my ark plane

Chapter 69: Chapter 69

Chapter 69 No.60 Nine Insect Origin Beasts
On Jiuyuan Star, desolation and silence are the status quo in most places. Li Huaixu is holding a Tektronix sniper rifle and looking around on the top of the MH9 that has been turned into a caravan.

Seven hours had passed, and the people in front had already passed the whistle in turn, and now he was in charge of the remaining three hours.

Surrounded by unchanging sand and exposed rocks, it is easy to feel tired and sleepy if you stay here for a long time. Fortunately, Li Huaixu's life experience in the initial Ark plane sharpened his spirit. These three Hours mean nothing to him.

Time passed quickly, and there were no accidents in the remaining three hours. When the time was up, he jumped off the roof of the car, and the tyke boots appeared to offset the impact for a moment and then disappeared.

After calling everyone up, the three shuttles started and continued to their destination.

The speed of the shuttle is actually not slow. It has been a day and a night since it came out, and after traveling for half a day, it can barely reach the destination.

The three shuttles, headed by Li Huaixu and followed by Yu Tianjiang, moved forward in the desolation.

At this time, Jing Guangjun had changed to Wu Chengyun's driver. He was looking at the three-dimensional screen projected in front of him in the co-pilot, and his speech was weak.

"Why haven't we arrived yet? We are all stuck with this blue dot on the map."

"Will you go crazy if you stay in this kind of place for a long time?" Wu Chengyun also looked helpless, but he still kept his eyes on the road and concentrated on driving.

"We've seen our destination, let's go first to resupply." Li Huaixu's excited voice came from inside the car, and Jing Guangjun and Lin Shihua behind couldn't help but widen their eyes and stick their heads out of the car window to look forward.

The sandy land in front has disappeared, and a mountain range with no end in sight on both sides blocks this sandy land here. The shuttle flies to the mountain range and climbs up. View all.

Li Huaixu tilted his head slightly to look at the map, and flew forward with the flying shuttle. After a while, he arrived at the sky above a valley. Action on the street.

This is the last blue dot called mountains on the map of their movement route. Going forward is the mission route.

This stronghold is not very big, it's more like a small town. Compared to Dawn City, it couldn't be any smaller.

After finding a place to park the shuttle, Yu Tianjiang leaned against the front of the car and said, "This is the last supply point, go buy some food first, and you won't have time to come back after the mission starts."

After hearing this, several people dispersed into the town to make purchases. They only brought some dry food and other things in their marching backpacks. This was also Yu Tianjiang's instruction. They were confused at first, but now they knew they could resupply here.

Li Huaixu and Muwu Jun Linying walked on the street. Most of the shops here were repair shops, various equipment shuttles and the like. After walking for a while, they saw some food sellers.

A few people went in to have a look, and found that the vegetables and fruits here are very cheap, as long as a few star coins can buy a lot.

But the meat is different, and the few people who saw the price were dumbfounded for a while.

Li Huaixu took a brief look at the meat in a freezer of Yuanneng, and asked the boss, "Boss, how did this meat come from? Did it come from the earth?"

The boss is a middle-aged man in his 50s. Although he is already a little old, his burly body can still tell that he is strong. After hearing Li Huaixu's question, he smiled heartily.

"You guys just came to Jiuyuan Star, right? This is Yuanyuan beast meat, which contains amazing energy. A small piece can lower half a pig on the earth. This is the meat from a Mok worm. The level is not very high, the more advanced creatures , the more energy it contains."

"Can the origin beast eat it?"

"Don't you know? Seeing that your outfit is on a mission, the military actually let you come without telling you the common sense?" The boss was also surprised when he heard his question, but he still explained it to them.

"The source beasts discovered so far can be eaten except those of the poisonous type. The source energy they absorb is stored in the body. Some germs can't bear such a strong source energy at all."

How did Li Huaixu and the others know that it's not that the Federation doesn't tell them common sense, but that this task is assigned to the veterans they lead, but that day when Yu Tianjiang saw Li Huaixu's Tektronix armor, his mind was full of that armor , remember the matter of common sense there.

A few people bought a lot of vegetables and fruits, added two catties of animal meat, and went back.

