entertainment teacher

Chapter 58 Kunlun

Chapter 58 Kunlun
The breeze gently brushed the faces of the two people who were obsessed with the meaning of the master.

The sun shines through the gaps in the leaves and falls on No. [-] and No. [-]. A group of sparrows flit across the ground and the air, startling some flowers and putting away their petals.

"Who are you two?" An abrupt voice suddenly broke the short-lived peace, waking up the two who had fallen into epiphany from their obsession.

The two looked at each other and sighed again.

It's as if the orgasm was suddenly interrupted by someone, and the feeling of not going up or down is really uncomfortable.

"I really hope to be robbed again." No. [-] suddenly regretted, obviously with a little more time, he would be able to break through, but he was only a short distance away, and he had already reached that level, but was suddenly interrupted.

"Yes, I really hope to be robbed again." No. [-] echoed No. [-]'s words.

Number Eight is a little confused, what happened to these two people?Robbed?Want to be robbed again?
"What's wrong with you?" Number Eight asked incomprehensibly.

"If you weren't my brother, I would definitely kill you." No. [-] said coldly, this kind of supreme state demonstrated by the master is basically impossible to come by.

There are three thousand ways, and the same goal is achieved by different routes. No matter which way the master's preaching is, it is something that can be encountered but not sought after for unconsummated practitioners.

Don’t think that the path above the legend is complete.

Not so, when the ninth seal of rune enlightenment, then the state of mind at this time is particularly important. Above the legend only means that you have achieved some understanding of this way, and you will be more refined than others, it does not mean that you have this way That's it.

Although the martial arts runes of the ninth seal can already become a master, it only means that they can impart their own insights to others. With the deepening of the understanding of the runes of the ninth seal, the cultivation level will gradually increase until it breaks through the legend and reaches the level of a master. On top of the legend.

But still will not reach the state of perfection, the state of perfection, but a sign of holiness.

Therefore, Fang Jie's demonstration of the Sword of Heaven and Earth directly caused the two of them to fall into the comprehension of their respective martial arts, which is the state of epiphany.

To put it bluntly, the perception of runes is ultimately the perception of heaven and earth.

Due to the existence of the system, Fang Jie can directly comprehend the state of perfection, but due to the level limit, he can use moves with the power of heaven and earth, but the damage is so-so.

Compared with the preaching of the one in the Palace of the Underworld, the two found that Fang Jie's sword was even more effective than that one's preaching. Not to mention how much cultivation has improved, at least this state of mind is already the same as that of himself before enlightenment. , is already a world away.

"No. [-] is right. If you weren't my brother, I would have killed you too!" No. [-] said with a straight face.

"Okay." No. [-] had a bitter face, it seemed that he shouldn't bother these two dazed people.

"Where's the Dongying man?" Number [-] then looked around and asked.

"People from Dongying?" Number [-] thought for a while, wasn't he cut in half by himself?
No. [-] pointed to the place where the Dongying man was killed and said, "Isn't it there?"

"Where is it?" No. [-] looked along the position pointed by No. [-]. He didn't see anything. It was all grass. No one was anywhere.
"It's right there!" No. [-] looked over impatiently.

The Dongpu people who were supposed to be cut in half disappeared without even leaving any blood, as if what happened just now hadn't happened.

"How is it possible?!" Number nine and number ten looked at each other, their eyes full of shock.

"When you killed him, was there anything unusual?" No. [-] asked calmly. It seems that this Dongying person is not simple!

"Wait, let me think about it." No. [-] recalled solemnly.


"That's right! When I killed him, it felt like chopping wood. There was no killing feeling at all, and there was no smell of blood at all!" No. [-] said suddenly. Only then did he realize that something was wrong. It was just his mind at that time. It was all put on Fang Jie and he didn't pay much attention to it.

"Have you ever heard that the task of the Black List will be taken over by multiple people?" No. [-] said in a bad mood.

"I've never heard of it." Number [-] and Number [-] shook their heads. This is what they were curious about. Why did the Dongying people take over the task of assassinating Fang Jie at the same time as them, and they had never encountered such a situation.

"It seems that this Dongying person is not simple." Number Ten said solemnly.

"At this point, I also found that he is not simple anymore!" No. [-] rolled his eyes.

"Did you feel something wrong when you went to detonate that sonic bomb on the eighth?" Ten asked immediately.

"Yes!" No. [-] nodded: "After I detonated the sonic bomb, I felt a demonic roar coming from the ground!"

"Are you sure?" Number Ten looked at Number Eight nervously.

"Sure, I thought it was my auditory hallucination at first, but not long after that, there was another monster's roar from the ground." No. [-] affirmed.

"It's broken, it's broken, it seems that something big is going to happen." No. [-] hurriedly turned around.

"What's wrong?" The other two asked at the same time.

"I heard people say that there is actually an ancient dragon sleeping under the Kunlun Mountains, and the meaning of Kunlun's existence is to guard this giant dragon."

"What does that have to do with this monster roar?" Number [-] asked in confusion.

"Didn't you say that the monster's roar coming from the ground belongs to that ancient dragon?" Number Eight understood what Number Ten meant.

"Very likely!" Number Ten said solemnly.

Kunlun Mountains
"Master, something is wrong!" In the Kunlun Hall, a disciple quickly walked into the hall.

"Why are you so flustered?" The white-haired old man with a childish face and white hair, who was the leader of the dozen or so white-haired beards in the hall, asked with a frown.

"Uncle Tianjian said that the ancient dragon has awakened!" the disciple said nervously.


"how is this possible?"

"Didn't you say that you will have to wait a few more years before you wake up?"

"Could it be the monster roar just now?"

"Silence!" Looking at the messy hall, the white-haired old man frowned displeased.

"You go down first, I already know about this." After the old man asked his disciples to step back, he took a deep breath and said, "There is absolutely no room for loss in guarding the ancient dragon! This is the meaning of my Kunlun existence."

"I'll understand." About a dozen white-haired men nodded in unison.

This is the meaning of Kunlun's existence for thousands of years. From the time of Kunlun's establishment, the meaning of existence is to guard the ancient dragon, that is, to guard when he wakes up!
To prevent it from harming the world, this is the meaning of Kunlun's existence.

From the time when the founder of Kunlun Mountain, the Kunlun Immortal, found that there was a monster sleeping in the Kunlun Mountains, he sat and guarded the place. The meaning of creating the Kunlun School was to guard the monster.

It has been guarded for thousands of years. According to the information from Tianji Pavilion, the day when the monster will wake up is coming soon, and Kunlun has already made preparations to deal with the monster.

 Chapter 2
  The author immediately went to catch Chapter 3

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(End of this chapter)

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