American comics started from Hong Kong movies

Chapter 14 (False) Super Soldier Serum

Chapter 14 (False) Super Soldier Serum

"Fourth, do you have any trustworthy masters under your command?"

Huang Quan complained, and said seriously: "The new type of washing powder is about to be successfully developed. Prisoners who test the drug will easily get over-excited and lose their minds after taking the semi-finished product. And the poppies in the forbidden area are about to ripen. We can't let these Rats are allowed to sabotage, so as not to cause unnecessary losses.”

"What kind of master?"

There are more than 700 people in Beicang where Ah Hai sits, and there are many gang thugs in them. These people can fight a few times. Although most of them are third-rate warriors, or even not warriors, it should not be a problem to suppress the overexcited mice. .

After all, the mice kept in the forbidden area to test drugs are all drug addicts.

Most of the drug addicts poisoned by washing powder are ordinary prisoners. They have been poisoned by washing powder all year round, and their strength is not as good as that of high school students.

"At least you must have the strength of the acquired fifth level, and it is best to be a first-class martial artist with the acquired sixth level or higher. The new type of washing powder that has been tested recently will not only make people excited after eating, but also increase people's strength. At most, it can increase twice as much. The master takes this matter very seriously."

The washing powder refining factory in the forbidden area of ​​Xicang accidentally produced something that can increase strength. Although it is very harmful after taking it, it basically does not live for a few days, but no matter how harmful it is, it is still priceless in the eyes of interested people .

Because, this thing already has a few traces of super serum. The US emperor on the other side of the ocean had researched it half a century ago, and successfully explored the serum formula, turning a scrawny American soldier into a muscular super soldier. .

However, the formula was improperly preserved and was destroyed by hidden Hydra agents, and the last tube of serum was taken away.

Unfortunately, the last tube of super soldier serum was also smashed in the chase!

From then on, no one knew about the formula of the super soldier serum. Countless people wanted to restore the formula. Now, more than half a century has passed, and no one has successfully recovered it...

The semi-finished product of a new type of washing powder developed by Kokubun Prison has the effect of a defective super soldier serum. The warden, who was on vacation in Hawaii, paid great attention to the news and kept telling Huang Quan to be optimistic about the formula.

Now the semi-finished product named 'N3' is extremely harmful, and the strength increase is only one to two times, the effect is not very ideal.

However, as long as we continue to research and optimize and increase the effect of the increase by more than three times, no matter how many side effects there are afterwards, there will be a large number of forces to buy, especially gangs or families engaged in underground industries.

Because, taking a strength-enhancing potion can turn an ordinary boy into a third-rate warrior, even if it is just a parallel warrior, it can be of great help at a certain time.

After all, those who have achieved success in martial arts are only a minority.

"Things that can be valued by the owner must be good things, and it is true that you can't be sloppy."

Ah Hai nodded solemnly.

The names of the Four Heavenly Kings are very bluffing in Kokubun Prison. In fact, they are just four useful subordinates in front of the warden, just like four watchdogs.

Dogs can use people's power to stir up wind and rain in prisons, and they are majestic.

However, in front of the warden, they must be loyal dogs.

That's why they called the Warden 'Master'.

"Third brother, Ah Wu under my command is pretty good. His cultivation is at the eighth level of the day after tomorrow. He can do anything for money. It's very useful. I can lend him to you temporarily."

Dongcang Tianwang Taishan said.

The Ah Wu in his mouth is a desperado who was imprisoned for beating a lawyer to death by mistake. He studied under Nai Ba, a master of Muay Thai in Thailand.

Ah Wu's sentence was only six years, which was less than ten years, so he was imprisoned in Dongcang. After only half a month, he successfully became the team leader and entered the eyes of Tianwang Taishan.

"Taishan, did you make a mistake that you need to pay your subordinates to do things?"

Nancang Tianwang Baishen said in astonishment.

"I can't help it. Ah Wu is a bastard who loves money like his life. His mantra is to add money and give him a small profit. It is worthwhile to let him do things faithfully."

Don't look at Taishan's huge size, like a muscular man without a brain, and sometimes he is even more stubborn in doing things, but these are all his appearance and persistence, and he is usually very shrewd.

Since Ah Wu loves money like his life, then do things for the money, let it become a gun in his hand, and shoot wherever he points.

Facts have proved that this person is really easy to use!
"As long as you do your job, it's okay to give a little money. It's just Ah Wu alone, and it may be difficult to suppress any emergencies."

What Huangquan lacks now is people. Forbidden washing powder factory, experiments are becoming more and more frequent. It needs some masters to sit in and deal with emergencies for themselves.

After all, she is the Heavenly King of Xicang, so she cannot stay in the forbidden area for a long time.

Otherwise, he would not be tempted to win over Zhao Nanshan. Only the Xiantian Grandmaster is in charge, and everything can be dealt with. If Zhao Nanshan is not at ease, there is no need to find someone to borrow troops.

"Third brother, isn't your newly recognized brother-in-law a guru? Just ask him to sit in the forbidden area. I know you don't trust him, but trust takes a long time to cultivate. I think you definitely don't have the time, so it's better to be more direct."

Baishen didn't say a word to Huang Quan, and recognized a little boy with a handsome face as his righteous brother. He felt a little angry in his heart and felt very uncomfortable.

Because, he has thoughts about Huang Quan and has always wanted to pursue him.

It's a pity that Huang Quan thought he was ugly and refused to agree to Bai Shen.After a long time, I will give up.

But it's all about giving up, but seeing someone you like deliberately getting close to the little boy, I'm still very annoyed.

That's why Baishen suggested that Huang Quan send Zhao Nanshan directly to the forbidden area. Once the other party came into contact with the core secrets of the prison and was unwilling to join them, then he could kill Zhao Nanshan without any excuses.

"Third brother, I think what the second child said is right. Trust can be cultivated slowly, but work can't be sloppy. Since the washing powder factory needs masters, you don't need to be stubborn. You must wait for who you trust, and then lead that person." Go to the forbidden place."

Taishan's idea is very simple, first take the person to the forbidden area, if he refuses to work for the team, then kill him directly.

There is no need to play feelings and trust with each other.

He also didn't believe that a femme fatale like Huang Quan would really like someone.

"Third sister, special circumstances are treated specially. I also think it's right to let someone directly sit in the forbidden area..."

Ah Hai followed suit.

The four of them manage the four warehouses. It looks very majestic and relaxed. In fact, there are many things to do, the most important thing is to mediate conflicts to avoid large-scale bloodshed.

Staying in a depressive prison for a long time, the prisoners will become extremely irritable, and when irritable people stay together, conflicts will easily occur.

Especially in Nancang and Beicang where felons are detained, there are fights every day, and injuries are basically commonplace.

Dongcangguan has the most prisoners, and the incident is no small matter.

If you really think about it, Huang Quan is more free. There are not many prisoners in Xicang, so we can maintain order by arranging a few team leaders.

"I'll think about it again."

Huang Quan was still a little worried.

Zhao Nanshan felt very mysterious to her. Although he killed three prisoners in less than two days in prison, so decisively, the chance of the police undercover is very small, but it is not impossible...

(End of this chapter)

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