When waiting for the gathering, several people threw their things in large and small bags into the car, and some things that were not easy to store were thrown in the Yuaneng refrigerator. After putting the food, Jing Guangjun said with emotion, "I didn't expect the vegetables here to be so cheap. Jiuyuan Isn’t there no food produced on the planet? By the way, there is such a thing as Yuanyuan meat!”

"I thought it was very expensive!" Wu Chengyun also agreed.

Leaning on the front of the car with his eyes closed, Yu Tianjiang froze when he heard its question, and then kept calm and said, "Jiuyuanxing has been developed for decades, and many people have given birth to offspring on it, not from the military. There are also many people, they live, develop, hunt and kill the source beasts and trade with the Federation here, this place can already be regarded as another human society.”

"However, there is one point proposed by the Federation, that is, the price of food that can be produced must be lowered uniformly, because whether it is people from the military or some people who were born on the Nine Origin Star, they are all fighting against the Origin Beast together. So we can’t treat them badly with this energy-generated thing, but it can only supply vegetables that are cultivated in large quantities through source energy devices, and meat still has to be hunted.”

"That is to say, vegetarian dishes can be cultivated in unlimited supply through the source energy device, so the price is limited by the Federation, but meat is hunted by its own ability, so the price is free."

"That's right, you should all know about the source beasts. Almost every part of their body is filled with treasures. Although they have brought disasters to mankind, they have also promoted the development of mankind." Yu Tianjiang found that several people were listening carefully and did not realize why they didn't realize it before. After talking about common sense, he coughed lightly, turned around and got on the shuttle, "The supplies are almost there, let's go directly to the quest line."

After several people boarded the shuttle one after another, the tail engine trembled slightly, and slowly lifted into the air, flying towards the back of the town.

The mountains below continued to pass by, the shuttle flew flat in the air, and a red flight line appeared on the three-dimensional screen they projected.

"The mission starts from here. This is the maximum scanning distance of the internal beast detector in the mountain stronghold. If you go forward, you will be unknown." Yu Tianjiang's voice came from the shuttle, "Now Li Huaixu is in charge of everything , I won’t make a move if I don’t meet Yuan Beast, of course you can call me if you have any questions.”

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, is the mission finally about to start?
Li Huaixu's eyes flickered, in order to temper their Federation, they really worked hard.

"The source animal detector is fully activated, Lin Ying, Cheng Yun, you all go to the roof of the car to observe the surroundings from now on, and the rest of the car pay attention to the warning, and the rotation will take place in two hours."


After hearing the responses from several people, Li Huaixu activated the source beast detector on the shuttle. The pyramid-shaped detector faintly had source energy flowing rapidly, and invisible waves emitted.

Then the shuttle started, and the two shuttles moved side by side at a constant speed, followed by Yu Tianjiang.

There are still endless mountain peaks below, and there is no end in sight, but the few people on the mission dare not relax. It is the first time to go out on a mission, and they have never seen anything, so they must remain vigilant.

The detection ranges of the source beast detectors of the two flying shuttles overlap. In fact, Li Huaixu wanted to divide his troops, but Yu Tianjiang objected because it was too dangerous. He had no choice but to let Jing Guangjun turn off his flying shuttle. The detectors are turned on on both sides to maintain energy.

Time passed quickly, and four days passed in a blink of an eye. During these few days, they finally knew why Yu Tianjiang said that the task would be very hard even with the function of a caravan.

Even if the environment is almost the same, you have to be vigilant all the time. At the beginning, a few people can talk, laugh and brag, but after two days, they have finished talking, and there is only boring silence left.

This task was not physically demanding, but mentally it was torture.

It wasn't until Li Huaixu asked the two sides to divide and cooperate, and when one side was resting, to activate the RV mode and the suspension function, and the other side dragged it forward, so that everyone had a chance to rest.

Someone has studied it before, as long as you can repeat one thing for 21 days, then you can develop it into a habit, and several people are walking on this road now.

On the fifth day, they finally came out of the continuous mountain range, but what they met was a piece of dead yellow sand.

"I feel like vomiting." At this time, several people on Jing Guangjun's side were already resting, and Wu Wu was lying on the passenger seat, her face drooping listlessly.

Jun Linying, who was driving the shuttle, did not answer, and her expression did not change at all, as if the mental torture of the past few days had no impact on her at all.

It was Li Huaixu's turn to stand guard on the roof of the car. He held the Tektronix sniper rifle and looked around through the sniper scope, but there was nothing but a piece of yellow sand.

