my ark plane

Chapter 53 Chapter 53

Chapter 53 Three Fierce Battles Druid Boss
Brother C completely ignored his own defense, and stabbed the druid boss madly with two giant pincers. Although the damage was very low, the victory was stable, and its own blood volume was also high, which could withstand it. From the blood bar above the druid's head Looking at it, although its blood loss is very slow, it is also steadily decreasing. This will be a protracted battle.

The druid was irritated by the strange piece of metal in front of him. He raised his right paw and slapped it hard. The four jointed limbs of Brother C's tail sank again. However, this also made his figure more fixed, and his claws instantly Keep stabbing forward like rain hitting plantains.


With a huge bear roar, the Druid opened his mouth wide and bit Brother C. The bite force of a bear creature is already at the forefront of creatures, let alone this mutated first-order boss, whether it is In terms of class and size, they are far superior to ordinary bears. After this bite, although Li Huaixu shrunk into a wheel shape and wanted to escape, he was still bitten.

The silver mechanical carapace endured the druid's heavy bite force, and it didn't deform in the slightest. It was only after his mind covered him that he realized that Brother C's energy consumption had doubled, and the red gemstones in his black muscles were constantly flowing. Flows to the dorsal carapace.

The high-speed flow of energy even made Brother C's carapace seem to be overloaded, with electric arcs jumping wildly on it.

Even the druid's most outstanding bite force couldn't help Brother C, and he was immune to the most terrifying percentage of blood loss magic damage. Li Huaixu immediately felt relieved, and stretched out his double pincers, stabbing into its fragile mouth at the same time, After a slight pause, he retracted and stabbed again. After four or five stabs in an instant, the painful druid boss finally let go of his mouth, and the overloaded arc on Brother C's mechanical carapace disappeared.

Seeing that there was nothing to do with the mouth, it could only raise its forelegs to slap it again. Brother C was shocked, but before he could recover, another sharp giant claw with blue hair came to slap it.

The druid's attack speed is actually not slow, and it looks like it even has some naive bodies that are too deceptive.




The slapping of the boss's giant claws caused Brother C's blood volume to drop steadily, and he was not to be outdone. His double pincers stabbed out frantically, leaving small holes in the druid's body.

The blood volume of the druid boss is much slower than that of it. Brother C's blood volume is about to drop to half in the mind coverage field of vision, and the druid has not yet seen any signs of damage.

Li Huaixu immediately opened its backpack, and more than 30 blood packs that looked like red peaches, with a white cross on them, were placed at the top of the backpack space.

He used the blood bag without hesitation. Brother C lost half of his blood and immediately refilled it, but the blood bag also entered the 20-second CD. Seeing this, he couldn't help but feel a little worried. It seemed that he had been playing for a long time, but the time was just too late After more than ten seconds, Brother C's blood volume dropped to half during this period. During the vacuum period of 20 seconds, the Druid can hit his blood volume to less than half!
But as long as your blood volume does not fall below half after using up the blood pack, you can support the CD of the next blood pack. You can't eat the blood bag, because in the 20-second vacuum period, if you don't escape, you will be beaten to death by the druid.

At present, the blood volume is still healthy, so we can only fight hard first to see if the blood pack is not needed first or the druid is killed first.

The BOSS blood volume is steadily decreasing, and brother C has used several blood packs. Now after using up the blood packs, brother C can only recover to three-quarters of the blood, and the boss's blood bar is only about three-quarters left.

If this continues, both sides will fight to the limit, and whoever will die first may die at that time. Li Huaixu gritted his teeth and continued to fight hard. Although making Brother C almost exhausted all his resources, fighting the boss is a step into the first level. The first step must be to try.

In the end, if he feels that he can't beat him, he will make Brother C turn into a wheel and escape. For Li Huaixu at this stage, Brother C's existence is irreplaceable. In the current situation, only the boss can have a chance to win It's gone, and it didn't come easily, so I can't explain it here.

This time, Brother C's level is 156, which is considered to be an explosion of character. If all the next few times come below level 100, it will really be a nightmare, and it will only fall into an endless loop here.

As time passed, Brother C inserted his limbs into the ground, stabilized his body to resist the impact brought by the druid's giant claws, and counterattacked one after another, and soon both sides' blood volume was only about a quarter left, and The blood volume of the druid boss looks slightly more to the naked eye.

At this time, brother C has entered an overload state, and the amount of blood that can be recovered every time the blood bag is used up is close to half of the critical point. The ball is covered with electric light up and down.

The Druid BOSS was not feeling well either. His chest was already stained with blood, and his giant claws were full of shocking holes. Although the giant claws could only slightly break its skin with one stab, he couldn't stand it and stabbed it every time. Even if it comes down to one place several times, its thick fur cannot stop it.

One insect and one bear seemed to be on fire, no one was willing to escape first, and all kinds of attacks greeted each other.


