entertainment teacher

Chapter 107 The Reincarnated Soul

Chapter 107 The Reincarnated Soul
"Remind the host, please upgrade the runes with insufficient levels as soon as possible, so as not to cause the runes to collapse." The next day, when Fang Jie opened his eyes, a system notification suddenly sounded in his head.

"Water?" Fang Jie frowned and asked back, what do you mean?
"If the level of the rune cannot keep up with the level of the Dao Seal, when the host enters the moon level stage, it will be impacted and collapsed by the power of heaven and earth washing over the body because of the low level of the host." The system explained very conscientiously In a word, as a system whose service is always well received, this little hint should be given.

"Also, please ask the host to pay off the outstanding teacher points as soon as possible, lest the system use coercive means." The frivolous voice of the system made Fang Xie feel a little helpless. Is it the uncle who agreed to owe the money?Why didn't it work when it came to me?

The systems on other people's stalls are all kinds of cheats, all kinds of money...

Look at the system on my booth again, not only does it not send tasks, but it also sets up various pitfalls for you to jump...

Wait, when did the rune of my text get the second seal?
Looking at the big second seal on his panel, Fang Jie was a little puzzled.

"Since the host has already finished the first copy of the plagiarized novel "Legend of Sword and Fairy", he has obtained enough rune experience to upgrade to the second seal." The system is still very merciful in this basic small problem... for free.

"That is to say, as long as I write novels, I can gain rune experience?" Fang Jie seemed to know something important.

"Bingo, the point is, novels must be purchased from the mall, or open a big gift package, or draw a lottery."


A money-hungry system.

Fang Jie jumped up from the bed with an expressionless expression.

Just as Fang Jie was complaining about the system, a call came in.

"Hello?" Fang Jie took out his phone.

"Boy, bring your apprentice to the school. It's time to observe "Starry Sky Map" once a semester." Fang Zhonghua's rough and violent voice directly made Fang Jie pull the phone away from the old man for a long distance.

"Oh." Fang Jie responded, and then his figure disappeared into the room.

Not long after, Fang Jie appeared by the lake with his daughter in his arms. Because Fang Jie got up late, all the apprentices went to train in the forest by themselves...

"Assemble." Fang Jie ordered lightly.

Lucifer nodded and threw a fireball into the sky.

The speed of the fireball was extremely fast, like a meteor, and the moment it reached the clouds, it exploded.

This is the simplest means of assembly that Lucifer formulated when Fang Jie was out.

"Boom...boom...boom..." There was only a sound of heavy footsteps coming from the depths of the forest, every step was waiting for a little tremor of the ground, curious Fang Nian and Fang Xie turned their heads at the same time.

Xiang Zhu, who looks like a beast in human form, is holding a giant rope as thick as a baby's wrist in one hand, while the other end of the two ropes is dragging a tearful brown bear king...

Seeing that the brown bear king couldn’t stop Xiang Zhu’s dragging with his claws and bites...

Fang Jie looked at Xiang Zhu who was walking step by step in surprise. When he came back yesterday, he hadn't looked at his extremely powerful apprentice carefully. He didn't expect to surprise him so much...

Bring up the properties panel...

Xiangzhu, strength 150
Fuck, co-author, I haven't seen you for a month, what the hell, the strength has increased to [-] catties? !
Looking at Fang Jie's surprised eyes, Lucifer chuckled and said, "This disciple of the Lord is indeed extremely powerful. I rarely see such a creature in the Demon Realm."

"Wait..." Looking at Xiang Zhu's attribute panel, Fang Jie seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

Name: Xiang Zhu

Age: 16
Daoyin: Wuyin (secondary middle stage)

Rune: Rune of Power (Second Seal)
Power: 150
Agility: 10
Intelligence: 10
Talent: Dragon Elephant Power.

Overlord's Bloodline: Activate. (Gain double strength permanently.)
Overlord's Soul: First Awakening.

Looking at the Overlord's Soul at the bottom of Xiangzhu's attribute panel...

Is it the same thing as Ji Xuan's Xuanyuan Dragon Soul and Fatty's Gluttonous Soul?
If so……

Fang Jie turned his attention to Li Bubai who was in the assembled team.

Name: Li Bubai
Age: 17

Text printing (secondary lower paragraph)
Wuyin (upper level one)
Power: 15
Agility: 30
Intelligence: 15
Talent: Painting Dao 81, Poetry Dao 90, the meaning of sword fairy.

Soul of Sword Immortal: Not awakened.

I don't know when, Li Bubai also added a thing called the soul of the sword fairy at the bottom of Li Bubai's attribute panel.

But other apprentices...

Fang Jie checked the panels of all the apprentices, and there was one person who had such a thing.

Ji Yuan:

Age: 17
Road seal: no
Power: 4
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 6
Fuxi's Soul: Not Awakened
None other than these three.

"System, what exactly is this?" Fang Jie frowned, and directly entered the sea of ​​consciousness.

"The reincarnated soul of a god and demon." The system replied.

"What's the use?" Xuanyuan Dragon Soul, Gluttonous Soul, such things are very easy to understand. Since it is a reincarnated soul, that is to say, it is a personal talent, but what is the use of it?

"The key to entering the seventh level is to awaken your own soul."

"A human with a reincarnated soul, once awakened, the minimum achievement is a legend."

"The awakening of the soul means that you have the ability of some Japanese-level powerhouses. You can directly form a domain and control the surrounding space. After the soul is awakened, you can directly enter the daily-level cultivation stage without bottlenecks."

"Then help me find out, do I have a reincarnated soul?!" Listening to the system's explanation, Fang Xie drooled.

"Are you blind? Can't you see your own panel?" the system said venomously.

"I..." Always being complained by the system, Fang Jie seemed to explode: "Fuck, I have tolerated you for a long time!"



"Repay the money if you don't accept it!"

"I have no money."

"Poor! Pay back the money!"


Looking at the blank panel below him and the words negative [-] teacher points, Fang Xie felt that his life was bleak.

It took less than 30 seconds for Lucifer to send out the signal, and all the apprentices gathered by the lake.

"It's time for the school to watch "Starry Sky Map" once in a while. Everyone should go and see it. Even if you don't want to wake up Wenyin, it will help you to experience the state of mind." Fang Jie said lightly, feeling great sadness in his heart. , infinite sorrow...

Fang Jie felt that...in fact...the soul of the **** is also acceptable.

"Understood." All the disciples nodded.

Following Fang Jie, he ran directly towards Zhonghua University. This is a rare opportunity every six months, so he should cherish it.

 Is anyone else watching?Count your votes...

(End of this chapter)

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