The shuttle has now reached the middle of the mission line on the map. Except for Brother Sheng and his mission line stronghold in the distance, there are only purple dots in the first half of the map.

Once here, the nearest stronghold will take several days of travel.

Over the past few days, although Li Huaixu felt a little uncomfortable, he could still persevere. The three polygonal frames on the sniper scope were distributed in a vertical pattern, but nothing could be locked on.

Putting down the sniper rifle and inputting some energy into a handprint next to him, water gurgled out from a pipe on the roof of the car. He stretched out his hand to hold a handful of water, covered his face, and felt the coolness hit his head. The whole person is much more energetic.

After taking his hand away, the water droplets scattered. At this moment, he suddenly saw something moving in the dead yellow sand below.

Li Huaixu wiped off the water from his eyes, and took a closer look, but found that there was only a piece of yellow sand there. He turned his head to look at the detector behind him with some doubts, but there was nothing abnormal.

To be on the safe side, he still called the cab, "Rin Ying, stop."

The shuttle stopped in response. At this time, Yu Tianjiang and Jing Guangjun were still resting. Wu Wu climbed up from the car window to the roof with a wary look. Jun Linying's voice also came from below, "Is there anything going on?"

"Brother Huaixu, is there a source beast?"


Li Huaixu made a silence gesture to Wu Wu, pressed the small earphone next to his ear and whispered, "I don't know, the detector is normal, it may be my illusion, don't wake them up, I will try Give it a try."

After speaking, he squatted on the shuttle, and a Tek armor appeared in the flashing blue light to resist the recoil for him.

Kneeling on one knee, and setting up the huge sniper rifle, the blue Tek energy lines densely climbed up his right half of his body.

Li Huaixu took a deep breath, narrowed his left eye slightly, aimed at the location he just saw through the sniper scope, moved his finger, and pulled the trigger.

The blue energy on the huge body of the Tektronix sniper rifle surged wildly, turning into a blue light lasing out from the barrel, sinking into the sand, and a big hole appeared, surrounded by melted sand, which was quickly covered by the quicksand next to it. I can't see any abnormalities.

About three seconds passed, but there was no movement. The sniper rifle overheated after firing a single shot. The energy lines on the gun body had already turned red. A row of parts beside the sniper scope unfolded like scales, and a large amount of heat flow out of the crevices.

After a few seconds, the Tek sniper rifle overheated, but there was still no movement on the sand.

"Is your spirit too tense, why don't you go and have a rest." Mu Wu looked at Li Huaixu worriedly.

However, he refused to give up and turned on the identification friend or foe function of the Tek helmet. A green line suddenly appeared in the outline of Wu Wu and the shuttle next to him. When he looked down, there was nothing.

"No! He should have moved just now!" Thinking of this, he was horrified. The place where the shot was aimed was where there was movement. It was possible that the other party was not in that position when the movement was made.

The Tek sniper rifle disappeared in blue light, and a rifle with a similar style but shorter than the sniper rifle appeared in his hand.

A shuttle energy bullet spewed out from the muzzle, evenly covering the vicinity of the sand just now, and the Tektronix rifle overheated after a while, the energy bars on both sides of the scope turned red, and a large amount of high-temperature steam emitted from the gun body , making the surrounding air a little blurry.

There was a sharp scream along with the sound of overheating.

A strange black insect that looks like a scorpion but has a long centipede body at the tail needle emerges from the sand, and slaps its teeth and claws at the flying shuttle in the sky.

"Origin Beast!" Li Huaixu roared, leaning over the car window and shouting, "Wake them up!"

Jun Linying's face remained unchanged, and she pressed the connection warning of the three cars.

After the MH9 in RV mode at the back received the alarm, Jing Guangjun and the others got up immediately after taking a rest without changing their clothes, and came to the driver's cab to take their positions. The RV returned to its original appearance after being folded and deformed for a while.

Yu Tianjiang who was behind also came to the roof of his car with full vigilance.

The weird bugs below seemed to have nothing to do with them, they could only act like a demonstration, with their bodies standing upright and their double pincers constantly opening and closing.

Several people also saw its appearance, and suddenly took a breath of cold air. Only now did they see clearly that although the creature below had the appearance of an insect, it was close to six meters when it stood upright. A pair of giant pincers glowing with cold light could even Cut people down.

