American comics started from Hong Kong movies

Chapter 111 Brother Hua and the Bomb

Chapter 111 Brother Hua and the Bomb

The roof, the roof.

Feifei, who was wearing a long black silk dress, stroked her long wind-blown hair, looking sexy and charming.

She looked at the doctor tenderly, glanced at the trembling downstairs, and said, "Brother Hua, this place is at least 300 meters above the ground, and if you are not careful, you will be smashed into meat. We really need to change into flying squirrel suits to jump!" go down?"

"Don't worry, let's see the night scene first!"

The doctor smiled and motioned Feifei to sit down.

The doctor's real name is Wang Hua, and only two people on Hong Kong Island know it.

One is Feifei in front of her, the doctor's girlfriend.

The second is the rabbit who just died, the doctor's brother 'Wang Nong'.

Brothers Wang Hua and Wang Nong came from the mainland. They both joined the army in their early years. They were good at making bombs. road.

"Feifei, these years I have robbed, kidnapped and extorted, killed many innocent people against my will, do you regret it?"

The doctor lit a cigarette and looked directly into Feifei's eyes with regret on his brow.

"Brother Hua, as long as I can follow you, no matter what I do, I will not regret it!"

Feifei replied stupidly.

Her feelings for the doctor are like Harley Quinn's feelings for the clown. She is willing to blacken for the other party, willing to kill for the other party, and willing to do anything for the other party!
And, never regret it!

The doctor said solemnly: "If I let you change your mind and become an ordinary person from seven to six, or use your savings to open a small shop, and do good deeds to atone for your sins when you have time, are you willing to do it?"

"I am willing."

Feifei still didn't hesitate.

Because, her love for doctors has already penetrated into the bone marrow!

Just a little weird, doctor tonight, something seems wrong?
Could it be that he was caught off guard by the police, afraid that one day he would miss and die without a whole body?

However, there is more joy in my heart.

Feifei is not a villain herself, she just fell in love with the doctor somehow, and then embarked on the road of crime.

Everything you do is for your lover.

For this reason, she was already prepared to die in Huangquan and die young.


Zhao Nanshan, who turned into a doctor, was overjoyed.

He used the supernatural power of "transformation of fetus into shape" and turned into a doctor because the female thug did not look like a poisonous woman. Be kind.

After all, killing is not the only way.

Unexpectedly, there is actually a play!

"Of course, my love for you, you still don't understand?"

Feifei nestled in the doctor's arms, with a hint of resentment in her infatuation: "In these years, I have kidnapped and extorted people, murdered and set fires for you. ?”

"Feifei, if I'm not a doctor..."

"Don't say it!"

Feifei covered Zhao Nanshan's mouth with her hand.

But sat up straight and stared at him.

I don't know how long it was silent.

Feifei snuggled into his arms again, and murmured: "No matter who you are, in front of me, you can only be Brother Hua! As long as you stay like this, you can order me to do anything, don't break my last thoughts."

"Because, I have lost everything, and I can't lose Brother Hua again."

"At the age of 16, my father was framed and lost his shares in the company, which led to the bankruptcy of the family. Unable to bear the pressure, he committed suicide by jumping off the building."

"After half a year, my mother was overwhelmed and left me, married an overseas Chinese, and went to another country."

"Since then, I became an orphan. I dropped out of school and became a beer girl. I worked for five years. I suffered a lot and suffered a lot."

"It wasn't until I met Brother Hua three years ago that my life improved. From a weak girl who was bullied to a sister Fei who no one dared to bully. Although I have been committing crimes these years, my life outside of crimes is The happiest, happiest day of my life."

"It doesn't matter who you are, don't tell me..."

Feeling the weakness and helplessness of the beautiful woman in his arms, Zhao Nanshan fell into a dilemma.

It is easy to take on the appearance of others, let Feifei change her past, abandon evil and do good, always feel that she is deceiving herself and others.

He didn't know whether such persuasion could really change a person.

But everything has to be tried!
If a blind cat encounters a dead mouse, can it really lead people to be good?
"Feifei, when did you realize I was fake?"

Zhao Nanshan asked.

"From the moment you persuaded me to be kind, I had doubts in my heart. I didn't dare to be sure that you were fake until you wanted to admit it."

Speaking of this, Feifei changed the subject and said solemnly: "Although I don't know how you changed, and even I can't tell the truth from the fake, but since you have been lied to, please continue to lie."

"Because, this is my last thought, and it is also the support for living. If you feel too tired and unwilling to do this, then please kill me, so that I can go down and chase Brother Hua, and go to hell with Brother Hua."

"I promise you. From now on, I will be a doctor in front of you."

Zhao Nanshan agreed to Feifei, not because he wanted to take advantage, but because he wanted to test whether this method could lead people to be good and complete the task of eradicating evil issued by the system.

If it works.

From now on, you can paint a tiger like a cat, and redeem the villains one by one.

This way, it sounds unbelievable.

In fact, psychiatrists have a kind of "empathy therapy", which transfers the person that the patient thinks about day and night into others, or the psychiatrist himself, through psychological suggestion.

The patient regards the psychiatrist as a lover, no pain, and lives in the most comfortable and happiest state chosen for him by his subconscious mind.

It's not therapy, it's avoidance.

Because of psychological hints, it is never possible to change a person into another person, but if the patient is not blind, he will not really regard others as the lover he misses day and night.

However, Zhao Nanshan's innate supernatural powers can really transform him into another person.

Like a dead person reborn.

So Zhao Nanshan can do this. Feifei knows that she is a fake, but she still doesn't let him say it, but she can't tell the truth from the fake.

Therefore, Feifei is not an escape!

The supernatural power of transforming into a shape is copied from Mystique and optimized into a supernatural power, one of the 36 transformations of Tiangang.

It can be completely faked.

"Brother Hua, you are a policeman now, what do you want me to do?"

Feifei held the 'doctor' arm affectionately, like a rejuvenated little girl, and said playfully, "Should I be turned into a tainted witness, or let me hide, or arrest me and go to jail?"

"Tell me first where the bomb is hidden?"

Zhao Nanshan, who was wearing a doctor's vest, asked.

"The bombs are hidden in the ceilings of the three guest rooms on the 74th floor. There are a total of 32 liquid bombs. They must not be dismantled by force. Hard dismantling is easy to explode. The main line must be cut to dismantle them."

"Also, the main line of the liquid bomb made by Brother Hua is not the red or blue line, but the metal behind the red line. If you cut it wrong, it will explode immediately. Since the bombs are not far apart, if one bomb explodes, all the bombs will explode..."

Hearing Feifei's words, Zhao Nanshan's heart tightened.


He actually forgot the bomb made by the doctor. Unlike conventional liquid bombs, the main wire is not the two wires in the control center, but the metal wire invented by the doctor!

Bomb disposal expert.

Be sure to slow down and wait for me to go down.

Otherwise, when the bomb explodes, there will be countless casualties, and the consequences will be disastrous!
 ps: Thank you for the reward of 100 book coins for 'Long Hair and Waist Kacha One Knife'!Thanks to everyone who voted!

(End of this chapter)

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