There were more and more electric currents, and Brother C was covered with scars all over his body. After taking the blood recovery medicine again, in the next 20 seconds, Brother C's blood volume was hit to one-sixth of the remaining one-sixth. In the vision covered by the mind, The blood bar almost bottomed out.

And the druid's blood volume has also dropped to a quarter. Seeing this, Li Huaixu's expression is serious. Do you really want to run?Using other methods to fight or find the next boss will take a lot of time, and what he lacks most now is time.

He thought of a way, he could only delay the CD of the blood pack as much as possible, but during the delay, he couldn't let the Druid recover his blood, he had to keep attacking it.

The druid looks cumbersome and huge, and its attack method is also very single. It only has claws and head, and it seems to be easy to deal with, but Li Huaixu knows that all this is just an illusion. Whether it is attack speed or movement speed, it is not weak. It's not easy to avoid its attack without interrupting the output.

However, in this situation, I can only try it. If I can delay the CD for more than ten seconds, I can eat an extra blood pack, which is half of the blood volume.

Thinking of this, under the cover of his heart, he first ate a blood bag with a good CD, and the blood volume reached half, and there would be a little more. Li Huaixu asked Brother C to pull out the four jointed limbs that were stuck in the ground. Rui's giant claws followed, and this time there was no limb immobilization, and Brother C was shot flying.

In the air, the worm form shrunk and turned into a wheel form, flew upside down and smashed several boulders, and finally stabilized the figure, the wheel form rotated at high speed, Brother C struck again like a silver lightning.

The sound of whirring wind came from the right side. It was the druid's giant claw. If he was slapped away again, when he stopped and went back, the boss's blood recovery mechanism would be triggered. Although the recovery was not fast, it was a percentage Yes, in terms of the BOSS's blood volume, these percentages of blood recovery are enough for Brother C to consume a few more blood packs to fight back. The longer it takes, the more unfavorable it is for Li Huaixu, because the blood packs are not infinite. .


He took a deep breath, as if everything around him slowed down, he could even see the blue bloody hair on the druid's giant claws, and the sharp claws that were still as sharp as ever after fighting for so long. claws getting closer
It's now!

Brother C, who was moving at a high speed, suddenly stretched his body, with his head up and his tail down, and the giant pincers slammed into the hole made in its palm by the attacking giant claws. Rui's flesh and blood, like a nail, was firmly nailed to its claws.

The giant claw swung by, but the inertia brought about by the moment of impact did not allow Brother C to fly out. Feeling the pain in his palm, the druid subconsciously stopped slapping his claw to the left and tried to press it to the ground.

As soon as its claws were raised, Brother C had already used his pincers as a chisel and climbed onto the back of its hand.

The limbs at the tail retracted and turned into a wheel, but the pair of giant pincers did not retract, making it look like a spike passing through the center of the wheel.

Brother C in the wheel form rotated at a high speed, and rolled up from the back of the Druid's hand. Its raised front paws quickly slapped the ground, and the wheel form rolled on its arms. As the palms got closer to the ground, the slope Also getting steeper.


A palm print appeared on the ground, but Brother C just rolled to the bottom of its neck. At this time, looking parallel to it, it was just enough to see the druid's mouth with long fangs.

The druid also saw the annoying thing hanging around its neck, raised the other paw, and patted the lower part of his neck.

At this time, Li Huaixu's eyes were fixed, and under the cover of his heart, Brother C swung his pincers up and then released them, finally sending himself on the druid's back.



His heart was beating fast, and he was panting slightly at this moment.

"It's finally here!"

It is impossible to fight around it with the druid for a long time. It is not as bulky as its body size shows. Even if you attack it from the back, you will be photographed by it, so it is best to come on its back. Choose the CD that can attack it to prevent the recovery of blood, and prevent yourself from being attacked and drag the blood pack.

It seemed easy just now, but in fact, as long as there is a mistake in the middle, the druid will fly again, triggering the blood recovery mechanism, and all previous efforts will be wasted.

The most difficult thing is to stab its giant claws at the moment it hits and clamp its flesh and blood. If the timing is not right, although it will attack until the time to reset the blood recovery mechanism, he will also be killed at the moment of attack. shoot fly.

It has been about seven seconds since the last time he ate the blood bag and it was on the druid's back.

However, Li Huaixu was too happy.

At this time, his field of vision in the druid's head is constantly increasing until he can see the sun without looking up.
The moment his vision changed, Brother C had already clenched the druid's fur. The moment he saw the sun, he realized that the BOSS had actually stood up!
What does it want to do!

The position of the sun in his sight slowly moved away. When he contacted his own position, Li Huaixu's pupils shrank, he immediately relaxed his pliers and quickly fell down.

The sun in front of him has disappeared, and a huge blue shadow is rapidly approaching.


Because he released it earlier, Brother C fell to the ground faster than Sombra, but Sombra was very close!

(End of this chapter)

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