Chapter 115
"Ma Ma..." Fang Nian couldn't help calling out a hundred meters away.

"Your mother can't hear you." Fang Jie said with a smile.

"You can hear it!" Fang Nian retorted dissatisfied.

Li Ruoyu, who was taking a walk in the playground, seemed to hear her daughter's call, but she couldn't see anyone when she looked around.

"Strange! I clearly heard the voice! Why can't I see anyone?" Li Ruoyu said to herself.


There was another call, Li Ruoyu frowned, and looked around again, this time she was sure that her ears were fine.

"On top!"

Li Ruoyu who heard the voice quickly looked up.

I saw Fang Jie hugging the little naughty, stepping on a sword, looking at himself with a smile.

"I said Mama heard it!" Fang Nian snorted.

"Hmph!" Fang Jie also hummed a few times.

"What are you doing here today?" Li Ruoyu took her daughter from Fang Xie's arms.

"Take Mama out to play!" Fang Nian waved his little hand, and the family of three took to the street to play.

Fang Nian was really envious of seeing other children accompanied by their parents since childhood, so of course, if there is a chance, he must take his parents out to play!

"Go." Fang Jie stretched out his hand.

"Mmm." Li Ruoyu gently took Fang Jie's hand, Fang Jie's hand was thick and felt very secure.

Like a motorcycle, Fang Jie hugged his daughter, while Li Ruoyu hugged Fang Jie.

"Be careful." Li Ruoyu looked at the flying sword that was slowly taking off, and said in a panic.

"Of course!" Fang Jie smirked.

The voice hasn't fallen yet.

With a sound of "whoosh", the three of them disappeared into the playground.

"Slow! Slow down!" Li Ruoyu couldn't help but yelled as she saw the clouds flying past around her, and there was still a little wind in her ears!This speed is even more terrifying than driving a motorcycle to [-] yards!
"What did you say?!" Fang Jie pretended not to hear.

"Woohoo! Daddy, rush!" Compared to Li Ruoyu's fear, Fang Nian was very excited to be hugged by Fang Jie.

"I said...slow down!" Li Ruoyu leaned on Fang Jie's back in fear and closed her eyes.

"Speak up, I can't hear you!" Fang Jie still pretended he couldn't hear!

"Hurry up, hurry up Dad! Go!" Fang Nian waved his little hand and gave orders.

"Chong...chong...hey...pain..." Just when Fang Jie was about to speed up again, Li Ruoyu pinched Fang Jie's ears at some point.

"Stop!" Li Ruoyu yelled while staring at Fang Jie.

"Stop, stop, stop... pain, pain, pain!" Feeling that his ears were about to be screwed off, Fang Jie dropped his speed to a few dozen yards in aggrieved manner.

"Go, go, go, go!" Fang Nian felt that the passing clouds around him seemed to have slowed down a bit, but he still kept shouting, go...

"My dad... go!" Fang Nian turned to look at his father dissatisfied.

Unexpectedly, she saw her staring wide eyes...

"Gulu..." Fang Nian swallowed in horror, and slowly turned back with his head trembling.

"Go on, go slowly!" Li Ruoyu nodded in satisfaction, and then gave orders.

"Yes..." Fang Jie carefully drove the flying sword at his feet. His ears were still in the hands of others. He was really under the eaves and had to lower his head.

From Zhonghua University to the urban area, it was only about ten miles away. Because of the claws of the Demon King Li, he flew the flying sword for nearly half an hour...

Seeing that she landed safely, Li Ruoyu patted Fang Jie's head in satisfaction.

Fang Jie looked at Li Ruoyu flattered, and then put the flying sword at his feet into his body.

"Bitch...the ears almost fell off..." Fang Jie touched his ear that was about to fall off, and it was already so red that it was unbelievable. Of course, he only dared to say such words in his heart.

In the city, it is forbidden to ride flying swords, so there are special corner fields outside the city, this is to avoid disturbing ordinary people.

If there were no so-called Dao Seal and the countless monsters outside the city, Fang Xie would think that he was still living on the earth for a moment, looking at the streets with people coming and going, and the roads with cars coming and going. .

"Dad, I want to eat that!" Fang Nian pointed to an ice cream shop.

"Buy!" Fang Jiehao said angrily and took out a card.

"Idiot, go to the ice cream shop to buy ice cream and swipe your card!" Li Ruoyu laughed, and then took out a few banknotes from her trouser pocket.

Soon, the family of three walked down the pedestrian street with an ice cream each.

"Dad, this, this, I want to wear this!" Fang Nian took small steps and ran to the front of a glass cabinet, where he was playing with a pure white princess dress, light blue butterfly at the waist, breathable gauze .

Fang Nian's entire head was stuck to the glass.

Fang Jie smiled and hugged Fang Nian directly: "Buy!"

Li Ruoyu smiled and followed the two of them.

"Welcome!" The saleswoman smiled as soon as she entered the door.

"Bring the princess outfit displayed outside and give it to my daughter to try on." Fang Jie said softly.

"Yes, sir." The saleswoman nodded with a smile.

"Boss, look! Does that gentleman look like your idol?!" While the family of three was looking at the clothes in the store, several salesmen and the boss whispered to each other.

"Which one?" The female boss glanced at it.

"It's the one with a little girl!"

"It seems to be true?!"

"Of course!"

"Idol! Idol! Idol! I actually saw my idol!" The female boss in her twenties jumped on the spot excitedly.

"Sir, the clothes you want." The saleswoman came over with the clothes.

"I'll come, I'll come, I'll come!" The female boss whispering next to her instantly took over the princess costume from the saleswoman's hand: "You go to rest first, and I'll greet these customers."

"Okay, boss." The saleswoman nodded.

"Hello, hello!" The female boss looked at Fang Jie with a smile, and stretched out her hand.

"Um... hello." Fang Jie nodded in surprise, and also extended his hand to hold the female boss's, as a greeting.

"Idol idol, I didn't expect to see a living one!" The female boss clasped her hands several times in surprise.

"Uh..." Fang Jie felt a little helpless, "Can you try on my daughter's clothes first?"

"Okay... Oh, the idol has a daughter." The female boss was overwhelmed with surprise, and then saw Li Ruoyu next to Fang Nian: "This is the idol's wife?!"

"Hello." Li Ruoyu greeted.


"Leave the clothes to me, I'll bring Niannian to change." Li Ruoyu said.

"Okay." The female boss directly handed the clothes in her hands to Li Ruoyu, and the female boss who put down the clothes came to Fang Jie's side in an instant.

"Idol, you don't know how much I like your song "Fearless", it's really exciting!"

"Thank you...thank you." Fang Jie seemed a little overwhelmed, and said thank you twice in a daze.

"Idol, when are you going to release the album!" The female boss looked at Fang Jie hopefully, "Listening to live videos full of noise all day long is so annoying!"

"Eh..." Fang Jie thought for a while when he heard the female boss's words: "As soon as possible."

"Idol, sign me up!"

"Where to sign?"

"Sign this, sign it." The female boss took out a printed poster from her bag as if by magic. On it was Fang Jie wearing a black Tang suit and stepping on an aircraft.

You can tell at a glance that the video was paused and clipped.

 Update the two chapters as soon as possible today.

  Available tomorrow at 12 noon...

  It should be ten more after 12 o'clock...

  If it is possible, I don't know what the score will be...

  I will finish the book anyway
(End of this chapter)

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