my ark plane

Chapter 50 Chapter 5 Energy Core

Chapter 50 Energy Core
In a pile of rubble, a large amount of gravel splashed, and there was a little bright red mixed in the gravel flying around.

A figure smashed on a boulder, and the boulder shattered in response, and the densely packed rubble crushed a creature.


A roar came from under the rubble, and a strong arm wearing arm armor and well-developed muscles stretched out. There was an energy light blade at its elbow, but at this time, it was no longer as bright as before. It had broken, and the remaining The lower half is extremely dark.

The creature under the gravel finally crawled out with difficulty. It was a King Kong boss who had been beaten and was covered in wounds. Huge fist marks, the light blade on the elbow was also broken.

"The blood volume is really thick, but that's it!"

A purple figure came over with the sound, and the nearby terrain seemed to have a miniature earthquake. The gravel kept rolling down, and a fierce beast with a length similar to that of King Kong boss rushed towards it. He clenched his right fist, raised it above his head, and slammed it down on the King Kong boss who had just stood firm.

Amidst a loud noise, the armor on Boss Vajra's head was dented in a strange shape, and blood continued to flow out of the gap.

Normal Tek Helmet × 1
Fine Tek Breastplate×1
Energy element × 30
Energy Core×4
"There are still more than 30 energy cores left, the first-order boss..." Thinking of this, Li Huaixu couldn't help but feel a little headache.

There is not enough time. With his current strength, he can't beat the first-order boss at all. Only the land defense unit made with 100 energy cores can compete with it. Xiaolan and Xiaopeng alone can't stand the boss at all s damage.

Entering the Ark this time, Li Huaixu had been hunting small bosses day and night to obtain energy cores, but he only got more than 50 of them, and more than 10 more by making a large amount of prome meat and waiting for it to naturally decay. It is synthesized from the obtained energy crystal fragments. It is worth mentioning that if you put high-quality raw meat into the promy dragon's backpack, they will make prome meat by themselves. Just put a large amount of high-quality raw meat into it and wait for a while. You can get a lot of crystal fragments.

After killing this boss, Li Huaixu left this area full of strange rocks and continued to look for the next boss.


Jun Linying returned to her college. The style of her college was also very prominent. The location was similar to that of the college with current departments. They were located from the mountainside to the top of the mountain. It can be seen that there were not many people here. The buildings were smaller than those of the main departments. It's really pitiful for the academy.

The architectural style here is all silver-grey. Walking in it seems like you have entered a strange space. The distribution of each building is extremely unreasonable and disorderly distributed on the mountains. Jun Linying Entering the school gate, I turned a blind eye to these buildings. After walking a few steps to the left, I came to a row of strange arrays.

This row of array disks all look similar, with sophisticated and complicated mechanical structures, and energy wanders in them. Suddenly, one of the array disks burst into light, and the light on the array disks increased by more than three feet. When it dissipated, several people said A smiling figure appeared on it.

"Let's go, let's go to the comprehensive college to have fun, and take a look at what goddess-level freshmen are there this year."

"Yes, yes, there are only a few people in our space department this year, and it's fine if they don't have any special features, and their qualifications are mediocre."

As if they didn't see her, their original purpose was to see the beauty, but when they walked past her, no one looked at this special girl who had already surpassed their "goddess standard", as if seeing a Ordinary people can no longer be half of ordinary people, without arousing the slightest interest and attention, drifting away.

Jun Linying didn't look at them and stepped into the array.

The sophisticated machinery on the array was running, and the light surged again. Her figure disappeared here in an instant, and appeared in an exquisite room.

The furniture and items in the room are neatly arranged, there are no decorations, and there is nothing that can clearly tell that their owner is a girl. It is just ordinary furniture that sucks blood.

Sitting motionless on the sofa for a while as before, he silently changed into his training clothes and went to the third floor.

The third floor here is similar to Li Huaixu's, the difference is that the source energy fluctuations on the wall inside are much weaker, and there is a weapon rack next to the door, on which are placed two narrow and slender Tang knives.

A pair of fair and slender hands grasped the handle of the knife, and the long knife was swung in the training room.

Colorless source energy appeared, and it could be seen from the faint outline that it flowed all over her body. Jun Linying's figure suddenly disappeared, and with a ding sound, a series of ripples appeared on the left wall, and it only took a second It was another slash, causing ripples on the right wall.

Ding, ding, ding. ding ding ding ding ding
The dense slashing sound became faster and faster until finally it became like raindrops. The entire training room was continuously rippled in all directions, as if it had been attacked countless times. This situation only lasted for about 10 seconds. , A figure stopped in the middle of the practice field, kneeling on one knee, leaning on the ground with two slender Tang knives, long jet-black hair hanging down, gasping for breath.

Jun Linying didn't stop for long, but after she regained her breath, she stood up with difficulty and swung the Tang Dao as if in slow motion.

In the Ark plane, in front of Li Huaixu, a giant scorpion that was almost completely covered by machinery was spat on by a mouthful of scorching dragon breath. After a scream, the mechanical carapace of the whole body was scorched black, and some green blood had already been absorbed. After evaporating, the huge tail needle emitting a cold light also fell to the ground powerlessly.