"I don't think I've seen this type of bug before! Fortunately, it can't fly." Lin Shihua, who had done enough homework on the source beast, said happily.

Yu Tianjiang, who was behind, turned on the phone with a serious face, "Don't relax, every kind of origin beast that you haven't seen before often carries a huge threat, let me go first"

Similar to the sound of an EMP bomb exploding, before Yu Tianjiang finished speaking, he felt that he had received a huge shock wave, but this shock wave was only aimed at the source energy, which made his source energy disorder all over his body, and at the same time his head was a little dizzy Almost.

The situation was the same for several other people. Even the objects in front of them had some ghost images. The only one who was not affected was Li Huaixu. The Tek Armor helped him block this weird shock wave.

It took more than ten seconds for Yu Tianjiang to regain his composure, his face changed suddenly, and he roared loudly, "There is also the Forbidden Void Beast! Come down at full speed!"

Several people hesitated when they heard his words, and looked at Li Huaixu.

Below is that weird bug, it doesn't look very friendly, it is safe in the sky now, but Yu Tianjiang let them descend, Li Huaixu hardly hesitated at the critical moment, shouted, "Listen to him, full speed decline!"

Jun Linying and Jing Guangjun pulled down the joystick at the same time, and the shuttle flew down almost vertically.

When they were almost close to the ground, they could see clearly that a wave visible to the naked eye centered on the bug, pushing away a layer of yellow sand around it, forming a slightly sunken flat land with a radius of about one kilometer.

"Jump!" Yu Tianjiang shouted the moment he saw the shock wave.

hum ong ong
This time the impact was even stronger, the energy engine of the shuttle was instantly extinguished, and it fell headlong.

boom boom boom

Three large pits appeared on the yellow sand, and the three shuttles were planted in the ground like three grasses. The front of the car sank into it. Fortunately, after getting the warning, several people jumped out in time and rolled a few times on the sand. A little skin, no big deal.

The real trouble, however, is that weird bug.

As early as the moment the shock wave dissipated, it was waiting for a few people to fall below, and now it finally made a move.

Leaning down, the centipede-like body twisted left and right, leading it to move quickly on the sandy ground.

Several people scattered and fell in the desert, unable to react under the influence of the second shock wave.

Because Li Huaixu and others discovered the bug first, it was right under their shuttle at the time. The closest ones to it at this time were Jun Linying and Lu Wu.

They haven't seen the front clearly yet, they only feel that the whole world is a double image, and they don't even know that a huge danger is approaching.

The worm's huge pair of pincers has been opened, dragging out a crooked trace on the desert, it is pure black without a trace of impurities, like a black gem, and even has a bloodthirsty gleam in its eyes, but it suddenly became pale because of a pain in its back. into twisted pain.


With its back as the center, a circle of yellow sand was lifted up due to the huge impact. The tail and head of the strange insect were almost one meter above the ground at the same time, while the back was deeply sunk in the sand.

When it slowed down and turned around angrily, it saw a figure wearing a strange armor with red energy flowing from its back where the pain was coming from.

The Tek energy behind the Tek breastplate kept gushing out, but it was fiery red energy.

This time Li Huaixu put on the impermanent Promitec breastplate, suspended in the air, grasped the wrist of his right hand with his left hand, felt a little shocked by the feeling just now.

He had already left the shuttle when the second shock wave arrived just now, and when he saw that the bug didn't notice him rushing towards the two of them, he immediately began to accumulate energy.

Hitting it's carapace with full strength actually only made it scream, but it became even more angry.

He is clear about the power of his Tektronix wrist punch punch. After changing to the promi version, the power has gone up to a higher level, but it can't do any harm to this bug.

Before he had time to think about it, he immediately revealed the sniper rifle, and just as he was aiming, the bug rushed towards Li Wu and the others regardless of him.

He had no choice but to take back the sniper rifle, charged up slightly, and brought him quickly close to the worm with a punch.

There was no way. The Tek assist system only helped him fine-tune the moment when he shot. If he didn't aim at the direction in advance, it wouldn't work. At present, the bug was too fast, although he was sure that he could snipe it before it reached a few people. He could reach it, but he had no idea of ​​its power. If it couldn't be killed in one blow, then the few people who were still suffering from the aftermath of the shock wave would have no resistance in front of it.


