my ark plane

Chapter 217 Chapter 217 Threat

Chapter 217 Chapter 217 Threat
The huge underground parking lot was full of shuttles of various styles. Li Huaixu walked under it and got lost in an instant.

It had been some time since Su Shirui came in, and there was no trace of him in the quiet parking lot.

Ka Ka Ka

The flashing blue light illuminated the somewhat dim parking lot for a moment, and the Tektronix helmet appeared instantly.

The vision ahead changed, and pale yellow silhouettes representing neutrality appeared at the top of the front. Li Huaixu's eyes flickered, and he walked forward with the Tek helmet on.

A tiny red dot appeared above the scrambled yellow outline.

"Have you gone up?"

Li Huaixu whispered to himself, came to an elevator, and put the Tektronix helmet back.

The friend-or-foe identification function of the Tektronix helmet can scan all living creatures regardless of the terrain. The red dot is obviously Su Shirui, who obviously left the parking lot and went up.

His eyes turned cold and he entered the elevator.

This is a high-end shopping mall with five floors, each floor is spacious and bright.

Most of the first floor is for buying some jewelry and clothing, the second floor is for some items of the era of energy, medicine and the like, the third floor is for the sale of energy weapons, the fourth floor is the practice room, as for the fifth floor, I heard that Only some powerful and powerful figures can enter, and ordinary people generally only have activities in the lower four floors.

At this moment, Su Shirui is still active on the third floor, and seems to be looking for energy weapons.

Compared with the other floors, this floor is obviously much more popular. Hunters in different costumes, and people from various forces in uniforms are mixed here, and it is very lively. They all have one purpose, which is to buy energy arms.

If it were in the past, the source energy weapons in the shopping mall would not be as lively as they are now. All this is caused by the appearance of high-level source energy weapons!

Since the invasion of the origin beasts, although many strongholds have been destroyed, humans have dispatched a large number of tenth-order powerhouses. Under the disparity in strength, even the attacking origin beasts will immediately eat the corpses of high-level origin beasts, but there are also A small part is recycled by humans.

So far, the seventh-level and eighth-level source energy weapons have begun to circulate in the market. Not all tenth-level powerhouses belong to the federal military. Although most of the high-level source energy weapons are controlled by them, there are also a group of free people hunting The source beasts that were killed flowed into the market, which directly led to the rise of source energy weapons.

But it's only those two levels. Except for two of the ninth-level source beasts announced by the Huaxia District, no one has successfully hunted the rest. There are quite a few kills, but the corpses were all recovered during the recovery process. The rest of the source beasts finished eating regardless of loss.

The popularity of the source energy weapon market is also related to the fact that a large number of forces have sprung up like mushrooms. There are some low-key family forces in Jiuyuan Star. Can't stop.

Although the war was cruel, it was also an opportunity for them. Most of these families had raised their descendants on Jiuyuanxing. Since the end of the first war, they left the military and began to develop their own power.

The reason for this state of separatism, which is similar to the emergence of a group of heroes, is partly because of the loose system of the Federation, and partly because of the comfort and arrogance brought about by rapid development.

But now, when this super war came, they were all like sharks that smelled fishy, ​​seeing an opportunity for rapid development.

Needless to say, the Yuan Beast's corpse, what drove them the most crazy was the stronghold that had been captured. The federal military had announced not long ago that any force that could bring the stronghold back would be assigned to them directly.

In this case, those forces that have been keeping a low profile are crazy.

And the emergence of level seven and eight level energy weapons gave them an opportunity. Therefore, all the places in Dawn City that sell energy weapons have become crowded with people.

After Li Huaixu checked layer by layer, he saw Su Shirui's red dot in an empty corner on the third floor.

But that's it. Although he recognized him on this floor, the crowd in front of him made him a little bald.

It would be nice if you could go out and look for it with a Tek helmet, but Tek equipment is too recognizable, and in this information age, everyone knows it.

