my ark plane

Chapter 213 Chapter 213 Total War

Chapter 213 Chapter 213 Total War
It has been about two weeks since the tenth-order team brought back the news. During this period, the news was widely circulated. Almost all the strongholds on the Jiuyuan star knew the news that the source beast was preparing to counterattack with a large number of tenth-order beings.

All the hunters and military teams that were wandering outside the stronghold were withdrawn to the stronghold during this time, ready for battle.

However, the source beast seems to have disappeared out of thin air, and it has not been seen for a long time.

Some people began to be confused. After all, human beings were in a state of counterattack before, and their strength was very scattered. If they attacked at that time, it would definitely cause great damage to the Federation.

However, until all the strongholds were contracted and entered the wartime state, there was no sign of a large-scale attack by the source beasts. Except for the occasional appearance of some scattered source beasts, there was not even a decent group of source beasts.

Yunxiu is a small fringe stronghold in Huaxia District. Although it is small in size, it has all internal organs, and some necessary defense facilities have disappeared.

Because of the state of war, this place has been completely closed, except for some traces of human activities that can be seen on the sentry towers around the stronghold, the rest of the place is completely dead.

In a sentry tower hidden inside the mountain next to the stronghold, two young men are slowly adjusting the monitoring terminal.

"Shouyun, I'm changing shifts soon, what will I eat when I go back?" One person pulled down the last switch on the front terminal, and the overall monitoring showed normal.

"I haven't figured it out yet, whether this source beast will come or not." The man named Shouyun checked all the monitoring equipment's source energy supply and there was no problem, then heaved a sigh of relief and lay on his back on the chair.

"It's been two weeks, and the best attack time has been missed, and I don't know what these origin beasts are thinking."

The man who started talking sat on the chair and turned around, leaning his chin on the back of the chair, talking boredly.

The man opposite him didn't answer him, but looked behind him in shock.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Origin Beast! The Origin Beast is attacking!" Shouyun shouted and quickly turned off the alarm next to him.

The man looked back and saw a dozen or so surveillance cameras behind him filled with Origin Beasts. They were kicking up huge amounts of dust in the distance, looking crazy as they headed this way.

Stern warnings resounded throughout the entire stronghold. The originally dead and quiet stronghold seemed to be half alive. Small openings were opened in the semicircular dome, and a source energy cannon came out of it, and the muzzle was still shining with azure blue light. .

This scene not only happened in the Yunxiu stronghold, but also in the entire federation, all the fringe strongholds were attacked by Yuan Beast at the same time!
After two weeks of fear, Yuan Beast, who has been waiting for the future, launched a big attack on this ordinary day!

Li Huaixu didn't know anything about it. After two weeks, he finally placed the teleportation arrays, from the Unset Europe in the west to the Limei District, the Huaxia District in the east, and the African Union in the South. After the teleportation array was placed, the one under his feet was the last one.

The formation disks were placed in the wilderness between some strongholds. He had no intention of entering the strongholds. In the current wartime state, it would be troublesome to go in and it would be troublesome to come out.

He is now in the non-union zone, which can be regarded as a circle around the federal territory.

"The next step is to inquire about the folding mirror spacecraft."

Li Huaixu pinched his chin, thinking to himself.

The news of the landing of the folding mirror spacecraft is actually available on the Internet, but it is not immediate. After the spacecraft lands, it will contact Jiuyuan Star and then spread the news. There will be a certain delay in the process. During this time, the spacecraft does not know how to fly. Where has it gone?

But this does not mean that the Federation cannot control the place where the spacecraft lands.

Tower of Dawn!

They have this kind of information on their side. The Tower of Dawn is not only responsible for the travel security of Dawn City, they are also responsible for scheduling the landing of the folding mirror spacecraft, so to find the specific location of the folding mirror spacecraft landing, the Tower of Dawn is essential of.

But getting their internal news is also a problem. Before that, Li Huaixu could only check the landing position of the spacecraft through the delayed news on the Internet.

Thinking of this, Li Huaixu took out the teleporter and returned to his temporary stronghold west of the super vein.

