American comics started from Hong Kong movies

Chapter 29 Bounty Hunter Chen 7

Chapter 29 Bounty Hunter Chen Qi
Zhao Nanshan, who had a chance to win the first second, was knocked into the air by the crazy Ah Yi the next second. Chen Guozhong's sudden arrival distracted him a little. It can be seen that in the battle between the masters, every second counts, and the outcome may be reversed in an instant. .

Zhao Nanshan was hit badly, coupled with the shock force when he fell to the ground, he was instantly stunned.

It's not that he is not as good as King Li, but that the intensity of the attacks suffered by the two is different. When King Li was attacked by Ah Yi before, he didn't turn into a giant in golden armor.

Before and after Hajime's transformation, there was a huge gap, and his strength had increased by at least three times.

What's more, when he raided Zhao Nanshan, it was a fatal blow from his dying struggle.

If you compare it with intuitive values, the impact that Li Wang suffered before was about 10 tons, while the impact that Zhao Nanshan suffered this time was at least 30 tons.

With such a terrifying impact force, an elephant can be killed instantly.

Zhao Nanshan just fainted, it can be seen that his physical strength is better than that of King Li.

In the following battle, nothing happened to him.

Chen Guozhong and Li Wang teamed up to deal with Ah Yi, whose whole body was cracked and on the verge of death. If they couldn't win, then they might as well find a piece of tofu and ram him to death.


Three o'clock in the afternoon, Queen Mary Hospital.

Zhao Nanshan, who was in a coma, woke up leisurely and frowned slightly when he smelled the pungent smell of disinfectant.

"Anan, you're awake!"

An extremely soft female voice floated into Zhao Nanshan's ears.

Looking back.

A beautiful and elegant woman with picturesque eyebrows suddenly came into view.

The light red silk long dress is smooth and supple, the exposed skin is as moist as cream, and the eyes are like black jade, shining brightly, with an elegant aura in every move, making people feel like a woman who has read poetry and books talented woman.

Actually, it's just her performance.

Because, she is one of the members named "Three Heroes of the East" by the media, the bounty hunter——Chen Qi.

Of course, Chen Qi was just her vest, her real name was Cheng Xiaonan, the second of the three sisters of the Cheng family, also Cheng Xiaodong's younger sister.

Zhao Nanshan also got acquainted with Cheng Xiaonan through Cheng Xiaodong, probably because they both had the character 'South' in their names, they seemed to hit each other very well, and soon became very good friends, not much worse than Cheng Xiaodong at all.

Therefore, he knew very well that Cheng Xiaonan's character and gentle temperament were just Cheng Xiaonan's exterior. When the other party put on Chen Qi's vest, he would become passionate, sexy and alluring.

Whether it's clothing, or personality will change drastically.

Cheng Xiaonan gives the impression that he has two different personalities, sometimes passionate and sometimes gentle.

"Second sister, why are you here?"

Zhao Nanshan got up slightly, leaned on the hospital bed, and asked curiously.

"My eldest sister learned that you were unconscious and admitted to the hospital, and she was worried about what happened to you. She is undercover next to Zhu Tao, and it is not convenient to come to see you, so she asked me to come and take care of you!"

As Cheng Xiaonan said, he picked up an apple, peeled it and said, "Your fat man in the police station is so shameless that he actually asked you, a rookie policeman, to go undercover in the extremely dark Kokubun Prison. This is clearly telling you to go in and die. Well!"

"Fortunately, you kid is lucky. When you go undercover, you will meet a young master who will assist you in completing the undercover mission. At the last moment, you will explode and kill the warden Ah Yi."

"Otherwise, you are dead."

Sure enough, Ah Yi still died at the hands of King Li.

Maybe this is life!
Zhao Nanshan sighed silently, and then asked, "Second Sister, how do you know so clearly?"

"Nonsense, your second sister and I are bounty hunters, and I often deal with you stinky policemen. If you don't even have this information channel, how can you come out?"

Cheng Xiaonan rolled his eyes, and glared at Zhao Nanshan angrily.

Regardless of her young age, she is only 24 or [-] years old, but she has been a bounty hunter for several years, handling cases, catching thieves, and killing terrorists. She has to be approved by the police, right?

Without the invitation of the police, if you handle the case and arrest people privately, not only will you not get any benefits, but you will also be misunderstood by the police.

Bounty hunters like them, to put it bluntly, are external agents who specialize in extremely dangerous arrests and reduce police casualties.

In many countries in the Marvel world, there are bounty hunters like Cheng Xiaonan. Most of the hunters are to earn commissions, and she is a bounty hunter mainly for the sake of taking risks and catching all kinds of dangerous people. honed.

Although being a policeman can satisfy this wish, Cheng Xiaonan is different from her eldest sister Cheng Xiaodong. She doesn't like being bound by rules, but likes to be alone, free and unrestrained.

"Tap ~~"

At this moment, footsteps sounded outside the ward.

Immediately afterwards, a fat man with a six-month-old belly came in from the door, accompanied by Senior Inspector Chen Guozhong.

"Chen Qi, how can I meet you everywhere?"

Huang Bin, the boss of the West District Police Station, saw Cheng Xiaonan who was causing headaches, his eyes widened, and his face was full of astonishment.

Cheng Xiaonan is a well-known bounty hunter, and also a very rare master-level bounty hunter. When there are big cases in Hong Kong Island, the district bureaus will ask Chen Qi and others to help solve the case. Huang Bin also asked Cheng Xiaonan several times, although Cheng Xiaonan The arresting ability is very strong, but their relationship is not as friendly as expected.

Because Cheng Xiaonan, who turned into Chen Qi, has a bit of a poisonous mouth, and likes to call him Huang Fatty. His style of not listening to orders and acting alone is even more troublesome.

"Fatty Huang, you came just in time..."

Cheng Xiaonan, who was still gentle and charming just now, saw Huang Bin, Chen Guozhong and others enter the door, and suddenly changed his style of painting, and said boldly and unrestrainedly: "My brother Anan is undercover in the National Penitentiary Prison, risking his life to collect evidence of the warden Ah Yi's crime. Get rid of the scum inside, the one-eyed snake, the four heavenly kings, and others, and even Ah Yi was beaten half to death by Anan's move."

"If it wasn't for one of your people who came in suddenly to distract him, so that he was attacked by Hajime, it can be said that Anan eradicated the cancer of Kokubun Prison."

"Such a great contribution, the reward should not be less!"

Hearing Cheng Xiaonan address himself, Huang Bin was so angry that the fat on his face twitched three times, and he said angrily: "Chen Qi, this is our police's business, so you don't need to worry about it. The police force has its own rules and regulations. There will be rewards for meritorious deeds, and if Anan succeeds in one fell swoop, the rewards will naturally not be less."

"Rewards with a bald head and mouth are not enough. The police rank has to be raised a few ranks. Even if you can't be promoted to chief inspector, you must be a senior inspector!"

"I said, this is a matter for the police, you don't need to worry about it."

Huang Bin said angrily.

If Chen Qi was a member of the West District Police Station, if he didn't transfer her to Shangeda to guard the reservoir, he would just write her name there, which is really too arrogant.

"Second sister, please go out first, Sir Huang may have something important to ask me."

Looking at Cheng Xiaonan who asked for credit and rewards for himself, Zhao Nanshan felt a warm current in his heart. He knew that Director Huang didn't want to see her, and he didn't care to ask for credit for himself. This sister really didn't cry in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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