my ark plane

Chapter 81 Chapter 8 The Death of Aiden

Chapter 81 No.80 The Death of Aiden
At this time, Aiden's mind was already blank, and his heart was full of fear.

Brother C in front of him blocked all his vision, and he could still see streaks of blood on the silver carapace.

Just now, when Aiden thought that Mars could catch him, this strange creature appeared in front of him one step at a time. Because the other party moved too fast, he could barely see it stretching its body in mid-air. After two flashes of cold light, Mars' body turned into two halves and fell down.

At this time, Aiden, who was in the free fall, recalled that the monster in front of him seemed to be not an origin beast, but man-made. Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a chill behind his back. The other party was intent on killing from the beginning, but it was disguised as an origin beast. , what is it for?
A shock from his back involved broken bones all over his body, and a sharp pain broke his thoughts.

By the time Aiden recovered from the pain that almost made him faint, he had already returned to that familiar place. In the claws of Xiaoji.

At this time, Xiao Tie was standing on the top of the original mountain, holding him with one hand.

"I ask, you answer."

"What the hell are you... ah!"

Xiao Jie's claws tightened slightly.

Another burst of severe pain stimulated his consciousness, and it took a while for Aiden to say with a grim face, "Anyway, it's death!"

Just when he was about to shut up with a desperate mentality, a figure appeared on the arm of the claw in front of him.

A needle was pierced into his neck, and the liquid inside was injected quickly, and a huge force came from his throat, forcing him to open his mouth. When the two pills were thrown in, his throat was also slightly hit. With a single blow, the pill was swallowed in an instant.

"You, ahem, how come you are from the Federation?"

After being forcibly given emergency medicine, Aiden's condition improved a little. He finally looked up and saw the mysterious man in front of him. However, the man was dressed in a hunter's costume, with a gauze scarf covering his mouth and nose, revealing only a pair of sharp eyes.

"Do you want to give up the position and power of the major general like this? Tell me everything you know about the plan for the Huaxia region, and I can let you go back."

"Really, really?" Aiden spoke hoarsely at this time, but his eyes brightened a little, "You Chinese people pay attention to swearing."

"? Forget it, there's another earth-type supernatural person over there who seems to know a lot." Li Huaixu's eyes turned cold, and he turned and walked away along Xiaojie's arm. At the same time, Aiden also felt the huge The claws are slowly tightening.

"No, I, I said, let me go!"

"Then speak quickly."

As if the hope of survival was right in front of him, Aiden's words became much smoother, "I got the news from above, creating unexpected delays to the material support to the source energy mine stronghold, the source energy mine has a complete defense force but no high-purity The origin stone support will soon be broken by the origin beast."

"and then?"

"Then, then my family stepped in. They provided high-purity source stones, but I was in charge. Others thought that the family just asked me to do the gold plating, but it was actually"

Aiden secretly glanced at Li Huaixu's only eyes, and stopped talking.

"Why target the Yuan Neng Mine?"

"This, they didn't say this, they just pretended to be attacked by an origin beast on the way, and the supplies were delayed." Aiden found that the emotion in Li Huaixu's eyes was a bit wrong, a bright light flashed in his mind, and he hurriedly said, "I think Get up! The person above me said that this time, Huaxia District will lose its high-level manifestation powerhouses, and your technological development speed will be greatly reduced."

Li Huaixu was shocked when he heard the three words, but the scarf on his face made him look expressionless.

"Last question, who is the person above you?"

"I..." He hesitated suddenly.

Li Huaixu didn't speak but his mind moved, and Xiao Jie's claws slowly tightened.

Feeling the pressure from all around, Aiden couldn't care anymore, and shouted, "Lieutenant General Rice, Saudi Rice!"

"very good."

After getting the answer, Xiaoping's claws also loosened, and Aiden, who couldn't lift his energy, slipped from his claws and fell hard to the ground.

He ignored the pain, got up crazily, and limped down the mountain.

However, a huge black shadow suddenly covered the sky above his head, and a voice came from above.

"How familiar is it? Seven is okay?"

"You! You broke your promise!" Aiden even spit out idioms when he was shocked.

"I let you go, but I caught you again."

This time Aiden had no time to speak, thinking that a loud dragon chant overshadowed everything, followed by the blue dragon's breath that filled his vision.

The hot blue dragon's breath quickly melted him and a large piece of nearby rock, creating a huge hole in the mountain, with red magma flowing inside.

"It's hard for you to be half-ripe." Li Huaixu patted the armor on Xiaopie's neck, and let him fly to Brother C who had just beheaded Mars with one blow and fell freely at the foot of the mountain.

Taking Brother C back, Xiao Jie flapped his wings and quickly moved towards Xiao Lan's battlefield.

