entertainment teacher

Chapter 97 Rewards

Chapter 97 Rewards
When Fang Jie and Fatty woke up again, they had already returned to the gate of life.

"This is?" Fang Jie rubbed his head.

"Congratulations, you have completed the test." Heiqiu's serious voice shook Fang Jie's confused head.

Fang Jie pushed the fat man who was still snoring.

"Eh? Is it dawn?" The fat man rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"Where is this?"

"We're back." Fang Jie touched the smooth skin on his wrist without any scars. It seemed that everything in the desert was not real.

"Back?" Fatty sat up in surprise and looked at everything around him.

In the desert, I really thought I was going to die.

"You are very good." The black ball flew in front of Fang Jie: "This is a reward for you."

An essence burning with black flames flew out of Sun Zhuzhao's body, and flew straight into Fang Jie's brow.

"Then what about me?" The fat man looked greedily at Fang Jie who had benefited. He has rewards, so what about mine?
"Hmph!" Black Ball snorted disdainfully, flung out a flame, and attached itself to Fatty's body.

"You have spent five days in the desert world, that is to say, you still have 25 days in the Bamen Dunjia Realm." Black Ball said.

"Yes." Fang Jie nodded respectfully.

Seeing Fang Jie nodding, the sun candle shook up and down in satisfaction, and then disappeared into the hall of Shengmen.

"We stayed in the desert for five days?" Fatty felt the filling of energy and blood in his body. It felt like he had eaten and drank enough, and his whole body was warm.

Fang Jie took out his mobile phone. It was October [-], [-], and it was the [-]th when he came in. Indeed, five days had passed.

"Pass the test of the sun's candlelight and obtain the pole of yang."

"The Pole of Yang: The Basic Material of Taiji Yin-Yang Fish."

"Passing the test of the sun's candlelight, the energy and blood will be doubled permanently."

After Fang Jie digested the black essence given by the sun candle, the energy and blood in his body increased sharply. With the five martial seals in his body, plus this permanently enhanced double energy and blood power, the energy and blood in his body turned upside down. 32 times that of the middle section of the third grade.

According to the rule of doubling the qi and blood with each level up, the qi and blood power in Fang Xie's body is already equivalent to that of a martial artist at the lower level of the fifth level, that is to say, he can pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger better.

"By the way, how did we get out?" Fatty asked curiously. He remembered that he was thinking about his sister at the end, and passed out after thinking about it.

Fang Jie rolled his eyes and told what the fat man wanted to know.

Fang Jie, who lost his luggage, lifted the fat man up.

"Damn fat man, I told you not to eat so much! I still don't believe it, I'm as heavy as a pig now." Fang Jie complained, put one of the fat man's hands on his shoulder, and supported the fat man up.

"Blame... Blame me!" Fatty was moved in his heart, but refused to admit defeat.

"Bitter sand, it hurts my face!" For some reason, Fang Jie suddenly sang.

"Like my father's scolding and my mother's crying, I will never forget it."

"When I was young, I liked being alone by the sea."

The hoarse voice combined with the whistling wind of the boundless sand sea has a special feeling.

The fat man quietly listened to his brother step by step and lead him forward.

A hoarse but exciting singing voice came from my ears.

"He said that in the wind and rain...this pain is nothing..."

"Wipe away your tears...don't ask...why!"

Fang Xie's voice gradually decreased.

"He says…"

"What's the pain in the wind and rain!" The fat man put Fang Jie's hand on his shoulder as well, and the two supported each other.

"Wipe your tears, don't be afraid!"

"At least we still have dreams!"

Fang Jie looked at the fat man's firm eyes, and nodded equally firmly.

An orange light shone on the two of them, and a flickering halo appeared under their feet.

"Congratulations to the host for comprehending the evil battle song full of positive energy!" Just when Fang Jie was wondering what it was, a systematic voice sounded in his mind.

"System?" Fang Jie hurriedly asked as if he had found a life-saving straw.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no response.


Fang Jie was speechless.

I want, what is the use of this system? !

I want, what's the use of this tip? !

Fang Jie and Fatty supported each other like this, sang the song "Sailor" full of positive energy in the desert, and walked towards a direction he didn't know step by step.

These two guys themselves don't know how far they have come.

Anyway, the fat man fell straight into the sand as he walked.

Even Fang Jie was arrested together.

"Fuck, what's wrong with you, fat man?" Fang Jie hurriedly struggled to dig the fat man out of the sand.

Looking at the fat man who fainted, Fang Xie felt helpless.

But I never gave up my desire to survive.

So, in the end, after dragging the fat man away for an unknown amount of time, he found an oasis and completed the test.

This story tells us that if it is not necessary, don't take a fat man to the wild to survive, run, can't run, eat, eat a lot, and be as lazy as a pig.

"Okay, let's go to Fuxi's Mausoleum first!" Fatty frowned, not wanting to listen to Fang Jie's complaints anymore, and casually recruited another dead ghost.

The ghost in front of him didn't know where he died.

Slowly open the gate not far away. This is a jade gate with a height of about ten meters. In other words, if you have no money, it is not bad to come to Fuxi Mausoleum to steal some jade and sell it!

The dead ghost was manipulated by the fat man and walked in.

After a few breaths, the fat man walked in with Fang Xie after he felt that there was no danger.

The moment he walked in, Fang Jie clearly felt a darkness in front of him.

With the recovery of vision in front of him, the Milky Way suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

As if within a short distance, the entire Milky Way, and even the entire universe seemed to appear in front of his eyes, and in the sky not far from him, countless stars shone with their own light.

Just like in my memory, on the lawn outside my grandmother's house, I can stay on the lawn at night and look at the sky and stars.

Fang Xie could feel his tattoos beating for a while, and the movement of Qi and blood was also speeding up.

This is probably the starry sky that Ji Xi was talking about.

It really is a good place.

Just when Fatty and Fang Jie were indulging in the shock of the starry sky, a pair of blood-red eyes suddenly opened in the shadows, not human eyes, full of bloody breath, staring at Fatty and Fang Jie.

The compass in the fat man's hand suddenly vibrated, pointing to where the red eyes were.

The dead ghost also unknowingly walked in front of the two of them.

"Fang Jie!" The fat man patted the obsessed Fang Jie, and pointed to something wrong with his finger.

Fang Xie nodded in understanding.

 Exam in two days
  It can only be updated once a day, and I found it very decadent
  The more I write, the less I am in the state. I want to find the motivation to start writing a book.

(End of this chapter)

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