Chapter 26

The next day, before dawn, Fang Xie came to the warehouse with a loudspeaker. The school had not assigned a dormitory, and Fang Jie had a room at his grandma’s house, so the three apprentices had to sleep on the floor in the warehouse.

Adhering to the concept of a famous teacher who considers his disciples, Fang Jie felt that the day's plan begins in the morning, how could he sleep in at this time!So let the system wake you up early.

"Get up! Get up!" Someone kicked him in the butt with his toes, which was extremely painful.

Li Xiaobai and Xun Yi jumped up from the ground in an instant, their faces twisted and rubbed hard at the place where the master had kicked them, most of the hazy drowsiness disappeared in an instant, and there was a "hissing" sound from their mouths.

Only Xiang Zhu, in a daze, touched his buttocks, turned over, and continued to sleep.

"What the hell! It's time to eat!" Looking at Xiang Zhu who was still sleeping, Fang Jie got angry and yelled loudly in Xiang Zhu's ear with a trumpet.

"Ah!" Xiang Zhu suddenly sat up from the ground, looked at the two senior brothers who were smiling and getting dressed, and scratched his head.

"A year's plan lies in the spring, and a day's plan lies in the morning. Seeing that you have not awakened at all, I am very sad for the teacher." Looking at the three people who were still sleepy, Fang Jie covered his chest and said.

"Since you are under my master, I must be responsible for you." Fang Jie said solemnly: "Run from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, and then back again, two trips back and forth!"

"Ah!" Li Xiaobai began to understand how long it was when he went up the mountain yesterday. This is the highest mountain near Zhonghua University. It is more than 700 meters high from the foot of the mountain. Running up and down the mountain, wouldn't it be exhausting? !
"Ah, what, if you don't finish the run in an hour, you will be responsible for the consequences!" Fang Jie said inhumanely, ten years old is a good time to exercise, how could he not suffer so much!

"Run away!" Fang Jie ordered, and the three of them ran away even though they were not very willing.

"The system, um, can you give me some training methods?" Fang Jie said cheekily, he didn't seem to remember clearly other than running for exercise.

"100 teacher points, all the basic exercise methods on the earth will be packaged and sold to you." The system said in a businessman's tone.

But after checking his famous teacher points: "You also know that I have no money~"

"This system allows credit."

"Nine out and thirteen out?" Fang Jie asked, thinking of the horror of usury.

"1 point of interest per famous teacher per month." The system was not so unkind, and gave a very cheap interest.

"I'm on credit!" Fang Jie made a decision instantly.

"Repay within one month, no interest charged."

After running two rounds, several people fell exhausted on the open space in front of the house, but they seemed to find that their master suddenly became a little different.

"No rest, move your body on the spot." Fang Jie, who has received a lot of training knowledge, said coldly.

The three struggled to stand up, began to pat their legs and rub their shoulders, and moved their sore bodies.

After about ten minutes of rest.

"Running is a necessary homework for you every day. Running can allow you to control your body more freely and improve your body coordination." Fang Jie took out a pointer and pretended to say that it feels really good to teach others.

"Master, why does Wenxiu need to exercise?" Li Xiaobai wanted to fight for a free space for himself, but he had never exercised like this when he was studying in university.

"Twenty push-ups." Fang Jie glanced sideways at him and said.

"I..." Li Xiaobai just wanted to see what he said, but seeing Fang Xie's unkind eyes, he closed his mouth and obediently did push-ups.

"There is no reason! I will do whatever I say!" Fang Jie snorted and said, "Do you two have any objections?" Looking at the other two.

Xiang Zhu and Xun Yi immediately turned their heads and declined, "No, no, we have no objection."

"Yes, I have no objection either."

In their opinion, if there is a master who cares about them, they can have enough to eat and wear new clothes, whatever the master says is stupid.

After Li Xiaobai finished his push-ups.

"Today is my first lesson for you, Zhama step!" Fang Jie separated his feet, standing like a wild horse, and the sound of "thunderbolt patter" rang from the tailbone to the whole body.

"Beginners first stand for three years, and learn martial arts first for three years!" Fang Jie put his hands on his waist, and he took a standard horse step. The things exchanged from the system are good, and they can be directly integrated, as if printed on the In the bones, it can be used casually.

"Keep your feet apart! Slightly wider than your shoulders, half squat!" Fang Jie kicked Li Xiaobai's feet, signaling to widen them a bit. "Without any distracting thoughts, keep your breath in your dantian. Breathing should be steady, neither too fast nor too slow."

"That's right, you look like a master!" Fang Zhonghua, who started his morning exercise, saw this scene and nodded. Yesterday, he saw that his grandson had accepted three apprentices. He thought it was just a whim. Today, it looks really different from before. Same again.

Hearing someone talking on the side, Fang Jie's three disciples couldn't help but look over.




"Let you see!" Fang Jie folded the pointer in half in his hand, and slapped the three people's buttocks.

"Don't touch it, stand still!" Seeing that the three of them wanted to touch the pain with their hands, Fang Jie frowned and said coldly.

Hearing what the master said, the three endured the pain and took the horse stance.

"Bend your back, raise your chest and raise your anus, close your mouth and tongue, and breathe naturally through your nose!" Fang Jie said, facing the three of them, with his eyes closed.

Fang Zhonghua nodded with a smile, and practiced kung fu in loose-fitting clothes, and punched at the side. Judging from his posture, it turned out to be Bajiquan.

Bajiquan in this world originated from Wudang, which was built in the early Tang Dynasty. Because Tang Gaozu Li Yuan made Taoism the state religion, Taoism rose accordingly, and Wudang was also regarded as one of the holy places for cultivating Taoism.

Similarly, after the introduction of Buddhism, due to the permission of Wu Zetian, when Buddhism reached its peak, different beliefs had different believers.

Buddha cultivates the next life, Tao cultivates the present destiny.

The problem is that there is no Taijiquan in this world. In the middle of the 17th century, Chen Wangting in Chenjiagou, W County, based on his family’s boxing method, absorbed the strengths of other martial arts, integrated Yixue, Chinese medicine and other ideas, and created a set of yin and yang. The new boxing method of opening and closing, combining strength and softness, and both internal and external training is named Tai Chi, also known as Chen Style Tai Chi.

"Host, this system reminds you that you haven't updated the novel for a few days. For the sake of your reputation, please don't memorize the word eunuch."

Just as Fang Jie was holding his breath and concentrating on his horse gait, the system suddenly reminded him.

"Uh, it seems to be true. It hasn't been updated for several days. It's because I'm too busy, and you don't help people with the system!"

 Today is 520, an important day, maybe only one chapter
  If I come back early, I will make up Chapter 2, if I don't have time
  Forgive, forgive, please recommend, please click, please.

(End of this chapter)

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