Li Huaixu, who had no choice but to tighten his hood and scarf, walked out of the corner, entered the crowd, and searched for the past according to the approximate direction he had just seen.

This place is like a labyrinth, with transparent glass everywhere separating each small space, and inside are all kinds of shops selling energy weapons.

After searching for a while, Li Huaixu still did not see Su Shirui, so he could only enter a store, find a relatively hidden corner, pretend to check the source energy weapon, face the wall, and make sure that there is no one on both sides. The Tek helmet flickered away.

Instantly catching his position, Li Huaixu frowned under the expectant gaze of the boss behind him, shook his head and said, "Not good."

After leaving the store, his eyes flashed and he walked forward quickly.

The portrait scanned by the Tektronix helmet will display the size according to the distance. Judging from the position just captured, it should be nearby.

"Second uncle said that there are eight-level source energy weapons for sale here today, and I don't know if there are any more."

"It's the one in front, right? Don't worry, didn't he say that the store doesn't open until eight o'clock, and they know you're here, so they won't hold back?"

Two men walked in the crowd one after the other. The leader was a man with an imposing appearance and an extraordinary bearing at the sight of Jian Xing. It's not the twinkling eyes that prove this isn't a simple character either.

"I hope, I just broke through, and I am worried about missing a handy weapon. If it fits perfectly, then it should be no problem to deal with the ninth level."

The man walking in front couldn't help but clenched his fist.

"Haha, in this way, the next Nine Obsidian Ranking will be ranked."

"Impossible, the first two are too terrifying, and I heard that Chu Mengyao has also broken through to the eighth level, and the next ranking, Tianshu must be her."

He shook his head and walked forward.

At this time, an ordinary hunter passed by the man, and his target seemed to be the same shop in front.

He paused, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" the man with glasses behind him asked in confusion.

"That man is very murderous."


"The one in front."

"Hunter, this kind of knife-edge licks blood, which one doesn't have a bit of murderous intent."

"But him, he gave me a feeling of trepidation." The man pressed his chest in doubt, as if looking for the source of that feeling.

"Hunters with names and surnames have all gone to the edge of the battlefield. At this stage, there are probably not many ruthless characters remaining here. Is it because you have just broken through in the spiritual system, and the source energy is not proficient in controlling the relationship." The man with glasses helped him aside. Said the frame of the glasses.

"Probably, hey, why is Uncle Shirui there? Uncle"

The man's eyes suddenly lit up, and just as he stretched out his hand, he paused in the air.

Because Uncle Shi Rui in front of him, after meeting that weird hunter, his face changed drastically, and then he followed him and left without knowing why.

"What's going on?" He stretched out his five fingers, put them in front of him and muttered to himself in doubt.

"What happened?"

"It's not right, let's follow, I can feel the fear of Uncle Shi Rui."

The man with glasses was startled, and quickly said, "Your uncle who works in the Tower of Dawn is also here?"

"Well, he doesn't know what happened over there, go and have a look."

"What do you want to do, this is Dawn City!"

A drop of cold sweat slid down his cheeks, Su Shirui couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and walked in the direction indicated by Li Huaixu.

At this moment, Li Huaixu was walking behind him with his head bowed, like a bodyguard, not leaving a single step.

After the second confirmation, Li Huaixu quickly found Su Shirui at the door of a store, and then approached him, pulled down the scarf slightly to reveal his face, patted him on the shoulder, and held Su Shirui in his fearful gaze. A Tek grenade, signaling silence.

Due to the close distance between the two, no one else saw Li Huaixu's movements. After Su Shirui calmed down, he pulled up the scarf again.

Su Shirui was not stupid to be able to get to this point, he reacted quickly, he didn't dare to shout, Li Huaixu was obviously looking for him, if he was exposed here, with the speed at which he summoned creatures from the dark plane, he would kill them easily It is not difficult to break out by yourself.

And the most important thing is that there are only three tenth-level powerhouses in Dawn City, and none of them are of the space system and wind system. The strongest space system, Arturo, couldn't let him stay, let alone now. .

