Chapter 284

Villages near Satan Basin, Paran Province.

Wearing jungle camouflage and rain boots, Xiaohua accidentally found out a big news from a crazy old man, and immediately summoned people from nearby villages to enter the B&B they rented.

"Sister Hua, hastily summoned us, is there a big harvest?"

A third-rate disciple of Rakshasa asked with a raised eyebrow.

Since Huoyun Cthulhu was preparing to retreat and attack the Golden Core Realm, he needed a lot of elixir to assist his cultivation, so Poinsettia dispatched a thousand disciples, divided into two hundred teams in the form of one belt and four, and went to various parts of the world to purchase elixir.

Not long ago, Xiaohua, who had just entered the first-class realm, was fortunate to be appreciated by the poinsettia, and became the leader of a small team, and went to Borneo to buy elixir, natural materials and earthly treasures.

The Luosha disciple who just spoke is called Erhu, and the other three are Da Zhong, Qian Buyi and Liu Honghong.

Ignoring the ridiculous nonsense, Xiaohua solemnly said: "I just received a news that there is a giant python in the depths of the tropical rainforest in the Satan Basin. It is more than 40 meters long and the bucket is thick enough to swallow a person easily."

"Such a terrifying giant python is enough to be called a strange beast!"

"Presumably everyone knows that all the places where strange beasts haunt are the places of beauty and wisdom, and there are great treasures of heaven and earth."

"That's why I called everyone to discuss whether to enter the depths of the rainforest to find out the news."

When Erhu and the others heard these words, their hearts were shocked, and they showed incredulous eyes.

Marvel's world's longest python came from the Congo Basin in Africa. It was killed by a team of expedition mercenaries in the summer of 1973. It was a tiger-striped python with a length of 21.6 meters, a diameter of 28 centimeters, and a weight of 864 kilograms.

This tiger-striped python has been made as a specimen and is collected in the French Museum. Every year, millions of tourists watch the tiger-striped python.

The second largest python is from Indonesia, 14.85 meters long and 447 kilograms in weight. It was captured by a master of the local traditional martial art 'Bancasula'...

"Sister Hua, is the news reliable?"

Liu Honghong, who was prudent, was slightly suspicious.

"The news comes from the crazy old man, that is, the crazy old man in this village. The source is not very reliable, but the crazy old man said to himself, when he said that there was a giant python in the depths of the Satan Basin, his eyes were full of horror. I guess it can't be fake, at least there is The seventh floor is true."

After all, Xiaohua has been in the Rakshasa for a few years, and she still has a little ability to perceive words and emotions. Although the crazy old man who escaped from the mouth of the giant python often screamed madly, he was disgusted by the whole village.

But because of this, she thinks the news is reliable.

The crazy old man's crazy performance is very consistent with the current situation of experiencing great fear and being frightened.

Occasionally regain a little sanity, and if you speak normally, the chance of being true is as high as 100%.

"Sister Hua, if you believe in the crazy old man, I am willing to accompany you in."

Erhu is usually a bit out of tune, but when it comes to serious matters, he will become very serious. Regardless of whether this matter is true or not, since they have the news, they have to go in to find out.

Otherwise, report the news directly. Once the superiors send people over and find nothing by then, they will die miserably.

Rather than being killed, it is better to venture in and try.

In case there is something really good in it!
If they successfully collect them back, they will definitely be rewarded and receive a sum of cultivation resources, which can be used to improve their cultivation.

As for directly taking the collected elixir or exotic fruit?

Xiao Hua, Er Hu, Liu Honghong, Qian Buyi and Da Zhong didn't even dare to think about it.

Because, taking the elixir without authorization is easy to be found out, and then they will be sent to the uninterrupted purgatory of the Rakshasa Sect, receiving the cruelest punishment in history, and very few people can come out alive.

"Sister Hua, I don't think it's necessary to go in personally. You can pay some villagers to go in and check on our behalf."

Money weighing more than [-] catties is not easy to be particularly hesitant. Hearing that there is a giant python in the depths of the rainforest in the Satan Basin, he dared not venture in to check it out.

the reason is simple.

That is, when encountering a giant python, he must not be able to run away from others. More than 300 catties of meat are enough to feed a giant python and increase the chances of escape for teammates.

Money is not easy, as long as you follow in, after an accident, the probability of being abandoned is as high as 100%.

"Ayi, spending money to invite villagers to explore is tantamount to asking them to die. The nearby villagers are all ordinary people. Even if they have been in the rainforest all year round and their skills are stronger than ordinary people, in our eyes, it is still not enough. I do not recommend spending money to hire people. .”

Da Zhong seldom speaks.

However, once he speaks, he will go all the way to the dark and will not change his position easily.

Stubborn as a cow.

"There is support, there is opposition, why don't we vote?"

After finishing speaking, Xiaohua directly raised her hand to express her position.

Two Tigers and Big Bell followed closely behind.

Liu Honghong hesitated for a moment, then raised a hand.

Only Qian Buyi's face turned red, and he refused to raise his hand when he said anything.

"Four to one."

Xiaohua lost one glance, smiled and said: "That's it, we'll make preparations tonight and leave early tomorrow morning."

"Sister Hua, can I not go?"

Qian Buyi asked cautiously.

"What do you say?"

The corner of Xiao Hua's mouth slightly raised, revealing a sneer.

Others can not go, but money is not easy.

Without him!

Just because this guy’s 300 catties of meat is a very good human shield. When you meet lions and tigers, you can make money not easy to bear. It increases their chances of escape.

No matter what, Xiaohua will not let Qiandi stay here.

Don't blame her for being indifferent.

If you want to blame it, you can blame the fierce competition of the Rakshasa Sect.

If she wants to climb better, get more resources and high-quality exercises, she must learn to be ruthless. With a human shield like Qian Buyi, even if she doesn't cheat, she will be cheated to death by the captain if she goes to other places in the future.

Rakshasa is a place where people eat people.

If Xiaohua doesn't cheat others, others will cheat her, and there is basically no friendship to talk about.

Regarding this, Erhu, Dazhong and Liu Honghong were already familiar with it. They gave Qian Buyi a sympathetic look, got up and walked out.

"Ayi, don't be so scared. I won't leave my teammates behind so easily. I will do my best to ensure everyone's safety. Let's go back and rest first!"

Xiaohua can be indifferent and cruel, but the premise is that the situation is critical. Now the giant python doesn't know if there is any, so there is no need to be a villain in advance, and simply appease the fat man who is afraid of death.

She went to the window and found that the moon was covered by dark clouds, and her mood became very bad.

"When will the damn tropical rainy season end?"

Xiaohua couldn't help sighing.

I have been in Borneo for more than a month, and there have been few sunny days, either raining or brewing rain.

The gloomy weather has cast a layer of cloud over everyone here!
"I hope tomorrow will be smooth and smooth, and don't encounter a giant python, or I will be finished."

This is the first time for her to lead a team. If she finds the treasures of heaven and earth, it’s okay to lose some people. If she can’t find anything, her subordinates will sacrifice, and she will definitely be thrown into limbo. and exercises.

Therefore, she is very concerned about tomorrow's expedition...

 Thank you Brother Frostwolf for still rewarding 4 book coins! \(^o^)/~
(End of this chapter)

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