As soon as he came back, he noticed something strange.

After the tenth-order team returned, he activated his Tektronix force field shield before placing the array.

When he returned, the entire temporary stronghold was covered in darkness. If it weren't for the red light emitting from the force field shield, he would be completely invisible inside.

And what caused all of this was the Origin Beast!
Countless source beasts!
They lie on the shield, biting and attacking frantically, and the huge number wraps the entire shield.

I don't know if it's because they didn't sense the source energy, but the ones attacking the shield were just ordinary low-level source beasts.

Looking at these ferocious-looking Yuan Beasts of various shapes, Li Huaixu sighed slightly. The large-scale attack of Yuan Beasts had obviously begun, and his temporary base probably happened to be on their marching route.

He first checked the unconsumed energy elements in the force field shield, and then went into the house to tidy up casually.

When he came out again, there were already big bags and small bags, and he looked like a person who was going to go camping in the wild.

Taking out the teleporter casually, looking at more than ten coordinates on it, Li Huaixu chose one at random, and pressed teleport.

Faint energy rays surged from under his feet and extended upwards. When he was about to complete it, he quickly put away the Tek force field shield.

Without the barrier of the stand shield, this space suddenly fell into darkness, and the source beasts suddenly lost their resistance, and rushed forward one after another to squeeze into this suddenly vacant space.

Seen from the sky above, the densely packed herd of Yuan beasts covered the sky, and the mountains seemed to be covered by a surging black tide.

One of them suddenly lit up with a dazzling white light, which was fleeting, and there seemed to be a pothole nearby, and the Kuroshio subsided.

But there are too many origin beasts, and within just two breaths, this depression is filled up by the origin beasts coming from behind.

In a mountain range far from the Apollo stronghold, this place has not been invaded by the origin beast, and it is still extremely desolate.

A sudden white light flashed, and Li Huaixu appeared in it.

Randomly find a terrain suitable for establishing a temporary base to place items and force field shields, Li Huaixu stood on the mountain range, looking into the distance and thinking.

At the end of his field of vision, it is not as quiet as this side, and occasionally some small black spots can be seen running and jumping on the mountain, running into the distance.

Li Huaixu took out the star ring and dialed one of the communications.

The communication was quickly connected, and Lu Weilin's face appeared in it.

He doesn't seem to have joined the battle yet. The background is an unknown room, which can be vaguely seen as a meeting room.

Li Huaixu didn't say much, but went straight to the point and said, "If you need any help, you can contact me, but I can only help you block it from a distance and will not appear in human sight."

"Don't worry, I will call you when the time comes. The battle situation is still stable now. The origin beasts are just testing this time. They didn't send tenth-level origin beasts, but let some nine-level beasts take the lead."

"That's good." Li Huaixu nodded and hung up the communication without saying anything more.

On the other side, Lu Weilin was in a conference room with Shi Zeyu and several other tenth-rank powerhouses.

After the communication was cut off, he shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "This kid, I really don't know what he is thinking."

The communication between the two did not avoid the rest of the people, they also heard Li Huaixu's words.

"I always feel that he wants to make some big moves." Horn said while playing with a small tree that grew out of thin air in his hand.

"I also feel that you said that. He seems to have been deliberately avoiding us recently. At this time, he can't let go and wants to come back to help, hahaha." Mo Canyang seemed to find it interesting, shaking his head and laughing.

"No matter what he wants to do, he should have his own thinking. Let's not explore so much. It's a bit strange that the super mine has no origin beast attack this time. Wait for the old Horn and Shi Zeyu to trouble you. Go out and see what The situation."

Lu Weilin's eyes flickered, and his thoughts drifted elsewhere.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with Lu Weilin, Li Huaixu heaved a sigh of relief, looked at the source beast tide in the distance, activated the Tektronix armor and flew over.

He kept a long distance. Although some source beasts could see him, they obviously got some instructions and kept flying forward. Li Huaixu, who was not aware of the fluctuations in source energy and its weakness, could not even understand it. No.

