Chapter 186 Kiyoko Imamura
Ling Zuer said him.

It was Zhao Nanshan who came after Lin Guiren.

I met Ling Zuer, a beautiful girl in Qingba!
There was a little surprise in Zhao Nanshan's eyes, but there was not much surprise in his heart, and he took it for granted.

The private detective changed to Lin Guiren, and the undercover policeman became himself.

Naturally, Huixiang could also be banned by Ling Zuer.

Anyway, it's all messed up.

"Zuer, long time no see!"

Zhao Nanshan walked to the bar, looked at Ling Zuer and said.

As for Lin Guiren at the side, he was temporarily blocked by him.

When you meet a beautiful woman, it is normal to neglect your brother.

As a prodigal son in love, Lin Guiren understood Zhao Nanshan's approach very well, but he didn't know how to do it, and he would have the urge to strangle the other party to death.

Finally, I met Ling Zuer by chance.

Not to mention being disturbed by others, and not being able to say hello when meeting, it is simply too deceiving!
"Anan, are you interested in going out with me to enjoy the sea breeze?"

Ling Zuer stretched out a hand and invited with a smile.

When Lin Guiren heard this, his eyes immediately turned red.

People and people really can't stand the comparison.

He pursued Ling Zuer for half a month, and created nine unnatural encounters, but he didn't make an appointment once.

Zhao Nanshan just met once by chance, not to mention being favored by Zuer, and now he is invited by Zuer. Jealousy is really easy to drive people crazy, and he wants to die now.

"I look graceful, chic and suave, but Anan looks so frustrated and young! Why does Zuer fall in love with him and not me?"

Lin Guiren thought full of resentment.

There must be something wrong with Ling Zuer's eyes, she doesn't like a handsome guy like him, but Xixi is a young, unreliable little policeman.

"of course."

Zhao Nanshan held Ling Zuer's hand.

Walk out of Qingba side by side with each other.

As for finding an alliance with Lin Guiren to deal with international robbers, he had long forgotten about it.

"never mind!"

"I have nothing to do with Zu'er, let's be more realistic and spend more time finding someone!"

Lin Guiren spread his hands.

Pursuing Ling Zuer is hopeless, since I can't grasp love, I can only pursue bread.

He is now taking over the tracing business, and the remuneration is very high.

The target is "Kyoko Imamura", the daughter of the Japanese newspaper tycoon Imamura. Dissatisfied with the young stepmother her father found, she ran away from home. In order to prevent her daughter from having an accident, Imamura hired Lin Guiren to find her daughter Kiyoko with a high salary of 80 US dollars.

Finish this business.

He hasn't had to take orders for several years.


The sea breeze is blowing, refreshing for a summer.

Facing the sea breeze and listening to the waves, Ling Zuer, whose three thousand blue silks dance with the wind and fluttering dress, is like a fairy in a painting, so beautiful.

Standing aside, Zhao Nanshan supported the verandah with both hands, and said in astonishment: "Zu'er, I didn't expect that when I was mistaken, you turned out to be a congenital master, and you are deeply hidden!"

"No matter how deep I hide, I still can't be seen through by you at a glance?"

Ling Zuer's beautiful eyes flowed, shining like stars, and her eyes were particularly clear.

However, compared to Zhao Nanshan's Mie Shi Mo pupil, it was several grades worse. As long as she stared at Zhao Nanshan's eyes for more than three seconds, her cheeks would involuntarily turn red.

The heart will also become agitated uncontrollably.

Therefore, when Ling Zuer spoke, she would deliberately avoid Zhao Nanshan and dare not look at him.

"Zoo'er, you told Ah Ren earlier that I am the man you were destined to be, is it true or not?"

Zhao Nanshan said expectantly.

"True or false, false or true, if I tell you the truth, you may not believe it, so why bother to ask the bottom line?"

Ling Zuer replied very literaryly.

Because she hasn't figured out what she likes, even though she admires Zhao Nanshan very much, she can even be fascinated by the other person's eyes, and feel shy and shy.

But she has never loved men since she was a child.

I only like women who are pure in heart and heroic.

Joey has a crush on her heart.

That person was Cheng Xiaodong who saved her life five years ago.



No. 3, 101th floor.

Yang Qian'er waited for a while, but when Zhao Nanshan came back, she said impatiently: "Sister Xiaonan, Anan is going to talk to friends, it may take a long time, why don't you let Xiaofeng stay and wait for them, let's go to the swimming pool first how?"

"Go ahead, I don't like swimming."

Cheng Xiaonan shook his head.

It's not that she doesn't like swimming, but she doesn't like swimming in bikinis in public.

Don't look at her as Chen Qi, hot and sexy, she often shows her legs, but not a lot, only about ten centimeters above her knees.

Usually, she is still very conservative.

Asking her to take off her clothes in public and go into the water in a bikini felt like stripping her naked, and she was full of resistance.

The three sisters of the Cheng family are the third, and they have a more unrestrained personality.

Don't care about these problems.

"Okay, then I'm going out to play."

Yang Qian'er came to Fugui Wan just to relax.

I don't want to waste time in my room.

Cheng Xiaonan didn't want to accompany her, Xiaofeng had a mission and was not suitable to go to the swimming pool, so he had to leave alone.

But when she opened the door, her desire to play was instantly lost.

Because, she saw a man walking towards suite 105 with a girl in white in his arms.


Yang Qian'er suddenly scolded.

"Sister, help. He wants to molested me, help!"

The girl in white who was grabbed by her hands pitifully begged for help when she saw Yang Qian'er as if she had seen a savior.

"It's unreasonable, how dare you rob a girl in broad daylight!"

Yang Qian'er, who was full of anger, burst out with super potential, her palms transformed into a palm shadow, and she rushed to attack the bold man.

"Aiyou, it's actually Tianshan Liuyang Palm, a member of the Xiaoyao sect. It's such a move that the sun is setting and the road is going to be bright in the evening. It's really fierce and vigorous."

The bold man said with a frivolous face, letting the shadows of his palms fall on him.

puff puff~~
Fart-like slapping sounds continuously exploded in the man's chest.

The thunderous sound and the little rain attack are like a small fist hitting your chest.


Cheng Xiaonan, who walked out of the room upon hearing the sound, immediately burst out laughing.

Wu Xiaofeng didn't smile, but it was very hard to hold back.

Yang Qian'er's attack is very fancy, but it's a pity that her cultivation is not top-notch, and she barely hits Tianshan Liuyang Palm, but it can only seriously injure ordinary people, and third-rate fighters are fine after a few hits.

Not to mention, kidnapping the beautiful 'girl' Lin Guiren in broad daylight.

"Miss Xiaonan, what are you laughing at, why don't you hurry up and help?"

Yang Qian'er's pretty face blushed, and she shouted in embarrassment.

I accidentally hit the Tianshan Liuyang Palm just now, thinking that I could easily knock down the enemy, but I didn't expect my palm shadow to be so useless, not only did not knock down the enemy, but also made a sound like farting.

She almost died of embarrassment!


Cheng Xiaonan smiled as he walked: "Qian'er, you, just now, haha...too funny! Haha...let me speak slowly..."

Laughed for a long time.

Cheng Xiaonan came over just now, and explained: "Qian'er, you misunderstood. He is Lin Guiren, a private detective, not a daring villain. Although he has a romantic nature, he won't do things like spoil girls. "

"Chen Qi, Lin is lucky to receive your praise. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Lin Guiren stretched out a hand very coolly.

The other hand was used to detain the disobedient Kiyoko Imamura to prevent the little girl from sneaking away.

(End of this chapter)

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