entertainment teacher

Chapter 197 99 years

Chapter 197

That is because monster meat can enhance the movement of Dao seal and indirectly improve cultivation.

Therefore, in the 80s, the food movement emerged throughout the world, which is known as: better living in this world.

Therefore, humans began to cleanse the monsters.

It should be said to be a big hunt.

Therefore, in the next ten or twenty years, the entire human world has been hunting all kinds of monsters, groups, single-handed, and various methods of hunting monsters emerge in endlessly, causing some monsters in the entire monster world to be almost extinct. Greatly aroused the fierceness of the monster.

The third world war broke out directly between humans and monsters, which is also the so-called [-] war, because of human selfish desires.

Under the guidance of a certain strength, the fairy kitchen building, which was once respected by chefs, was slaughtered by monsters. All day-level chefs were piled to death by countless monsters. once.

The inheritance of the chef was cut off.

There has never been a chef above the seventh level in the whole world, and the highest is no more than a sixth-level chef like Bugata, and there is no way to break through the seventh level.

"Then you Gluttonous City?" Fang Jie finally figured out the reason for the [-] War from Fatty's mouth, but it is also the power of eating, why is there nothing wrong with Gluttonous City?
"Have you ever seen a star hotel in Taotie City?" the fat man said lonely.

Fang Jie shook his head.

"Have you ever seen a high-level chef in Gluttonous City?"

Fang Jie still shook his head.

"Taotie City is actually just a group of diners. They know how to eat but not how to cook." Fatty sighed.

"I see."


The weak chicken team is still training hard, even though there are snowflakes in the sky, even if the air they breathe is terribly cold, but the belief in their hearts has never been shaken.

Lucifer's training was getting heavier day by day, but none of the members of the Weak Chicken Team had a single complaint.

The average strength of each person is three levels. This is the result of this group of people coming here for a few months. They have fully achieved the requirements of the Xeon army to be as fast as the wind, as quiet as a forest, as aggressive as a fire, and as immovable as a mountain!
Less than three seconds after Lucifer sent out the assembly, a neat square team appeared in front of him.

Even in freezing conditions, everyone can remain motionless for hours.

Field battles, night battles, group challenges, survival...

Lucifer changed his ways and used his cruel method of training the dead soldiers on this group of people. In addition to the special forces training methods given by Fang Jie, Lucifer added various cruel trainings, making this group of people Soldiers for war twisted into a rope.

In everyone's eyes, there is only the word of indifference. Before there is no new order, everyone is like a machine, repeating the original training movements.

Li Bubai sat cross-legged on the icy lake, letting the snowflakes fall on his body, he remained motionless.

Following Li Bubai's breathing, the air he exhaled was like a sharp sword, breaking the snowflakes on his body into pieces, and as his breathing became more and more rapid, a hot feeling emanated from Li Bubai's body, soaring to the sky And rise.

All the snowflakes were evaporated into gas, but the lake surface was not moved, and the lake surface was still frozen like iron.

The sword intent of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and five elements is constantly reflected in Li Bubai, like a cycle.

Li Xiaobai stood quietly by the lake, with a drawing board in front of him.

The drawing board was blank, and suddenly Li Xiaobai moved.

Two different writing brushes appeared out of thin air in both hands, one ice blue and one fiery red.

The blue writing brush moved directly on the drawing board, and the pen moved like a snake, and a huge ice crystal bow appeared on the screen. After drawing the ice crystal bow, Li Xiaobai was not satisfied, water made wood, with a few strokes Then, a wooden arrow shining with faint blue light appeared in Li Bubai's hand.

Draw the bow to the full moon and string the arrow.

Li Xiaobai spit out a word: "Fire."

The fiery red writing brush actually moved in the air without any control, and a huge oracle bone inscription appeared in front of Li Xiaobai. The words burned with blazing flames and stood quietly in front of Li Xiaobai.

Li Xiaobai turned to Li Bubai in the lake, and smiled faintly.

The wooden arrow passed directly through the word "fire", carrying blazing flames. Water produced wood, and wood produced fire. The entire wooden sword burned into a rocket, flying towards Li Bubai at a speed exceeding the speed of sound.


Li Bubai didn't even open his eyes, his two fingers directly pinched the shuttle rocket.


A sword intent of Xuanbing rose suddenly, and the rocket instantly turned into an ice cube, which was crushed by Li Bubai in his hands.

While Li Bubai and Li Xiaobai were fighting, Xun Yi was calculating the luck of the two, and looked up at the luck of the people around him from time to time, constantly pinching something in his hands.

Chen Yiyi practiced his own yoga in the snow.

Even Li Ye kept training.

Basically, everyone has their own business, and has been doing it desperately.

Eh, no, there is one less person.

Xiang Zhu.

Xiang Zhu seemed to have disappeared from the entire demon camp.

And this matter has to start from the college competition a month ago.

Since Fang Xie was not around, Lucifer took several of Fang Xie's apprentices to participate in the college's grand competition. Without a doubt, with Xiang Zhuqiang's strength of level five, he passed all the way.

Basically, they are crushing existences, and they don't even need to release their souls. With their own invincible strength, there is no one general in the entire university.

And Li Bubai's sword intent was well cultivated, and the final championship battle ended in the duel between Li Bubai and Xiang Zhu, with Xiang Zhu winning.

The whole camp was celebrating that Xiang Zhu had won the college championship. Even Lucifer let down his vigilance, and even Li Yi and Li Er, who guarded Li Ye, let down their vigilance.

And just because of this lowering of vigilance, something happened.

A masked assassin pierced Xiang Zhu's heart with a sword when everyone lowered their vigilance.

Lucifer was immediately furious, and the masked assassin was directly torn into pieces.

Then came another person who claimed to be from the Bawang Pavilion, and Xiang Zhu was the missing young master of the Bawang Pavilion.

There is poison on the assassin's sword, and even Michael's recovery spell can't save it.

In desperation, Lucifer had no choice but to ask the people from Bawang Pavilion to take Xiang Zhu away.

And because of this, the people in the whole camp are regretting why they let down their vigilance and caused Xiang Zhu to be assassinated. Because of this, everyone is strengthening their own training.

It has to be said that there are advantages and disadvantages.

When Fang Jie returns, there may be many things that he is not used to, but he has to accept that life must go on.

 The last minute, very sad, very watery

  But hold on to your full attendance
(End of this chapter)

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