entertainment teacher

Chapter 155 Farewell

Chapter 155 Farewell
With the good competitive atmosphere of the people in the camp, everyone's physical function has improved significantly after nearly two months of training.

Fang Jie could clearly perceive that the spiritual power contained in the bodies of these students in front of him was almost enough to condense his own Dao seal, but they still lacked some cultural background... Simply put, they did not have enough knowledge. It is impossible to build a text seal, and to put it simply, it means that I have read less books and have to go back and read more books.

"Students, I have some good news for you!" Fang Jie stood on the protruding rocks. The days were getting colder. It was almost the twelfth lunar month at this time, and it felt like...it was almost going to rain.

Everyone was looking at Fang Jie, the rookie team had almost heard the so-called good news from Fang Jie's mouth...

"Congratulations, you have fulfilled your promise and have persisted under my command for two months!" Fang Jie was a little indifferent...even though this indifference was feigned.

"Woo..." One of the girls in the rookie team couldn't help crying. Although the training here is very hard and very tiring, you can see the counselor playing with her daughter every day, and interacting with the weak chicken team every day. I can't get used to it, and I'm working hard for the so-called reward from the counselor...

However, she feels that she is very fulfilled here, and she lives a fulfilling life every day. Teacher Li takes people like herself to study, Teacher Fang tells stories to people like herself, and the devil instructor with devil wings holds a whip She took care of people like herself, but she just couldn't bear it.

"Why are you crying, shouldn't you be laughing!" Following the girl's lead, the entire camp was filled with a sad atmosphere.

"I can't laugh." Fang Nian whispered, wrapped in a thick cotton coat.

"From now on, no one will force you to get up and run at five o'clock in the morning, and no one will kick you out to talk twice!" Fang Jieqiang said calmly.

"Congratulations, you have graduated from my place!" Fang Jie turned around and squinted his eyes forcibly a few times. He is not a rock, so how could he be indifferent to a group of students who get along day and night.

"You guys can get out!" After Fang explained this sentence, he turned around and didn't dare to face the group of children.

"Teacher Fang... I can't bear you." Wang Xiaoming shouted loudly with his mouth open. He has restrained himself very, very much, but he still couldn't help getting sand in his eyes. It's very bitter and tiring here, but Wang Xiaoming feels I have reached a fulfillment that I have never felt since I was a child.

"I miss you too!"

"We all miss you!"

"Teacher Fang, I haven't had enough of the food you cooked!"

"I still want to hear you talk a few more times!"

"Two laps are not enough, I have to run three laps!"


"It's no use being reluctant! Aren't you going home for the New Year!" Fang Jie scolded loudly, "Could it be that you are still staying here for the New Year! Crazy, I don't want to celebrate the New Year!"

Li Ruoyu looked at these students with red eyes. During the two months of living together day and night, she basically established a very deep friendship with these students, but she still didn't want to face these people, because she was afraid that she couldn't help it. cry out.

"In my heart! There was a dream!"

"I want to use singing to make you forget all the pain!"

"Brilliant starry sky, who is the true hero!"

"Ordinary people move me the most!"


Suddenly the singing of "True Heroes" sounded from the woods, and Fang Jie could tell that it was the voice of the one-three team, the so-called...Weak chicken team!

"Seize every minute of your life!"

"Go all out for the fierceness in our hearts!"

"If you don't experience wind and rain, how can you see a rainbow!"

"No one can succeed casually!"


One, two, three... The entire rookie team sang along with the Weak Chickens. This is what Fang Jie taught them during the live broadcast at noon every day. After all, inspirational, but also more... sentimental.

Seize every minute of your life
Hug with beloved friends
Let sincere words and happy tears

在 你 我 心里 流动
Let sincere words and happy tears

在 你 我 心里 流动

"Woo..." With the end of "True Hero", many people who had suppressed their tears couldn't help but choked up.

"Salute!" Long Xiaofeng led all the team members to walk in front of the students.

Following Long Xiaofeng's order, all the team members gave a very formal military salute.

"Return!" The captain of the rookie team choked up and shouted.

Everyone wiped away their tears, and also gave a military salute to Long Xiaofeng's side.

"Although you have robbed us of a lot of chicken legs, grilled fish and so on! But..." Long Xiaofeng paused and said, "Don't forget us in the future!"




"Congratulations, you have fulfilled your promise!" With a sword shadow and a breeze, the rookie team saw Li Bubai appearing in front of everyone.

"Although I really provoked you at the beginning, but later you proved yourself with your performance. Here, I should say sorry to you."

Speaking of this, Li Bubai bent down directly, and bowed deeply to the person in front of him. In the two months here, these people have never cried out that they are tired or bitter.

For these people who have been loved by everyone since childhood and who were born with golden keys, it is really remarkable to be able to achieve this step. You can see that by comparing Li Ye, who was born in the royal family...

Seeing Li Bubai's bow, the rookie team also bowed their bodies and returned the salute.


Lucifer couldn't help but rubbed his eyes looking at the rookies who were carrying bags and carrying luggage, with tears on their faces.

"Have a drink?" Michael bared his arms.

"Drink!" Lucifer took the wine glass in Michael's hand and said.

After a glass of wine, Lucifer felt that he had relaxed a lot.

"Human beings are like this, with a variety of flavors." Michael sighed, but the wine in his hand never stopped.

"But sometimes I really envy when I'm still human."

"The moon waxes and wanes, and people have joys and sorrows!" Lucifer raised his head and drained the wine in his hand, his whole throat burned instantly.

"Yo yo, I can't tell, the Lord of the Demon World has learned to recite poetry!" Michael joked.

"Of course!" Lucifer twitched his brows: "Give it to the uncle!"


Even Lucifer didn't feel it. Since he came to this world, his cold heart has melted, and he has human emotions...

"Dad, can we still see these rookie big brothers and sisters?" Fang Nian asked, looking up at his dad.

Fang Jie sighed, and patted Fang Nian's little head: "Of course, they are in Grandpa's school, so you can visit them anytime."

(End of this chapter)

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