American comics started from Hong Kong movies

Chapter 194 Kill with one eye, destroy the world with one eye

Chapter 194

"Ding, kill Wen Sen, the international robber, and reward 650 points of merit!"

"Ding, kill the international robber Mike, reward 670 points of merit!"

"Ding, kill Chen Dawen, the international running dog, and reward 580 points of merit!"


It was half past five in the morning.

The international robbers whose souls were controlled by Mie Shi Mo Tong turned their guns around, stuffed the muzzle into their mouths, and swallowed the gun to commit suicide.

Fortunately, Zhao Nanshan turned off the mission notification sound early, otherwise his head would definitely be disturbed by the continuous sound notification, making his brain ache.

At this moment, there were as many as 113 robbers who committed suicide.

They were all the robbers controlled by Zhao Nanshan in the afternoon when he used the magic eye of Mieshi.

Among them, 81 people are the targets of eliminating evil, and the average karma value is as high as 120 points, double that is 240 points.

240 multiplied by 81 is equal to 19440, which is 19440 points in exchange for success.

The remaining 32 international robbers are people with karma below 60 who have just joined the McDonald gang.

These people have an average karma of 46 points.

Because there is no double reward, as much as 32 multiplied by 46, you will get as much merit.


Host: Zhao Nanshan
Realm: Early stage of Longmen Realm
Innate supernatural powers: fetal transformation, super self-healing, world-destroying magic pupil

Exercise: "Jiuyang Zhenjing"

Martial arts: "Five Sacred Fist", "Spiral Nine Shadows"

Attendants: Bo Zi, Long Jiu
Merit: 105942
Zhao Nanshan obtained 20912 points of merit by killing McDonald's soldiers with Mie Shi Mo Tong.

However, killing more than 100 people in an instant did not solve all the terrorists except McDonald and Ah Kim, and it is inevitable that some people will be caught.

Zhao Nanshan didn't dare to pretend to be a robber who was not on the evil list, for fear of killing the wrong good person.

Of course, the number of people must not be many, at most a dozen people.

With Lin Guiren, Ling Zuer, Gao Da, Wu Xiaofeng and others who escorted the guests out of the casino, it would be no problem to deal with a dozen minion soldiers.

After all, the main force of the McDonnell criminal gang has been dealt with by Zhao Nanshan. Even if the new gangsters have a few out-of-the-ordinary masters, they cannot be Lin Guiren and Gundam's opponents.

That is to say...

Zhao Nanshan only needs to solve the mutant Kim, the robber leader McDonald, and Mrs. Viper.

The crisis on Fugui Pill will be declared over.

The three of them are big dogs, each with more karma than the other, especially Mrs. Viper who stayed in the casino and never left.

"A'nan, this monster's breath is quite strong, and it can barely practice. Let me meet him, and you deal with the other two."

Cheng Xiaonan said eagerly.

Before, because there were many people in the casino, it was inconvenient to do anything for fear of harming innocent people.

At this moment, Ren has been escorted out by Gundam and Xiaofeng.

She has nothing to worry about.

"Okay, be careful."

Zhao Nanshan agreed very readily. It is true that Kim has a violent aura, and it is true that he is not easy to provoke at first glance, but the second sister is not an ordinary person, but a heroine who can compete with the last father-in-law who possesses special skills. Mutants can't win.

It is also impossible for her to be called the Three Heroes of the East with Yang Jianhua and Zhou Dongdong.

"calm down!"

Cheng Xiaonan smiled sweetly.

In the next instant, the breath on his body changed suddenly, from a gentle young lady to a cold and hot Chen Qi.


Kim, who turned into a humanoid beast, didn't like Chen Qi's glamorous aura very much, so he even took the initiative to attack, and rushed towards him with all his teeth and claws.

"Clumsy monster."

Cheng Xiaonan didn't even perform Lingbo micro-steps, but just swayed his body casually, calmly avoiding Kim's violent collision, and at the same time raised his white and flawless palm, and struck out a water-blue palm.

