery, the crow's feet at the corners of the eyes, and so on.

"Ruyi, this person has your aura on him, why do you avoid seeing him?"

The old mermaid woman who walked out of the light curtain first, looked back at a graceful and beautiful mermaid and asked.

"The snake people slaughtered tens of thousands of people in order to seize our family's most precious water spirit pearl, and there are not a hundred remaining people. We not only need to avoid the snake people's pursuit, but also beware of strange humans. The future is destined to be displaced."

"Let my benefactor know that Ruyi is still alive, and maybe send Shanshan back. Ruyi doesn't want her daughter to live without a fixed place."

The mermaid called Ruyi is Shanshan's mother from the Shahui tribe.

Of course, when Ruyi rushed back to the clan's land, she didn't encounter an army of snake people. Otherwise, with her innate strength, without the protection of the strong in the clan, she would definitely die.

"Your benefactor is a dragon and phoenix among men, with a dignified appearance and a righteous heart, he is destined to achieve extraordinary things in the future."

The old mermaid woman said with a serious expression: "Ruyi, I ask you one thing, I hope you must agree."

"Third Elder, please give me your instructions."

Ruyi said respectfully.

"Take some of your clansmen and go to Hong Kong Island to join this person."

The mermaid clan was robbed, and there was not a single member of the clan, and the strong fell one after another. Only the three elders and the head of the mermaid clan who used the water spirit beads to lure away the snake army were left.

The patriarch who was targeted by the snake-human queen had less than [-]% chance of surviving.

In other words.

A day ago, the mermaid tribe, which had tens of thousands of people, was left with only one third elder, and less than 200 women, children and children.

If they want to survive, they must find someone to shelter them.

Let Ruyi take some of them to Hong Kong Island to join their benefactors, it is really a last resort.

After all, the three elders are limited in strength and cannot protect too many clansmen.Moreover, she has already entered the aging period, and she will not live for many years. She must find a way out for the group before she dies.

"Third Elder, is there no other choice?"

Ruyi was a little hesitant in her heart, she had already troubled her benefactor a lot, and she really didn't want to continue to trouble her.

However, diverting the remaining clansmen and going to various places to reproduce is another good strategy to preserve the clan. Ruyi really can't find an excuse to veto it. If she stood in the position of the third elder, she might issue the same order.


The third elder said lonely.

If she had no other choice, how could she order her clansmen to seek refuge with humans who had never been able to hide in the past?

People are full of curiosity about the mermaid and snake-human races, and under the influence of this kind of thinking, the things they do will be crazy.At best, they will be arrested and locked up in the aquarium, and tickets will be sold for people to watch.

Or, set aside a sea area for them and enclose them for protection.

Think badly.

Mermaids may be slaughtered or even traded as pets.

Freedom, dignity and other rights will all go with the wind.

However, when the snake-human tribe is determined to destroy the mermaid tribe, where can these disabled soldiers, women and children and dozens of children hide besides seeking human protection?
"The road is poor, the world is narrow, and the world is in chaos."

This is a sentence in "Crying Friends in Troubled Times" written by Shen Qinqi, a poet in the late Ming Dynasty.

It is the most appropriate way to describe the situation of the mermaids.

When they suffered catastrophe, what they thought was not revenge, but to preserve the ethnic group.

For this, any price can be paid.

The third elder understands this truth, and Ruyi also knows it well.

After a short silence.

Ruyi turned to look at the disabled soldiers and children behind her, and asked, "Which one of you is willing to follow me to the human world?"

No one stood up.

Because the education the mermaids received from childhood was to cherish life and stay away from humans.

Now let them run to seek human asylum, there is resistance from the bottom of their hearts, the same is true of the brave and wounded mermaid, the cute and cute little mermaid, and the octopus little mermaid with octopus...

(End of this chapter)

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