my ark plane

Chapter 64: Chapter 64

Chapter 64 No.60 Four Landing
The freshmen put down their seats out of curiosity, lay flat there, and pressed the button next to the armrest.

A transparent curved glass extends from one side and closes on the other side, turning the seats into places similar to dormant cabins.

The armrests on both sides have now become low-level baffles, and two seat belts pop out from there, buckled on the freshmen's legs, abdomen, and shoulders, fixing them tightly and immobilizing them.

"This, what is this, I can't move."

"It's a bit uncomfortable."

Just when they were a little panicked, a gentle female voice came from inside, "Students, don't panic, the atmosphere of Jiuyuan star is different from our earth. They are all composed of violent source energy. When they pass by, they will shake violently and will affect you. The source energy in the body caused a runaway, we are changing the seat into an isolation cabin, in which you will not be affected, please wait at ease."

After hearing this, the freshmen breathed a sigh of relief and waited in the cabin with peace of mind.

In the bridge, a huge projection screen appeared in front of it, and it reflected a middle-aged man with a majestic appearance and a meticulous military uniform.

Yuan Berlin on the bridge got up and saluted and said, "Yongqin, Xingping, Zhengyuan, Zhenghui, and Shiyuan request to return. This time, they are carrying [-] freshmen in the China region of the Earth Federation to perform training tasks. "

"Permission to land, and by the way, welcome back."

"Roger! Prepare to land."

"Yes, Captain!" The crew below replied in unison.

The flame at the tail of the spacecraft was activated again, slowly pushing the spacecraft into the atmosphere of Jiuyuanxing.

As the spaceship got closer, the hull began to vibrate continuously, as if it was about to fall apart at any time, and the freshmen in the isolation cabin felt their bodies bumping and vibrating with the cabin.

clack clack clack
The spaceship entered the atmosphere, and the surrounding violent source energy continuously impacted the hull, making it like a flat boat in a stormy sea, constantly bearing the impact of the waves. Flip several times in a row.

Under this berserk impact, although the spaceship is flying around, it will steadily descend every time it comes to a stop. There is a faint layer of soft source energy flowing on the surface, protecting the hull so that it can withstand no matter how many source energy impacts. not damaged.

Under the violent impact, the freshmen in the cabin felt a whirlwind, and many of them felt a nausea in their stomachs. A ventilator-style tube fell from the roof of the cabin, sucking up all their vomit. Some of the lucky ones just fainted.

Li Huaixu's face was also livid at this time, even if he was flying on a small jet and doing various difficult moves in the air to fight, he didn't shake and spin so violently.

Under such circumstances, the spacecraft descended slowly and firmly, and it took about an hour to break through the atmosphere and enter Jiuyuanxing.

After the turbulence stopped, the cabin door opened, and when the freshmen climbed out, they were shaky, their feet were weak, and there were still many isolation cabins where no one came out, and they seemed to have passed out.

Li Huaixu came out from inside with an ugly expression on his face. After suppressing the desire to vomit, he took a look at the surrounding situation.


A sound of deep breathing came from the side, and Li Huaixu turned his head to look. Jing Guangjun was holding his chest, holding one hand on the isolation cabin, panting heavily.

Wu Wu had just climbed out, her expression was very bad, and she was a little unsteady and could only hold on to the isolation cabin.

As for Wu Chengyun and Lin Shihua, they didn't climb out at all.

"Mist grass! You, you, ho, ho, you are not, you are not human!" Jing Guangjun saw that he had only adjusted slightly, except that his face had hardly changed, and suddenly he screamed strangely.

Ignoring him, Li Huaixu came to the edge of the spaceship and looked at the Jiuyuan star that opened a new era.

The ground is full of dead desolation, large areas of yellow sand and exposed mountains are clearly visible even in the sky, and there is no end to be seen at a glance, and some purple energy storms are sweeping in the distance.

Looking up from here, the sky is purple, and the whole world reveals a depressing and dull atmosphere.

"The spacecraft successfully broke through the atmosphere and is locating its current position."

"The positioning is successful. Go to Dawn City immediately. Students, please don't leave your position. We will land in Dawn City in about an hour."

The freshmen who had just recovered immediately returned to their isolation chambers, the engine at the rear of the spaceship started, and they left quickly.

Because of the high altitude, you can only see the endless purple energy constantly receding in the isolation cabin, and you can't see the situation on the ground.

The five spaceships passed quickly at high altitude. Although only a few shadows could be seen, the speed was actually much slower than when they were on Earth.

After about 40 minutes, the spacecraft slowly slowed down and stopped over a city built on a huge crater.

"It has arrived in Dawn City and is applying for a landing slot. It will land in 15 minutes and you can move freely. Please wait patiently."

Gentle electronic female voices came from all directions, and some freshmen who had just woken up looked outside curiously.

On the crater with a height of several kilometers, in the huge pit with a diameter of about [-] kilometers, tall buildings rise from the ground, which looks like a prosperous super metropolis of human beings.