So Su Shirui was very knowledgeable, but his expression changed immediately and he calmed down.


There was no emotion in Li Huaixu's voice, as if he was just speaking calmly.

The more this happened, the more frightened Su Shirui became. Under such circumstances, he still dared to sneak into Dawn City to threaten him, and calmly planned every step. This seemed to be a mentality that did not take Dawn City seriously.

Soon he came to an elevator under Li Huaixu's instructions, and the two of them entered at the same time and went down to the underground garage.

Su Shirui tried to ask from all angles, but Li Huaixu remained silent.

"Go down! Let's follow soon!"

After Li Huaixu and the others went down, the two men followed quickly and went down the elevator next to them.

The underground garage was empty, and Li Huaixu still didn't want to ask what he meant, but said coldly, "Go to your shuttle."

Su Shirui's face was ugly, but he could only follow suit. Although his own energy was not weak, he couldn't even turn the waves in front of Li Huaixu's terrifying summons.

He could only move forward knowingly.

"Uncle Shi Rui, what's wrong with you!"

A familiar voice sounded from the bottom of his heart, Su Shirui's face changed, and he quickly responded in his heart, "Is that you, Su Ren, did you see me? The person next to me is Li Huaixu! I was kidnapped by him, go and call People, call all the ninth and tenth levels of Shuguang City! Don't disturb him, or he will directly attack!"

The man who was talking to him was the man named Su Ren among the two men who followed him. He was a collateral child of the Su family, but because of his proud talent, he successfully entered the main line. The high-level relationship is very hot, and the status in the Su family is very high.

After hearing Su Shirui's reply, Su Ren's face changed greatly. He didn't expect that Li Huaixu, who was wanted by the Federation, would dare to come back.

"Okay, try to hold him back as much as possible, Lin Chong and I will call for someone right away!"

"Lin Chong, Uncle Shi Rui was threatened by Li Huaixu, let's call someone first, don't disturb him!"

Su Ren looked anxious and turned to Lin Chong, the bespectacled man behind him.

"What, Lee."

"Be quiet!"

Lin Chong nodded quickly, and turned back to the elevator with Su Ren.

Li Huaixu and Su Shirui, who were in front of them, soon arrived in front of a flying shuttle.

Under this situation, he didn't dare to make any detours or anything. He didn't know when the reinforcements would arrive. The top priority was to stabilize Li Huaixu.

After getting on the shuttle, Li Huaixu sat in the passenger seat, casually took out three Tek grenades and threw them in the car.

"The grenade from the dark plane should be three times more powerful than ordinary high-explosive mines. Of course, I can't die with armor, how about you?"

He looked Su Shirui up and down, "Just know it yourself."

Su Shirui's face was a little pale, and he said with difficulty, "I see, what do you want to do."

"There's not much time, so let's talk about the latest flight of the folding mirror spacecraft and the possible landing location."

"Why are you asking about this?" Su Shirui was a little puzzled. Although this kind of information is not circulated outside, it is not a secret in the Tower of Dawn.

Suddenly he was startled, and remembered the situation when the first ninth-level source beast corpse appeared in the Xiunian stronghold.

"You're right, say it or not, you can think about it."

Seeing his shocked eyes, it was obvious that Li Huaixu didn't pretend, but got straight to the point.

The shock on Su Shirui's face could not be concealed. Looking at the dark plane grenade thrown up and down in his hand, his heart trembled even more.

"I know so much, if I tell you the news, you won't let me go, right?" Su Shirui's lips were dry.

"You don't have the guts. If you had the guts, you should kill yourself when you think about it. I haven't sealed your energy. You only have one choice, and that depends on my mood."

Li Huaixu lowered the chair slightly, threw the grenade back, lay down and said.


Su Shirui's expression kept changing, but he couldn't say anything.

No matter from which angle you look at it, he is sure to die this time. He gritted his teeth and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Li Huaixu.