The palm print was on Kim's back, and there was an explosion like a gunshot, blasting out several pieces of flesh covered with long hairs.

If these minced meat were sold in the market, others would definitely think it was wild boar meat, and they would not look human at all.

Hair, black and long.


Ah Kim let out a shrill howl, his eyes were instantly bloodshot, and he attacked Cheng Xiaonan ferociously.

The speed was actually a bit faster than before.

The violent breath on his body also became more and more terrifying.

He is like a wild wild boar, the more serious the injury, the more dangerous, not only fierce, but also growing in strength.

However, the more this happened, the more excited Cheng Xiaonan became.

Like a hunter who has run into his prey!
"Yes, it's interesting!"

With a trick to test out Kim's characteristics of getting more and more injured, Cheng Xiaonan's eyes showed a gleam of joy, like a little girl meeting a new toy.

That's right!

Kim, a beast mutant, is just a toy in her eyes.

Not even an enemy!
Ah Kim's strength is many times worse than that of a saber-toothed tiger.

In addition to the greater strength, the more frustrated and courageous, the self-healing ability and speed are far inferior to the saber-toothed tiger.

It's just a second-level mutant!
the other side……

Standing side by side with Madam Poisonous Snake, McDonald's stared at Zhao Nanshan, his eyes tearing apart.

"Dr. Green, poison him to death, and I will give you all my wealth."

"how many?"

Mrs. Viper asked.

"8000 million US dollars, [-] kilograms of gold, and a box of jewelry, add up to almost [-] million US dollars."

"Kill him, and it's all yours."

McDonald's has been on the high seas for many years, and has never suffered such a big loss. Not to mention one of his subordinates was killed face-to-face, even Kim, his effective subordinate, was teased by the policeman's woman.

It was the first time he stumbled, and it was so hard that McDonald's heart was full of resentment, wishing to chop Zhao Nanshan into meat paste, eat his flesh and drink his blood.For this, any price can be paid, including ruining the family.

"make a deal."

Mrs. Viper licked her red lips.

After that, he walked slowly towards Zhao Nanshan with enchanting steps.


Zhao Nanshan let out a light breath, and his star-like eyes suddenly shot a ray of red light.

Carrying the supreme power of the gods and incredible power, he entered the body of Mrs. Viper like lightning.

Her footsteps suddenly stopped.

The originally lively, enchanting and charming woman suddenly turned into a wooden figure, standing there without expression.

"Ding, kill Lady Viper's soul with one glance, and reward 33024 points of merit!"

Mrs. Poisonous Snake, who was shot by the killing red light of the Mieshi Motong, had not collapsed to the ground when Zhao Nanshan heard the sound of lifting in his mind.

Reward 33024 points of merit, plus killing the poisonous snake lady, you already have 33024 points of merit, and earn 66048 points of merit in one second.

World-killing demon pupils, killing life with one glance, destroying the world with one glance!
It was much easier to participate in the Rakshasa order handover meeting than his laborious effort.

Exchange for a combat magic power.

Sure enough, it is very useful.

It cost 5600 points of merit to exchange for the Demon Eye of Extinguishing World, and now not only has the cost been recouped, but it has also been doubled by more than ten times.

There is no other investment with such a high return in the world.

"Dr. Green, you..."

Seeing Mrs. Viper standing still, not spraying poison or spraying poison, McDonald couldn't help but stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder lightly.

It's okay if you don't move, it's scary when you move.

Mrs. Viper, who was just alive and well, was lightly touched by his palm, blood spilled from eyes, ear holes, nostrils, and mouth, and her body without strength to support fell to the ground head-on.


McDonald swallowed involuntarily.

So scary.

He had never seen such an unbelievable death.

The little policeman in front of him is definitely not a policeman, but a demon. Only a demon can kill souls with red eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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