entertainment teacher

Chapter 36: Hidden Swordsmanship

Chapter 36: Hidden Swordsmanship

"It's Uncle Liang, are you back?" the woman asked, feeling the movement in the shadow.

A human figure condensed in the shadow behind him, and then the so-called Uncle Liang walked out of the shadow.

"Miss." Uncle Liang said softly, the woman in front of him was raised by him since she was a child, it can be said that it is not an exaggeration to treat her as her own daughter.

"Is this drawn by him?" The woman took the painting that Uncle Liang handed over and asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Uncle Liang nodded: "When I came back, he had already reunited with Wenyin."

"Really? That's great!" the woman said, staring at the painting in her hand.

"Thank you, Uncle Liang."

"It's not hard." Looking at the woman in front of him, Uncle Liang sighed, shook his head, sneaked into the shadows, and stopped talking.

"Mom." A three or four-year-old little loli suddenly ran over.

"Nian'er, what's the matter?" The woman rolled up the painting in her hand, knelt down and asked concerned.

A month passed without incident, and Fang Jie still did not accept Li Bubai as his apprentice.

Because for a month, Li Bubai still didn’t understand why he wanted to learn swordsmanship. He also repeated kneeling at sunrise and returning home at sunset. He gave up all the courses in school. After Li Bubai didn’t figure out why he wanted to learn swordsmanship Before, he was already not ready to go to class.

The breeze is gradually entering October, half autumn, a little cool, but still hot.

The grass in the valley is green and slightly yellow, and the stream reflects the blue sky and white clouds, setting off the light yellow grass dyed in early autumn, making it inexplicably leisurely.

There were several easels beside the stream, and several of Fang Jie's apprentices were painting in front of the easels.

After the winning and losing of the gambling battle spread, many people envied Nie Yun and others for being able to follow such a strong mentor as Fang Jie. Because of Fang Jie's permission, Nie Yun and others would come to Fang Jie when there were no classes. Valley, listen to Fang Jie's teachings.

Fang Jie arranged for students to paint the scenery by the stream every day.

As a mentor, Fang Jie is quite competent, at least in the process of painting, he is impeccable.

"Young master, the mistress asked me to take you back." Maybe hearing the news of Li Bubai's decadence at school, Li Bubai's family sent someone to pick him up.

"Uncle Xu." Li Bubai raised his head and looked at the person next to him. It was Uncle Xu, the housekeeper who had taken care of him since childhood.

Li Bubai suddenly thought of something, and asked with hopeful eyes: "Uncle Xu, can you tell me why I learn swords?"

Seeing the haggard Li Bubai, Uncle Xu was a little angry, but during the process of coming, he had already found out that Li Bubai voluntarily knelt outside the valley, and Fang Jie was Li Bubai's mentor, kneeling on his own. Teacher, both emotional and reasonable are justified.

Uncle Xu helped Li Bubai up from the ground, and then said in a solemn tone: "Because you are a descendant of the Sword Immortal, you must learn to sword."

"Is it because I am a descendant of Sword Immortal?" Li Bubai murmured after listening to Xu Bo's words.

"Yes, it's because you are a descendant of the Sword Fairy!" Undoubtedly, Xu Bo looked at the decadent Li Bubai, sighed and said, "No matter what, the young master will go back with me first, the mistress is very worried. You, moreover, Zhuangzhong has already arranged a sword teacher for the young master."

But Xu Bo's words were not the answer Li Bubai wanted.

Li Bubai shook his head: "I don't want to go back."

"Then are you willing to kneel here forever? A university teacher is not worthy to be your master!" Uncle Xu said angrily, but he found out clearly that Li Bubai knelt here for more than a month.

"If the young master insists on kneeling here, then this old slave will have to ask your mentor for an explanation no matter what! Even a Japanese-level powerhouse can't humiliate the descendants of the sword fairy like this!" Uncle Xu pointed at the valley and faced Li Bubai Dissatisfied.

"After thinking about it for a month, haven't you figured out why you want to learn swords?" Just as the two were arguing, Fang Jie's voice came from the valley, his tone was flat, but there was a hint of disappointment.

"The disciple is stupid." Although he thought about it for a month, he still couldn't figure it out, but Li Bubai always had a feeling of being paid attention to. He knew that Teacher Fang in the valley had been watching him, but unfortunately, he never Understand the reason why I learn sword.

"Then you go back. You should know that I won't accept you until you think clearly." Fang Jie's voice came out from the valley again, without any mercy, even if Li Bubai was there Gu Gu had knelt down for a month, but Fang Jie still didn't change his mind.

"Your Excellency, you are a little too arrogant." Uncle Xu said angrily after hearing Fang Jie's shameless words.

"Oh? Really?" Fang Jie said with a smile, and then said coldly: "Whether I accept it or not is my business, what has it to do with you?"

"Could it be that I have to accept you just because you are the descendant of the so-called Sword Immortal?"

Hearing Fang Jie's sarcastic words, Uncle Xu, who was in a high position, was instantly enraged.

"Since Your Excellency doesn't take Sword Immortal Villa seriously, then I will ask Your Excellency for advice." Xu Bo said in a deep voice. In his opinion, it is very face-saving for his son to kneel for a month. .

As one of the top forces in China, the Sword Immortal Villa can't find any kind of master, even a half-step legend, Li Bubai is qualified to worship him, let alone a mere university teacher.

Jianxian Villa cannot tolerate rejection by a mere university teacher like you!
"Uncle Xu, let's go back." Li Bubai sighed. If he didn't understand why he learned swordsmanship, then it would be useless to become a disciple of any strong man.

Xu Bo thought that Li Bubai was worried about him, so he wanted to avoid this battle.

However, this battle is inevitable, and a mere university teacher must teach him a lesson today.

He patted Li Bubai's shoulder: "Don't worry, young master, this old slave will definitely get justice for young master today, no one can despise Sword Immortal Villa like this!"

In Xu Bo's view, as long as he defeats the so-called teacher Fang, the young master will understand how wrong his previous actions are. In this way, the young master will go back with him at ease, instead of being so unwilling.

"Sword out!" Xu Bo clasped his hand in the air.

Different rune fonts formed from the surroundings, and slowly condensed in Xu Boxu's right hand. With the collision of runes, there was a crisp and loud metal collision sound.

In the combined sound of "Kaka", a simple bronze sword filled with black rune seals appeared in Xu Bo's hand.

Sword Fairy Villa has its own secret book, which hides sword skills.

You can hide your own sword in the void around your body, and you can call it out at any time with your mind to defend against enemies.

This secret book is the dream of every sword cultivator. The skill of hiding the sword is transformed from the skill of raising the sword. While raising the sword with the body, you can hide the sword around the body. This is the unique secret created by the sword fairy Li Bai.

Sword cultivation, hidden swordsmanship, poetic swordsmanship, and the synthesis of the three major swordsmanship of Jianxian Villa are also the foundation for Jianxian Villa to become the top power in China.

 The weather is getting hotter
  Very annoying, try to type~
  Thank you friends who like my book

  Originally, I was just writing novels for fun, so just write when you think about it

  After uploading a few chapters, I actually received a short message from the signing station.
  I'm very happy, but the author Jun actually quit the game in order to write novels~
(End of this chapter)

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