"Have humans actually developed like this?"

"Unexpectedly, we have developed such a city here!"

"The ancestors are too great."

On this desolate and dead planet full of crises, the ancestors of mankind actually built such a super city in such a place. The freshmen couldn't help feeling a strong sense of pride in their hearts when they saw it. In the future, they will also join this kind of city. inside the building.

Li Huaixu and the others also looked at the great achievements of the human beings below in shock. This era is really remarkable.

"Getting permission to land, the spacecraft is ready to land."

The spaceship came steadily to the edge of the city. Only then did they see that there was a huge open space below here. Even in the sky where they could see the whole city, this open space was extremely conspicuous, making the whole city look like a void. The mouth is generally round.

The engine at the bottom of the spaceship started, and several flames appeared to support the hull, and the tail engine went out. As the source energy output by the bottom engine became smaller, the spaceship gradually landed on the open space below.

"Successfully landed. This journey took three hours and [-] minutes. I wish you a bright future on Jiuyuan Star. Goodbye."

In the cabin where the students were riding, there were several exits on the back wall, and there were several energetic crew members organizing their disembarkation.

Li Huaixu and the others followed the crowd, passed through the silver-white exit passage, and stepped on the ground of Jiuyuanxing for the first time.

Surprisingly, it has almost formed a set of Jiuyuan Star's own ecosystem. The temperature does not get lower due to the distance from the sun. The temperature here is just lower than that of the earth. The new students do not feel the protection of active energy. strange.

Gravity is also amazing, it is almost the same as the earth, is it accidental or inevitable?
As soon as they got off the spaceship, they could feel the ubiquitous source energy here, and with just a slight thought, the source energy on their bodies would pulsate endlessly, pulling the source energy around them to flow towards them.

More and more people disembarked from the spaceship, and someone outside the arena used their energy to shout for order. At this moment, Li Huaixu found that the five spaceships stopped were not limited to theirs.

Their five spaceships were lined up, and there were more than a dozen of the same spaceships after one row passed by. People came down from the top and looked around curiously. They saw that the faces and skin colors were people from other continents.

Soon the front of the spaceship was full of people, and the bustling crowd looked around curiously and chatted privately.

It wasn't until a roar with majestic origin energy came from ahead that they stopped.

"Welcome to Jiuyuanxing! I am Lu Weilin, the supreme commander of this mission. You must have a lot of doubts when you come here for the first time, but you have traveled a long distance and passed through the violent atmosphere here. You must have tossed all the way down. I am also very tired." The voice paused and continued, "I don't have much to say here, your identity team has already prepared accommodation for you when the message came from the earth, some people who have not formed a team People can also wait for the next group, now, the people in your spaceship will take you to your residence, and we will see you tomorrow."

After the sound disappeared, an officer came out in front of each spaceship to organize the team of his own spaceship.

The person organized by Li Huaixu and the others is a slightly younger officer. He looks about 30 years old. He can organize large-scale missions at this age. He is very young in his position.

The freshmen lined up in an obedient order according to the officer's command, without any thorns. This would be impossible in a similar university military training in the old era, but this is where Jiuyuan Star gathers the top power and strength of mankind. , No one dared to make trouble at all.

The freshmen quickly lined up in square formations. Although the arrangement was not very neat, it was still possible to see which formation they belonged to.

At this time, Li Huaixu looked at the phalanx next door with some surprise.

She also came to Jiuyuanxing?I didn't see that when I was training.

It was Jun Linying who he met in his mechanical course, that strange girl, although he had not been there since he reported the training of the Jiuyuanxing team to the Comprehensive Academy after the first class, But I still have a deep impression on her.

At this time, she just stood there as usual and was ignored by the crowd. In Li Huaixu's eyes, it seemed that there were only two people in the entire phalanx, she and the others.

"Brother Huai Xu, what are you looking at?"

A tender white hand was waving in front of him, and Mu Wu followed his gaze, but found nothing special, only a bustling square formation.

Jing Guangjun and the others also looked at him when they heard the words.

"Look at that girl, do you see anything special?"

"Which one?"

"That's it, the last one on the edge."

"It's nothing special. She's just an ordinary girl with an average look." Several people looked at him strangely, not understanding what he was talking about.

"It's like this." Li Huaixu looked away after hearing the words, bowed his head and remained silent.

"Is there anything special about her?" Yu Wu asked curiously, looking at him.

"No, I met her once in a mechanics class before, and I'm a little curious about why she came here."

"There is no team, and there are many people who have not formed a team. After all, they are all freshmen, and this task is so hasty, many people don't know many people, let alone form a team."

"Forget it, let's go now." Shaking his head slightly, Li Huaixu raised his head and looked forward.

The voice with energy spread throughout their phalanx, and the young officer at the head spoke.

"I'll take you back first, and I'll explain to you the various facilities inside and the common sense on Jiuyuanxing later. Now, come with me."

(End of this chapter)

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