Another punch hit the insect on the back, and it finally stopped and turned around to charge.

This time Li Huaixu did not fly into the sky again, his fists were clenched tightly, the light of the Tektronix armor all over his body turned, and two sharp blades appeared on the back of his hand.

An open giant pincers came towards him, he was short enough to avoid the black shadow above his head, and at the same time mercilessly stretched out the Tek light blade and swiped upwards, but left behind a golden sword screaming sound.

Li Huaixu clearly saw that the energy of the Tektronix Light Blade was flowing wildly, but it just left a white mark on the giant pincers of the weird bug.

With a frightened mind, he activated the energy of the Tektronix boots and led him back quickly. At the place where he had just stopped for a while, another pliers was already deeply inserted into the sand.

The weird worm was turning its head to deal with Li Huaixu at this time, but it didn't notice a black figure holding two Tang knives in its hands behind it jumped onto its back.

Ding Ding Ding

The sound of dense jingle chirping came from its back, but it didn't even leave a white mark.

But this also attracted its attention. The flat body like a centipede was raised high, and it pierced down with a gleam of cold light. This vicious and fast counterattack suddenly stopped, and the figure on its back had already disappeared by the time it pierced down. , appeared next to the inverted shuttle, leaving a few drops of sweat on his face, panting slightly.

"Linying, are you okay?" The silver in his eyes receded, and he stared at the insect.


A huge fireball and a lightning gun flew over their heads and landed on the back of the weird bug. At the same time, a beam of blue light shot towards its head in front of it.


The sound of the fireball explosion overwhelmed the other two attacks. After a few seconds, the yellow sand splashed and fell, and the strange bug inside was seen. A small black hole about the size of a thumb was opened, and a plume of black smoke came out of the hole with a smell of burnt meat.

Chongzi screamed in pain, and crawled even more frantically towards Li Huaixu in front of him.

Before it could climb far, a bigger fireball flew over them and hit it again.

The power this time was different from that just now, after the bug suffered this blow, the originally glossy black carapace had many patches of yellow spots, several joint limbs were blown apart, and green juice continued to spurt out.

The people behind finally rushed over, looking solemnly at the bug that was entangled by Li Huaixu in front.

Lin Shihua condensed a ball of light in his hand, and scattered like holy light into everyone's body, and healed all of the minor injuries from the car jump just now.

The bug at this time looked extremely miserable, because it was missing a few joints, and it could hardly touch Li Huaixu. It could only wave its pair of pincers helplessly, but it couldn't pose any threat.

"It seems that the strength is very average! Quickly solve it." Yu Tianjiang looked at Li Huaixu who was flying up and down in Tektronix armor with some shock, but his actions did not stop. A trace of flame ignited in his hand, gradually condensing into a fireball.

The same is true for Jing Guangjun, but the color of his fireball is much lighter. After Jun Linying adjusted his body a little, he disappeared in an instant and appeared at the place where other limbs of the insect were injured. After firing more than a dozen knives, his figure disappeared in an instant, and he returned to the side of several people, gasping for breath.

The several limbs that had been crumbling were broken. Seeing the opportunity, Wu Chengyun threw the thunder gun that was ready to go, and accurately inserted it into the wound of the insect's limbs, and the restless thunder and lightning surged crazily in it.

After suffering the pain, the weird bug realized that entanglement with Li Huaixu was a wrong choice. Feeling the threat from behind, it twisted its body hastily, and it turned out to want to escape.

Two fireballs followed, and its remaining jointed limbs swung wildly, trying to avoid it, but it stopped for a full second, and was hit hard by the fireballs behind.

The huge explosion lifted the surrounding sand into the sky, and the bugs were not spared, and their six-meter-long giant body was also thrown up by the shock wave.

Li Huaixu's figure appeared on the blown-out bug's head, and the Tektronix light blade pierced the hard carapace of its head, leaving only white spots.

The worm fell, and the attack speed of Tektronix's light blade became faster and faster until it became a phantom. The few people behind could only see two long light blades in Li Huaixu's hands, and could not see the attack at all. action.


Bugs land on the sand.

What is the sound of being pierced? The two pincers of the bug on the ground were raised slightly, and immediately fell down weakly.

(End of this chapter)

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