entertainment teacher

Chapter 180 Shameless Fatty

Chapter 180 Shameless Fatty
"Congratulations to the host for completing the task of removing the tumor, and reward the Wuliangye wine recipe." Fang Jie, who was eating the pot stickers, rubbed his chin. The task of removing the tumor was finally completed.

I also got the wine recipe as I wished, but I never expected that this wine recipe would be sold in Wuliangye...

Wuliangye City is a Luzhou-flavor liquor brewed by fermenting wheat, rice, corn, sorghum, and glutinous rice. Various wine tables...

"The materials used by Wuliangye are already on the shelves in the mall, and you can buy them yourself if you need them..." the system reminded indifferently.

"Don't try to cheat dad's money, don't think I don't know your tricks!" Fang Jie snorted.

"As long as you are happy." The system said indifferently.

Fang Xili didn't even bother to deal with the system, and directly ignored the ingredients the system said, and slowly picked up the last potsticker on the table... Speaking of which, he hadn't tasted this potsticker yet!

With Xiao Xingzi and Xiao Budian swallowing their saliva, they slowly put the last potsticker into their mouths...

"Show mercy!!" When the pot stickers were less than a centimeter away from Fang Jie's lips, there was a heart-piercing stop from upstairs.

I saw the fat man running towards Fang Jie step by step with tears in his eyes.

"Crack..." The crisp sound directly shattered all of Fatty's fantasies. Looking at the remaining half of the potsticker, Fatty didn't care about the saliva on it, and directly bit down on the chopsticks...

With the clear "click" sound of teeth colliding, Fatty felt as if his teeth were broken, and the shock made his whole brain feel dizzy.

Fang Jie squinted his eyes, his original indifferent eyes suddenly changed, his face was full of enjoyment, enjoying the shocking feeling brought by the mixture of burnt skin and meat of the pot stickers...

This... this... I didn't expect that I, Fang Jie, would be able to make such delicious things in my lifetime. It's like a thunderbolt!
When grilling chicken wings, because the raw materials are not complete, not as complete as the seasoning at Fatty's house, Fang Jie didn't feel the benefits brought by the kitchen rune. But this pot stickers are different. The material, and I am paying attention all the time, so the effect is different at once.

"I want to duel with you!" Seeing Fang Jie chewing on his 'belonging' pot stickers, the fat man's eyes burst into flames.

Fang Jie didn't even look at Fatty squarely, and glanced at Fatty casually: "Ai! Si! Bi!"

"Fuck you, Fang Jie! Fatty, let me tell you, if you don't make another pot of pot stickers today! Fatty, I will break up with you!" Fatty rubbed his hands against each other.

"Is what you said true?" Fang Jie asked lightly.

"No joke!" the fat man said seriously.

"Would you like to have a gown circumcision?" Fang Jie said disgustedly.

"If you insist on such a request, the fat man can satisfy your unreasonable request!" The fat man said with his hands folded in front of his chest.

"Then let's break off our friendship!" Fang Jie waved his hands and said, he didn't even bother to talk to the fat man, he just passed the fat man, and said to Xiao Xingzi who was sitting, "Are you full?"

"No!" Xiao Xingzi shook her head, and even Xiao Budian shook her head.

"Let's go, Big Brother Fang will cook something delicious for you!" Fang Jie picked up Xiao Xingzi, grabbed Xiao Xingzi with his other hand, and threw it on his shoulder.

After taking the right leg, I realized that my left leg couldn't move.

"Brother Fang, I love the cauldron, you can't just ignore it... Fatty, if I can't eat your potstickers today, how can I live!"

"Brother Fang, I can't live without you, how can I live without you! Brother Fang, Brother Fang, take me away too, Brother Fang!"

The fat man hugged Fang Jie's thigh directly, and said with a mournful face.

As he talked, he blew his nose and was about to wipe Fang Jie's pants.

"Stop it, you damn fat man, I can't take you with me, don't wipe my pants, I bought new pants!!!"

Fang Jie's roar echoed in the living room...

Looking at the fat man with two dark circles under the same eyes as himself at the dining table, Xiao Budian looked at his "similar" curiously. Why does this "similar" have no hair... It's really ugly!

"Hee hee!" Seeing her brother's two panda eyes, Xiao Xingzi couldn't help laughing.

"Why are you laughing? What's so funny! Little girl's video!" The fat man bared his teeth and said, "This is the unique communication method between me and your brother Fang, do you understand, little girl's video!"

"Slightly slightly!" Xiao Xingzi stuck out her little tongue and made a grimace.

"Slightly slightly!" Standing on the dining table, Xiao BuDian also stuck out her tongue and laughed at the fat man.

"Fatty brother, I have a lot of adults, so I don't care about you two little guys." The fat man arrogantly turned his head to the side.

"Buy me new pants!" Fang Jie came out with a plate of spicy chicken, and looked at the fat man angrily.

"Buy, buy, buy! Buy it all, buy it all... hiss..." Fatty's attention was on the spicy chicken in Fang Jie's hand, he didn't pay attention to what Fang was explaining, he picked up a piece of spicy chicken and put it in In his mouth, he took a hot breath.

"It's so spicy...but it's delicious!" Xiao Xingzi ate a piece of diced chicken, her hot face flushed, and she picked up the ice water beside her and drank it.

But the little one squinted his little eyes in enjoyment, it seemed that this plate of spicy chicken was very suitable for him.

The Kitchen Rune is not like other runes, all the insights are poured into Fang Xie's brain, but it is unlocked by Fang Xie himself.

For example, if Fang Jie wants to fry a plate of chili fried meat, the raw materials of chili fried meat will automatically appear in his mind, and then he will have a recipe in his mind. When to add salt and when to add oil, Fang Jie has a corresponding Feel.

It's like when you are studying, when you are a top student doing a question, you obviously don't understand the question, but you have such an intuition in your heart that the answer is to choose A. If I say it chooses A, it must be A. There is no BCD ...

This is how Fang Jie feels now. I think it should be salted now, so it must be salted now...

According to this feeling, Fang Jie made one after another delicious food that even he couldn't believe it.

After taking a sip of beer, the fat man who drank was so happy that he was about to fly. As for hugging and undressing his thighs?This doesn't exist, let the past be the past, as for the shameless thing... Have you ever seen when I have to be shameless?
The fat man ate the delicious food on the table with peace of mind. He has never eaten such a delicious meal in his life. Fang Jie, the little dog, has hidden it for so many years, and let the fat man eat pigs for so many years. Food, really should be pulled out and shot...

But the old saying goes back again, if you shoot Fang Zai, who will cook for the fat man...

A sweet smile appeared on the fat man's face, and he put a piece of braised pork into his mouth. It was fat but not greasy, and it was so tender that he didn't even need to chew it. It shattered when he squeezed it with his tongue... This feeling is really... too much alright.

(End of this chapter)

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