my ark plane

Chapter 28 Tektronix Sniper Rifle

Chapter 28 Tektronix Sniper Rifle

After receiving the spear from Li Huaixu, Chu Mengyao stared at it carefully and felt the material of the spear. It was cold metal, and there were even a few coils of hemp rope tied behind the tip of the spear. The material was also very ordinary. It even looks a little behind.

"Not bad, not bad, although it doesn't look very good, but it's solid metal. You can manifest it right after you awaken your power. This talent is extremely rare. In history, you can manifest a real thing just after awakening your power. There are only two, the first one is our Fu Tianxing Dean, as for the second one, hey, it is me, your mentor!" After finishing speaking, Chu Mengyao raised her chin proudly, very proud.

Li Huaixu looked at Chu Mengyao in amazement, he didn't expect that she would have such a terrifying talent when she usually looked out of place.

After returning the spear to Li Huaixu, she continued, "With your talent, it should be very easy to communicate with other planes. If you spread the ability outward, the entrance to the dark plane is everywhere, but you can't perceive it. Easy." The energy in Chu Mengyao's body surged, and after it came out of the body, it turned into dots and wandered around, "I don't know how others find the entrance, but with talents like ours, the dark plane will directly Pull us."

As soon as the voice fell, she saw that the source energy scattered outside of her was rushing towards a point in the air. After reaching that point, those source energy continued to disappear, but the source energy behind it continued to flow, like a ray of light sinking into the void middle.

"See, as long as I diffuse the source energy, I will be drawn by the dark plane, so that I can communicate with it. When you successfully communicate with the dark plane, you will be aware of it in the dark. Every time you communicate successfully, you will be able to communicate with it. An item can be summoned." Chu Mengyao's blue light flickered, and a standard saber appeared in her hand, "That's it, ordinary manifestations are very random, but there is a high probability that they will manifest similar to your last time. Things related to the materialized items, for example, the last time I materialized was a gun, which belongs to the weapon category, and the second time I materialized is likely to be a weapon, hey, this knife.”

Li Huaixu took a closer look at this saber, both in terms of material and workmanship, it was much better than his iron spear, and there was a faint glimmer of cold light on the saber, it was not ordinary at first glance.

After he finished observing, the knife was shattered into blue light by Chu Mengyao, "You leave a trace of energy as a mark on each of your manifested objects, and after sending him back to the dark plane, you The next time I communicate with the dark plane, I can sense it and manifest it again." At this point, she scratched her hair in a little annoyance, "It's a pity that the imprints that can only be left on the objects that I manifested You can continue to manifest, otherwise I can give you a lot of good things here."

Hearing this, Li Huaixu felt a touch of emotion in his heart. Although this mentor seemed a little out of tune, he was sincerely treating him well.

"You should try it too, it should be very simple."

"Okay." After hearing this, Li Huaixu imitated Chu Mengyao and activated the source energy throughout his body. After the source energy was stimulated outside his body, he dismissed it.

A point appeared in the sky, and all his source energy gathered there, and a steady stream of source energy was sent in. Suddenly his mind was shocked, and he felt that his mind seemed to be pulled to a place. His mind wandered here and came to a place. In front of the huge floating object, a sense of familiarity came to my mind.

Feeling this familiar obelisk, the corners of Li Huaixu's mouth twitched, calling for the sample implant in his heart.

"What's going on, is the dark plane the Ark plane?"

"The so-called Dark Plane is their Twin Shadow Plane, which is a projection of this world. Everything exists in illusion. When you go to the Ark Plane, the pull of the Ark Plane is many times greater than that of the Dark Plane."

In this case only
A blue light flashed in his hand, and a Tek sniper rifle appeared in his hand.

Chu Mengyao, who was observing him, covered her mouth when she saw this scene and exclaimed, "This gun doesn't look simple, let me see!"

I took it from Li Huaixu. The sniper rifle is [-] meters long. The overall shape is similar to the previous Tektronix rifle, but the barrel is much longer, and there are a few more accessories near the scope. This is the Tektronix sniper rifle. The thermal system of the gun, the body and muzzle of the gun are flat, a blue energy in the barrel extends from the barrel to the butt, and there are several blue energy extensions beside the scope.

"Wow, this gun is so handsome, it seems to come from the future! Can our world also make it!" Chu Mengyao returned the gun to Li Huaixu with a sigh of admiration, and Chu Mengyao's eyes lit up, "Try the power!"

After receiving the sniper rifle, Li Huaixu also wanted to try its power in this world. Last time, the sniper rifle was blocked by the wind-type supernatural power with all his strength. He didn't know the specific power. He lay on the ground, Set up the sniper rifle, because without the support of the Tektronix armor, he is afraid of being injured by the recoil. He also used it in the Ark plane, but that was when he was wearing the Tektronix armor. Die a Triceratops.

Holding his breath for a while, Li Huaixu pulled the trigger.