"By the way, do you know how I ran last time? Under the siege of three tenth ranks."

"How did you run?"

Li Huaixu crossed his legs, obviously very casual, "I have something from the dark plane, which can be teleported at will. As for us, we don't have any deep hatred. If you say, I may just take your star ring down at that time." , throwing you in any position, of course, is only possible, don't hold out too much hope."

"There's not much time. Your shuttle seat doesn't seem to be as good as it looks. It's not very comfortable. Count down to ten seconds."

Li Huaixu's words had a huge impact on Su Shirui. When it was confirmed that he was going to die, he still had the courage to grit his teeth, but the hope in his words later made his courage start to rise. drain.

The rescuer must be unable to support. I didn’t expect Li Huaixu’s showdown to be so fast, and the teleportation he said didn’t seem like a lie. He saw the beam of light that shot up to the sky last time. disappeared.

While his mind was spinning, Su Shirui couldn't help thinking about the upcoming flight to Earth.

While thinking, Su Shirui was startled suddenly, and suddenly realized that Li Huaixu had already controlled him to death, no matter whether it was from the beginning with an indifferent expression on his face, as if his news was not very important to him, or he was living and dying in his own heart. At the time of ambition, throw out a ray of hope.

He admitted that at that moment, his heart was moved. Even though Li Huaixu said not to have too much hope, he still had preconceived ideas and substituted Li Huaixu's previous character design into it.

Young and energetic, he defended the Federation against Origin Beasts, contributed nine-level Origin Beast corpses, mastered high-risk energy, and prevented it from leaking. For this reason, he opposed the Council of Elders and was forced to leave the Federation
That's right, he knew about the matter of the Elders' Council and Li Huaixu. A strong man, but Su Shirui knew that it was one of the people who besieged him that day, while the rest of the tenth-order team was fine. Obviously, he was targeting only Lin Jian.

This just matches his character of vengeance
Su Shirui's eyes widened, and a wry smile slowly appeared on the corners of his mouth.

Even this counts
At the beginning, it was said that we have no hatred, just waiting for this?It's terrible!

"Four seconds."

Li Huaixu's calm words interrupted his thoughts.

Su Shirui shook his head and sighed, looking as if he had aged more than ten years, "I said, but I want to know why you came to me."

It was said that Li Huaixu wiped the three Tek grenades, took them back, and said at the same time, "It's okay, then I saw you sold Su Yang, I feel that you are quite afraid of death."

Su Shirui's breath was stagnant, and the anger had just risen before being suppressed, "Oh, what a terrifying thought, those members of the Council of Elders may be really wrong this time."

"Stop talking nonsense, Information."

"Five flights of the mirror-folding spacecraft have been arranged in the last month, but the trajectory is still unpredictable. The simulation prediction can only be started after confirming where they entered the atmosphere."

"Is the prediction accurate?"

"The accuracy rate is around 70.00%."

"It means that there is no news yet." Li Huaixu's eyes showed a dangerous light.

Su Shirui was taken aback immediately, and quickly said, "Yes!"

"A flight has already arrived at the atmosphere of Jiuyuan Star. Due to the war below, it is still being repaired in outer space, but the location of their entry into the atmosphere has been determined. This location has been predicted before. If they do not change the location of entry , with a high probability of landing in the middle of the non-union zone, this is the most detailed location."

"You don't have to die for now, let's go first."

Li Huaixu sneered and took out the teleporter.

On the other side, Su Ren looked anxious, and said to the three tenth-rank powerhouses in the communication, "Are you coming soon? They have been in the shuttle for a long time, and I feel that Li Huaixu wants to get news from Uncle Shi Rui."

"It's nearby, we'll be there soon."

"Me too."

"I have arrived."

Su Ren and Lin Chong were overjoyed, and they couldn't help poking their heads out from behind the wall to look at Su Shirui's flying shuttle.

A dazzling white light shot up into the sky, illuminating the entire parking lot.

(End of this chapter)

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