This scene made Li Huaixu even more curious. He didn't expect Yuan Beast to be so buddhist about other things when it attacked the stronghold.

Maybe this is also related to his low level of origin energy, but it doesn't matter, now he can go to see the situation of the origin beast attacking the city.

That is to say, he has nothing to do in the wild, and he doesn't need to cultivate the source energy, so he thinks of watching the source beast attack the city.

The source beast tide stretched forward, flying close to the edge, and the stronghold could be seen soon.

Li Huaixu raised the speed to the highest, and in only about 5 minutes, an unusually magnificent stronghold appeared in the field of vision.

This stronghold is located on a plateau that does not know whether it is artificially opened up or formed naturally. From this side, it looks like a city in the sky.

Three sides of the stronghold are stretched down by mountains, with a huge drop, almost reaching about a kilometer, which also makes the terrain of the entire stronghold easy to defend and difficult to attack.

However, this is only for Lu Xingyuan Beast.

The Flying Origin Beast was completely unhindered, attacking directly from above.

After Li Huaixu saw the stronghold, he slowed down, approached in a concealed figure, and stopped on a hilltop to look at this magnificent stronghold with great interest.

It looks completely different on land and in the air. On land, hesitant closer relationship looks more majestic and majestic.

In fact, you can see more comprehensively in the air. The reason why you come down is because Li Huaixu discovered a very interesting thing.

This stronghold is located at the junction of plateau and mountains. Where the mountains turn into plateaus, they do not rise slowly but suddenly rise and fall. This also leads to the formation of an extremely steep cliff at the junction. It is this cliff that resists all obstacles. Luxingyuan beast.

According to the fighting methods of the Origin Beasts in the past, if they want to climb up, they will have to pay a huge price and use corpses to form a road of flesh and blood.

But this time the source beasts stopped in an orderly manner before they reached the cliff, and they did not move at all. The source beasts coming from behind also stopped slowly one after another.

"Is this the method of drilling holes? The people in this stronghold will not be stupid enough not to strengthen the cliff, right?" Li Huaixu thought while holding his chin.

At this time, the Yuan Beasts in front of them suddenly became abnormal, and they dispersed, forming a huge circle where they were standing before.

Li Huaixu's eyes showed curiosity, and he just stared there.


There was a dull rumbling sound, and he seemed to see the land move.

Boom, boom, boom.
The ground bulged visibly, cracks appeared on it, and a huge thing broke out of the ground with a roar.

Li Huaixu, who was in the distance, was startled. He even recognized this Origin Beast.

This is a faceless humanoid beast!
Just this didn't surprise him, what attracted his attention was the pair of white claws in the hands of this faceless beast!
Li Huaixu also knew that this weird source beast could use weapons, but it was just a stick-like thing.

However, the pair of claws in front of him are extremely finely crafted and perfectly fit its hands. There are actually tiny barbs on each claw.

It is already shocking that the source beasts can use weapons, but the claws in front of them are obviously processed. It is impossible for humans to make such a giant weapon that fits them, so the rest may be made by themselves!

This situation suddenly changed.

After he appeared, Li Huaixu's star ring also entered a blocked state, otherwise he wanted to pass the information to Lu Weilin and others to see what it was.

While Li Huaixu was thinking about something, the faceless source beast also moved. It pulled out of the hole and looked up at the stronghold on the cliff.



There was a sharp cracking sound, and the Faceless Origin Beast's claws were firmly grasping the rocks of the cliff, but there was a sound like cutting metal!
This stronghold is obviously reinforced for the cliff, and the degree is not low. Just now, the tenth-level source beast obviously hit with all its strength. After its claws were released, Li Huaixu saw five scratches exposed behind it.

Yep, just scratches.

It doesn't look very deep yet.

This scene made Li Huaixu a little surprised. The huge wall of the super mineral vein was created by Shi Zeyu Yuan energy, but facing the full force of the tenth-level source beast, it would definitely not be able to achieve this effect.

"There's something here." Li Huaixu crossed his arms and tapped the Tek armor on his arm rhythmically, recalling the stronghold information of this terrain in his mind.