The source energy wall set off huge waves, and then reached the limit and collapsed. A huge hole appeared on the wall as the source energy splashed, and a few drops of molten iron fell from the edge of the wall emitting black smoke, and the energy bullet of the Tek sniper rifle passed through. The high temperature actually melted the steel bars in the wall!

At this time, the blue energy lines on the sniper rifle in Li Huaixu's hand had all turned red. Several attachments on the barrel under the scope were all opened, and a high temperature rushed out from the gap.

"Hiss, this power is too terrifying. It's actually an energy weapon. This wall can withstand the attack of a sixth-level powerhouse!" Chu Mengyao looked at the hole in the wall dully, her beautiful eyes filled with disbelief.

"You, this, how did this materialize? Does our world really have such a powerful energy weapon? Or, can it be manufactured with the existing conditions?" She looked at Li Huaixu with eyes Changed, "You've only been awakened for a few days and you can manifest such a big killer, monster!"

"Well, when I was communicating, I felt like my mind was being pulled away. I don't know why it appeared in my mind. As soon as I appeared, it came out. I don't know why it happened." Li Huaixu looked at him. He waved his hands repeatedly to indicate that I didn’t know.

"Mind drawn? Try again! When we communicate, it's always like receiving a 'notification' from the dark plane, but your mind has been drawn over?"

Knowing that the power of the Tek sniper rifle was too shocking, Li Huaixu pretended to communicate this time, and then shook his head, "No, I can't even receive the 'notification' now."

"Is it just a special case? Everything about the dark plane is too mysterious and needs to be studied further, so let me send the information about this manifestation to the dean first, and ask him to contact the research institute. "


After continuing to instruct Li Huaixu on the practice of source energy, it was getting late and Chu Mengyao was ready to go back.

"Ah, it's getting very late, so I'll go back first." She seemed to have remembered something. She patted her head, and the source of energy surged violently in her hand. A silver-gray streamlined car looked better than the supercar before the time travel. The cool sci-fi shuttle tool appeared in front of me, "I still have something to do! Wait for me at home tomorrow, and I will take you to the outer city! Oh, I promised them to help them realize it today, I hope I can catch up." The words came. In the end, she muttered softly, and the cabin door opened automatically. Before Li Huaixu could see how she got on the shuttle, the shuttle had already soared into the sky and disappeared into the distance with a "whoosh".

Li Huaixu put his hands in the air as he was about to say goodbye, not knowing what to do.

After turning back to the villa, Li Huaixu came to the third floor.


For example, in the third floor of the Martial Dojo, huge ripples continuously appeared on the surrounding walls, as if they had received a huge impact, but the impact had not yet reached its critical point, and the walls were not shaken away.

Li Huaixu was wearing armor all over, and he stopped in the middle, feeling the moving body, and turned into a shadow to attack the four walls like a storm.

On the other side, Chu Mengyao took the shuttle and left the Concrete Academy at an extremely fast speed. During the high-speed flight, the forest buildings below kept retreating. After passing several colleges in a row, she finally found a sky full of thunderclouds. landed in the academy.

There were flashes of thunder and lightning in the thunderclouds, but there was no rain. Under this thundercloud, there were many more buildings lined up in rows than in the Concrete College. The shuttle stopped in a square, and Chu Mengyao opened the hatch. Go to the square and whisper,
"Why do these people from the Thunder Academy like to deal with Lei Yun every day? They almost split my beloved Silver Arc when they came here just now."

At this time, in a dormitory of the Lei Department Academy, a well-dressed man about 25 or six years old with a gentle smile on his face was watching the scene of Chu Mengyao walking down the cabin door on the three-dimensional screen in front of him.

"There is a possibility of becoming the next super genius of Fu Tianxing in the Realization Department. This time, you must be brought under the control of the organization."

The gentle smile on his face had disappeared, and turned into a scene of madness and gloom. He got up and patted his clothes, and after taking a look at his image in the mirror, he put on his gentle smile again, walked out the door, and walked towards the direction of Chu Mengyao's flying shuttle.

"Mengyao, you're here. Can the core of that engine be realized? With that core, our Apocalypse system can be improved to a higher level, and the environment for students to practice will be better!" the man said. He came to the square with a little urgency, and there was an imperceptible longing in his eyes, and he greeted Chu Mengyao.

"Okay, okay, it's manifested. It took me a lot of time. After all, it's something that hasn't existed in the world yet. Before it manifested, I didn't know if it could be made with the current technology in this world, but it's okay. Your technical accumulation should have reached a certain level, it’s just a matter of inspiration before I can realize it in real form.”

"Great! With the core of this object, we can reverse the technology and truly master it! Come with me, we go to the laboratory, the experts inside are waiting to see the core object!" The man quickened his pace excitedly, came to Chu Mengyao's side and stretched out his right hand to guide her along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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