Excellent Tek Gauntlet × 1
Excellent Tek Rifle × 1
Energy Core×3
After collecting all the energy cores, he embarked on his way back. Three days have passed inside. During these three days, he only rested for eight hours. The rest of the time was spent in tireless fighting with all kinds of evil spirits. Beasts, BOSS, giant dinosaurs fight to the death.

"I have to go back and take a rest, I can't hold it anymore." Li Huaixu muttered to himself, the continuous fighting these days almost destroyed his consciousness, and even almost fell asleep on Xiaojie's back when he went back up.

It was already night when he got home. After he dragged his heavy body into his matchbox, he fell down and fell asleep.

Li Huaixu woke up leisurely at about twelve o'clock the next day. After sleeping for more than ten hours, he was completely exhausted. After taking a few pieces of barbecue and berries, he rode on the front of the small jet again. Go hunt the BOSS.

A Promi Dodo BOSS was covered by a small spray of dragon's breath, running around with faint blue dragon's breath on its body, but a shadow appeared above it before running, and the head covered by the mechanical armor opened, revealing With its criss-crossed mouth, a string of energy bullets spewed out a precise bombardment on the running promidodo boss, ending its short and miserable life.

Energy Core×3
very soon!
With a flash of light in his eyes, covered by his soul, Li Huaixu flew to the other side on his little spray to continue looking for the BOSS.

Fighting BOSS these days not only gained a lot of energy cores, but also changed his Tek armor to a brand new set, kept a spare set, changed his weapons, and added an extra Tek rifle. The Tek guns of the Tektronix guns look exactly the same, that is, the energy flowing on the poisonous Tektronix guns is green, while the Tektronix rifles are blue.

The spray flew slowly over the desert. In other places, the terrain was more complicated and the BOSS spawning place was not easy to find. With little time, he had no choice but to come to the relatively dangerous desert.

On the desert side, the BOSS refreshes the most, and there are also first-level BOSS, Qiongqi Guardian, Ilis Guardian and other high-level existences. Fortunately, among the first-level BOSS, only the Druid BOSS actively attacks. As long as you are careful to avoid them, Just drive him. As for the guardians, as long as you don't kill them, the BOSS behind them won't be drawn out.

Li Huaixu, who was flying, saw a scorpion boss again with his eyes lit up.

First, it spit out a row of energy bombs from a distance and hit it. The small jet swooped down. When it got close, it froze. Hot dragon breath spurted out from its mouth, and the high temperature distorted the nearby space.


Xiao Jie bit the scorpion BOSS on the black metal-covered legs, pressed its claws against its body, and flicked its neck so hard that several of its limbs were torn off.

Green blood kept gushing from the broken joints of the BOSS, but the high-temperature dragon's breath spread quickly, scorching its wound immediately, stopping the flow of blood.


Little Spray's huge and strong hind legs stepped on the desert, and the soft sand immediately came down to his ankle joints, but this was not a serious problem, because his sharp black claws had already grabbed the tail of the scorpion boss with one claw. , grabbing its head with one hand and exerting strength at the same time.

With a mournful cry, although the scorpion boss was protected by armor, it was still overwhelmed by Xiao Xi's ruthless claws. The tail was disconnected from the body, and the pitch-black claws were also sunk into its head.

Just as the loot notification came out, a black shadow appeared out of thin air. Its huge body blocked the light from the sun and enveloped Xiao Jie.

Almost subconsciously, Li Huaixu didn't look at it, but urged the little spray, and his wings soared into the sky.

Like the angry roar of a giant bear, a forelimb covered with blue hair, almost bigger than Xiao Shang's body, hit Xiao Shang's body hard.

In the attribute bar in Li Huaixu's eyes, Xiao Jie's blood volume dropped by three-quarters at once, and red flames appeared on his body, burning continuously, and his blood volume slowly decreased at a steady rate.

The little spray flew backwards into the distance like a cannonball, its wings waving wildly, slowly offsetting the force of the upside down flight, and its speed also slowed down.

The nearby sand kept shaking, as if something huge was coming.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Li Huaixu's forehead. With all his strength, through the coverage of his mind, he finally stopped Xiao Jie's figure, and a giant bear the size of a hill was running towards him on all fours.

It has blue hair, a mask-like metal head, and several spikes on the top of its head. It looks extremely ferocious, and its red eyes have crazy eyes, and it is staring at Xiaojian.

"Get up!"

Upon hearing the figure, the little spray flapped its wings and flew high into the sky with its body, finally escaping the giant bear's next attack.

Li Huaixu, who was in the air, saw that the armor on Xiao Jie's chest had been dented. Although the red flames on his body had been extinguished, his blood volume had also dropped to a precarious level.

"Druid" looked at the giant bear below, his lips were a little dry, he didn't expect the BOSS to appear beside him, "I'm not careful enough, the desert is still too dangerous, there are too many BOSS, and its damage is too much It’s too high, I thought I could block at least four or five hits.”

(End of this chapter)

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