Because of the fight and retreat just now, he can no longer see the situation over there, but he still thinks it is stalemate.

After arriving at the battlefield, the result was not what he expected.

Neither a person nor a beast can do anything to the opponent. Xiaolan belongs to the power type, but after the opponent turned into a rock giant, his strength has already approached it, and his defense has also been greatly improved.

However, it was different after Li Huaixu joined. When they separated after a collision, Brother C suddenly appeared and joined the battlefield. The physique and defense that the rock giant is proud of were vulnerable to it. Like a phantom, it poked at its heart several times in a row, and within two breaths, a hole appeared on its body.

After the giant pincers were pulled out, blood flowed out, coagulating into plasma with the broken stones at the entrance of the hole.

Derian, who didn't look at the heart of the rock giant, took Xiaolan and Brother C back, and then rode a little jet to the beginning of the battlefield.

Meno still stopped there quietly, and some crew members with no energy on board were standing shiveringly in an open space outside. In front of them was a young man wearing only a pair of trousers, even half of his body. They were still covered with soldier frost, but they didn't mean to resist at all.

At this time, the young man was smoking a cigarette, spitting at the group of people.

"Don't you know what happened at the Gunshan stronghold?"

"Is the spacecraft's surveillance system used to eat shit?"

"You told me that you are in the underground warehouse? Think I'm easy to deceive?"

At this time, the group of crew members looked behind him in horror, and many people's legs trembled.

"I'm that scary? That's right, I'm just that scary. I'll send you all to court-martial tomorrow!"

"Sir, sir." A crew member with a slightly better psychological quality stretched out his finger tremblingly and pointed diagonally behind him.

The young man also realized that something was wrong at this time, and turned his head to look in his direction, and the cigarette he was holding fell to the ground with his open mouth.

I saw that the fire-breathing dragon that was chased by those supernatural beings just now had returned, and was slowly flapping its wings in the distance, floating in the air, while the others were nowhere to be seen.

"Fog grass!"

The young man was shocked when he saw this scene. He picked up the half of the cigarette that had fallen on the ground, snuffed it out, and desperately activated his own energy, but he could only feel a slight static electricity on his hair.

Feeling the exhausted source energy, the youth immediately turned around and ran away.


An energy bomb blasted not far in front of him, leaving a pit, and traces of magma flowed in the scorched pit.

The young man swallowed hard with a look of despair, but did not dare to move anymore. As for the crew members, they were even more frightened. Some people rolled their eyes and fainted on the spot, while many more collapsed on the ground.

feng feng feng
Little Jet approached slowly, descended on the open space in front of them, and stood on the ground.

When Xiaoje stood in front, they saw how huge the monster in front of them was, and the precision armor with deep blue energy flow, the uncovered black claws, and the wings made of energy were all shocked their eyeballs.

"come here."

Li Huaixu heard what was said just now, and the reason for this person's visit seems to have something to do with the stronghold in the mountains.

When they heard the voice coming from Xiao Jie, their jaws almost dropped in shock, and the naked young man among them felt that the other party's blue eyes were staring at him.

This made his scalp tingle for a while, but at this moment, his source energy was exhausted, so he could only obediently walk over.

"Who are you, and what is the purpose of coming here? Where is that white-haired superhuman who uses lightning?" Li Huaixu's questions spit out like a series of cannon balls.

"Well, my name is Xiao Mengyuan. I came here because I suspect that the destruction of the Qunshan stronghold was related to them. Then the person you mentioned is me."

Although Li Huaixu had guessed in his heart when he saw his strange outfit, but he was still shocked when he heard him admit it at this time. The two were the same person, so the difference between them was too great.

"Okay, what do you suspect, tell me."

Xiao Mengyuan hesitated for a moment, remembering that his last resort was also to kill that ice-type strongman. He was out of ammunition and food, and the mysterious existence in front of him didn't seem to be a problem. The few people who chased him just now The strong ones didn't come back, and the fate can be imagined. You must know that Mars among them is an existence that even he dare not be careless against him.

Thinking of this, he could only accept his fate, took a breath and said in a deep voice, "I received orders from above to support the source mine. When passing by the mountains, there was still fierce fighting there. The source beast had just broken through the fortress, but But the people inside all lost their fighting spirit, and when I got closer, I only saw the 'Meno' leaving the mountain stronghold."

"Later, when I entered Qunshan Town, it was already irreparable. It was a one-sided massacre. I learned from a seriously injured soldier that Aiden gave up the stronghold and this happened."

"Tell me about what you know about the Yuanneng Mine." Li Huaixu, who was on Xiaopeng's back, flashed his expression, suppressed the anger surging in his heart, and pretended to ask casually.

(End of this chapter)

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