American comics started from Hong Kong movies

Chapter 323 Becomes more beautiful and stronger!

Chapter 323 Becomes more beautiful and stronger!

It is one of Bozi's mutant abilities to transform into a humanoid diamond and improve his defense.

This ability is called the blue diamond form by her.

Similar to the diamond shape of the White Queen of the Hellfire Club, only the color is different, one white and one blue.

When Bozi transforms into a blue diamond form, her defense ability surges, and it is difficult for ordinary guns to hurt her.

Bozi, who was in a panic, witnessed his master killing the enemy, killing Mike, Marus and other gangsters with deep karma in seconds, and his mentality calmed down involuntarily.

"Not yet?"

Zhao Nanshan, who turned his saber and killed George like a melon, looked back and shouted at Bozi.

The purpose of bringing Bo Zi here this time is to sharpen Bo Zi.

So the water has been released, otherwise, these few people would have been solved by him long ago.

Hearing Zhao Nanshan's soft shout, Bo Zi, who was still a little scared, clenched his silver teeth for an instant, and suddenly punched out the first form of "Sky Frost Fist" - the wind and frost hit the face, and hit a thug on the right head-on.

The moment the frost qi from her show fists emerged, the temperature in the whole stone house dropped by more than [-] degrees in an instant.

The gun-wielding bandit hit by the frosty air condensed into an ice sculpture at a speed visible to the naked eye under the inconceivable eyes of everyone. Just a light tap can make the bandit's body look like brittle glass. Fragmented.

Bozi, who can control frost and frozen objects, practiced Tianshuang Fist like a god's help. In less than a few months, he had already cultivated to the state of transformation, and he could use Tianshuang Fist like an arm...

Even if you are killing a murderous gangster, for those who have never experienced the darkness, the first time is an insurmountable gap, but as long as you have experienced the first time, the second and third time will become overwhelming. It's easy.

Bo Zi instantly killed a gangster with one move.

Not only did it allow her to overcome obstacles in her heart and lay the foundation for the psychological quality of a strong person, but it also made her realize a little bit.

That means she has become stronger!
But she is not bald!

On the contrary, Bozi became more beautiful and more punctual than before.

Zhao Nanshan, who was in the late stage of the Longmen Realm, was on the sidelines, and the remaining bandits in the stone house were quickly wiped out by Bo Zi.

Looking at the four ice sculptures erected in the house, and looking at the nine thugs who had their throats cut or their heads beheaded by him, Zhao Nanshan couldn't help but blush. Sure enough, there is no harm if there is no comparison.

One kills like art, freezing people into ice sculptures, and the other kills like Shura, habitually splitting the head into two parts, blood flowing like rivers.

It seems that the problem of beheading will have to be corrected in the future!

"Ding, kill the international bandit Marus, reward 1800 points of merit!"

"Ding, kill the international gangster Mike, reward 982 points of merit!"

"Ding, kill the international gangster George, reward 675 points of merit!"

"Ding, kill..."

Of the fifteen international gangsters, except for the four who were frozen into ice sculptures, eleven of them died under Zhao Nanshan's hands, nine inside the house and two outside the house.

A total of 6240 merit points were awarded.

Double that is 12480 points of merit, plus the reward merits gained from the four people Bozi killed, this night attack has earned a full 13500 points of merit...

Host: Zhao Nanshan
Realm: Late Dragon Gate Realm
Innate supernatural powers: transforming into a fetus, changing the shape of the world, destroying the world with magic pupils, so close to the world, super self-healing

Exercises: "Xiaoyao Yufeng", "Nine Suns Manual", "The Essence of Royal Girl"

Martial arts: "Five Sacred Fist", "Spiral Nine Shadows"

Taoist Companions: Cheng Xiaodong, Cheng Xiaonan
Attendants: Long Jiu, Bo Zi, Shi Cuifeng
Merit: 460824
I don't know.

Zhao Nanshan has accumulated more than 46 points of merit, which is enough for him to push all his Taoist companions and attendants to the Golden Core Realm, and he can still be rich.

For a long time to come, there is no need to worry about merit.

Of course, the higher the cultivation base, the higher the cost. Now the merits and virtues seem to be a lot, but when he refines the power of the phoenix and becomes a Jindan real person, or even a true king of the gods, the ordinary elixir and spiritual fruit will work on him. little.

At that time, you will have to spend a lot of merit to buy natural materials and earthly treasures in order to steadily improve your cultivation level.

The current merits are only temporarily enough. When his cultivation reaches a certain level, the merits will always be in a state of consumption and in short supply, so he must earn more merits. In any case, he must at least cultivate to the golden level before the advent of the Marvel prosperity. At Danfeng Peak, you can step into the God Transformation Realm at any time.

"Brother Huo, I did it."

When Zhao Nanshan was checking the character panel, Bo Zi ran up to him and looked at him excitedly.

The agile eyes revealed three words.

— Praise me!

At this moment, Bozi does not have the sassy aura of killing international gangsters, but like a little girl asking for rewards from her elders. A compliment, a piece of candy, or even an intimate pinch of the face can make her heartfelt happy.

Zhao Nanshan has never been stingy with compliments.

Especially for our own people!
I saw him wrapping his arms around Bozi's flexible waist with one hand and his long ice-blue hair with the other, and jokingly said: "I never thought my Bozi could transform into a diamond man. If we are short of money in the future, you will become a diamond man." Blue Diamond, knock down a piece and sell it for money, and it will definitely sell for a lot of money, and mother no longer has to worry about us being hungry."

"Brother Huo, I'm going to be in pain!"

Bozi said angrily, aggrieved.

However, my heart is very warm.

Because, she knew that the master would not do this, saying this was just a joke.

Men play and bully women, except for bums and irritable men, usually because they like it and want to attract women's attention and make them notice themselves.

Not really trying to bully.

As long as you don't pass the line and grasp the scale, isn't bickering a kind of fun?
A little frolicking for a while.

Zhao Nanshan called Long Jiu overnight and asked him to summon the serious crime team to come to the barren hills to collect the corpse.

Of course, the exact point is to take credit. When other police districts were still arranging undercover agents and checking the schools in the area for terrorist intrusion, Long Jiu led the team to send Mike, Marus and other criminal gangs to the morgue.

Among other things, the epaulets on the police uniform will definitely add another flower and be promoted to Chief Inspector.

"Brother Nan."

When Long Jiu led the Serious Case Team A to rush to the scene, Zhao Nanshan had already sent Bo Zi back. Because of Hua Jianhu's identity, Bo Zi could only meet Long Jiu in private. Meeting in public would easily reveal the identity of "Fire Qilin" identity.

Therefore, he had to temporarily wronged Bozi.

"Jiu'er, I'll leave the scene to you."

Zhao Nanshan walked in front of Long Jiu and said with a smile, "I resigned in the morning, and now I have no law enforcement power. The terrorists just wiped out are the result of your bloody fighting, and have nothing to do with me."

"Boss, before you leave, I'm a little bit reluctant to give you such a great achievement before you leave."

He Shangsheng took the opportunity to confide in his heart.

Working with Zhao Nanshan was the most relaxing and happiest period of time for him. Now that Atou has been promoted to Major General Kamikaze, he is really reluctant to leave the Western District Serious Crime Squad.

"Go aside."

Zhao Nanshan rolled his eyes and scolded with a smile: "I don't like rough guys."

"Head, you don't like a rough guy like me, do you like Ajie's?"


(End of this chapter)

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