entertainment teacher

Chapter 63 The King

Chapter 63 The King
When the group was brought back to the military area by the helicopter that came to support them.

Fang Jie left the military area alone, while Deng Han took Fang Xie's daughter and apprentice with him to the urban area of ​​D City, because after they were brought back by helicopter, they got a message from the military area.

Awakening of the ancient dragon.

Once the front line is lost, the defense line will retreat to D city, and a new defense line will be established around D city.

The west of Huaxia is all mountainous. A huge crack canyon separates the east and west. The west is a plateau. If the plateau wants to invade the east, it must pass through the only entrance: D City.

In other words, the purpose of D City's initial establishment was to guard the monsters in the west.


The monks on Kunlun Mountain felt a huge aura coming from the bottom of the mountain, and then the whole world began to shake.

Like an earth dragon lying on its body, a considerable earthquake occurred in the entire Kunlun Mountains and even the entire western part of China.

"This is this?" The head of Kunlun asked in surprise.

"Quickly organize the disciples to evacuate from Kunlun Mountain!"

"Yes, Master!"

Just when Kunlun disciples evacuated Kunlun Mountain.

Kunlun Mountain was directly lifted up by a huge dragon head.

The hunchback has a carp-like scaly neck and a snake-like neck. It has cow ears, rabbit eyes and devil horns. Yes, unlike the Chinese dragon, this huge dragon head has a pair of devil horns.

The [-]-meter-high dragon head directly lifted the Kunlun Mountains that were pressing on its head, and the entire Kunlun Mountains fell straight to the side. The eyes of the dragon head stood up, and a huge energy ball shot out from its mouth. The Kunlun Mountains that had not yet fallen were directly blown to pieces.


It seemed that the loud noise of the heaven and earth shaking resounded throughout the west, and a mushroom cloud with a radius of one kilometer was formed directly on the original place of Kunlun Mountain.

The storm of the explosion directly spread to D City, which is thousands of miles away. It seemed that an earthquake had occurred in the entire western part.

The entire western region looks like the end of the world is coming.

In a terrifying trench in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

A behemoth sensed a breath from the blood, and slowly opened its eyes. Within a thousand miles of the center of the behemoth, all creatures surrendered to the bottom of the sea tremblingly, not daring to move. Within a thousand miles of the ocean, Not a single living creature could be seen.

Earth's core lava field.

A terrifying creature hovering in the magma took a deep breath of magma, sprayed it on its body, and let out a "Jiejie" terrifying laugh.

For a while, all the creatures in the underground fled back to their nests, fearing that the master of the underground would be annoyed and destroy themselves.

above the clouds
A giant dragon made of air sneezed, its transparent eyes were as beautiful as diamonds, and the clouds kept passing through its body, turning over, all the clouds turned black, and the originally clear sky, Instantly it rained cats and dogs.

I looked at Dongfang curiously, and then started to play with the clouds in boredom.


The giant claws protruding from the ground directly shattered the mushroom cloud produced by Kunlun Mountain, and the smoke disappeared completely.

The west, which was originally restored to calm, became quaked again because of the sudden appearance of this giant claw, and then the dragon head roared to the sky.

Two huge wings suddenly emerged from the ground and flapped twice.

The clouds in the entire western sky were directly blown thousands of miles away by the airflow generated by the dragon's wings.


This dragon roar was more shocking than all the previous sounds.

This cry from ancient times directly shocked the entire practitioners who were defending on the sidelines of Sichuan and Shu, and also awakened all the strong people in the entire Huaxia who were practicing in seclusion.

From this dragon roar, the strong defenders on the sideline lost the will to fight. This is simply not a creature that can be confronted by manpower.

"You are not holy and invincible." The head of Kunlun, who was retreating to the sideline of Sichuan and Shu, felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

"But, where can I find a saint?" Yin Tianqi, head of Kunlun, sighed weakly.

There have been traces of saints in S City.

However, all 33 forces have sent people to S City.

But did not get any news.

"Ashamed of the patriarch!" Yin Tianqi said weakly.

Originally, the accusation of Kunlun's existence was to guard this giant dragon, but when it was actually faced with this giant dragon, it was only when they realized how ridiculous the word guarding was.

When the earthquake ended, those who used satellites to observe the Kunlun Mountains on the border of Sichuan and Sichuan gasped.

The entire Kunlun Mountains directly left a huge and incomparably deep pit, and the location of Kunlun Mountains is where the dragon head is.

From the images sent back from satellite observation, it can be seen that the entire ancient dragon is more than 3000 meters long, and the entire dragon head is more than 100 meters high. In front of this ancient dragon, human beings are insignificant and no different from ants.

When the satellite narrowed the distance, people felt a sense of suffocation.

There are countless monsters kneeling around the entire giant dragon.

Those who fly in the sky and those who run on the ground.

Judging from the thermal observation map, there are still monsters rushing over from the north and west of the dragon.

The number can be directly counted in tens of thousands, and they are densely crouched around the dragon.

Ao Long shook the stones on his body, and looked around unhappily. When he was about to wake up, he was directly awakened by a provocative voice, which made Ao Long feel very annoyed.

Following Ao Long's roar of venting his dissatisfaction.

All the monsters knelt on the spot in fright, not daring to make a sound.

Among the monsters, there are many monsters that have broken through the legendary realm, but they still dare not make a sound in front of the ancient dragon. This is the coercion from the blood, so that these monsters in the legendary realm dare not have the idea of ​​​​resistance.

in a castle
The Dongying person who cooperated with the Temple of the King of Heaven before.

At this time, he was kneeling before the throne of the castle.

"Your Majesty, Sasaki has fulfilled his mission." The Dongying man put his left hand on his chest and said respectfully.

"Gu already knows." A female voice came from the throne.

"Although the mission in City S failed, but you were able to wake up Ao Long successfully this time, you should be credited with it." The woman on the throne said coldly.

Although there were only women on the throne, Tony Sasaki couldn't bear any blasphemous thoughts, and obeyed the person on the throne from the bottom of his heart.

In Tony Sasaki's heart, the woman on the throne is God, his belief, and the belief that he will devote his life to.

"How about the American League's plan?" the woman asked softly.

Then a black shadow suddenly appeared.

"Most of the rulers have been controlled, and the rest are nothing to worry about."

"What I want is complete control!" the woman said angrily.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

 Suddenly thought twice a day

  However, how could the author not do what the author promised!
  If you want to recommend something, kill the author!

(End of this chapter)

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