"It turned out to be Apollo, no wonder." After a little thought, he searched for a similar stronghold in his mind.

The current stronghold is extremely rare in terms of scale and defense, and it is obviously Apollo, the largest stronghold in Unset Europe.

Although the Yuan Beast caused very little damage to the wall, it didn't intend to give up at all. It couldn't be hit with one blow, and it immediately started a continuous attack.

Terrifying vibrations and sharp cracking sounds continued to be heard, and the Faceless Origin Beast seemed to be on the fence with it, bombarding the cliff in front of it non-stop.

Inside the Apollo stronghold, in a huge meeting room, there are all European faces, men and women, all wearing military uniforms, looking seriously at the scene of tenth-order origin beasts bombarding the cliff projected on the huge screen in front of them.

"We must find a solution quickly. This is a protracted battle. Although we have no problem with reinforcement, we cannot withstand its constant consumption."

An old man with sunken eyes stood up, looked around the others and said.

"That's right. Let the tenth-level powerhouse go down and interfere."



"Didn't Dies just get trimmed? Let him go."

Li Huaixu, who was eating melons, immediately saw the stronghold and acted.

A figure soared into the sky, suspended in the air, and when the nearby ordinary flying origin beasts passed by him, they immediately seemed to be frozen, their wings stagnated, and they fell.

For a moment, dumplings seemed to be raining from the dark sky.

The source beasts looked normal on the outside, but when they hit the ground, they were suddenly smashed to pieces. If you got closer, you could see that their blood had frozen.

Li Huaixu narrowed his eyes, and an ice crystal bloomed in the hand of the flying man, expanding rapidly.In a few breaths, an extremely huge crystal diamond with a diameter of about [-] meters was formed.

He lightly pressed it with his hand, and the ice crystal fell suddenly, aiming at the tenth-order origin beast that was bombarding the cliff.

The tenth-order origin beast below seemed to feel the chill, and immediately stopped attacking and leaped sideways.

The ice crystals fell on the ground, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye violently opened up around, and many Lu Xingyuan beasts were pushed to the distance.

The dust dispersed, and the man was already standing on the crystal diamond.

Seeing him, Yuan Beast immediately seemed to go crazy, gave up on the cliff, roared and rushed quickly.

With a movement of the man's figure, he dodged the claws it had slapped very quickly, stepped on his arm, squatted halfway, and pressed one hand on it, the source energy burst.

Ice-type supernatural energy flowed into the source beast's arm continuously, and in the blink of an eye, a touch of crystal-like blue appeared in it.

As if it was in great pain, the source beast suddenly grabbed the place where the man had just stayed, bent down and roared.

Sensing the slightly familiar source energy of the opponent, a dangerous light flashed in Li Huaixu's eyes, and he revealed the Tektronix sniper rifle and looked through the lens barrel.

The face of the man who had just dodged out and returned to the crystal diamond appeared on the crosshairs.

A killing intent slowly emerged.

That person is one of the tenth-ranked powerhouses who participated in the expulsion of him in Dawn City, Dies.

Putting away the Tektronix sniper rifle, Li Huaixu raised his head to look at the source energy beams spewing out from the sentries on the dome of the stronghold above, as well as the burst of red that bloomed after being broken, and snorted.

"I'll let you go this time."

After calming down, he turned his attention to the battlefield next to the cliff again.

Dies' move just now seemed to have caused a lot of damage to Yuan Beast. At this moment, Yuan Beast was slowly retreating, looking at him very vigilantly.

He is not stupid to be able to reach the tenth level, how can he not see that the source beast is injured? ]
Immediately, he jumped out of the ice crystal and shot towards the Faceless Origin Beast like a sharp arrow.

However, seeing this scene, the Faceless Source Beast suddenly dropped the hand that was only holding the wrist, and the other arm that seemed to have been injured just returned to normal, and slapped Dies hard with both hands.

Unable to defend against, Dies flew backwards at a faster speed and slammed into the ice crystal hard.

(End of this chapter)

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