my ark plane

Chapter 211 Chapter 211 Killing and Planning

Chapter 211 Chapter 211 Killing and Planning

Lin Jian fled.

When he passed the tenth-order origin beast, his mind went blank.

Even though he knew that once he gave up his position, Reid's Frozen Rose would be interrupted, and the rest of them would die because of it.

He did it anyway.

Because otherwise, I would not be able to survive.

Lin Jian admitted that he was selfish, but he had no choice but to escape from the fear in his heart.

"Don't blame me, don't blame me, I'm scared too! That's a herd of tenth-order primordial beasts, and you guys didn't listen to it at first! Don't blame me!"

Lin Jian looked pale and murmured to himself while flying.

"Yes, you are the ones who are indifferent to Horn's information. That's right, you can't blame me when things have come to this point!"

"Now I want to go back, I want to go back, direction, direction? Xinghuan, damn it!"

Lin Jian suddenly stopped in the air and looked around in a panic. After thinking of the star ring, he trembled all over his body and kept looking for it.

After seeing the star ring whose magnetic field was destroyed, he was stunned. There was a barren landscape in front of him, and there were continuous mountains everywhere. The terrain was almost exactly the same. Although he could recognize the direction, there were twelve heads and ten For the source beast, there is no early warning of the star ring magnetic field. If he bumps into the source beast, in his current state, there is no possibility of escape.

Thinking of this, Lin Jian's face turned red and then pale, suspended in the air.

At this moment, a small black dot appeared in the air, coming at an extremely exaggerated speed.

Lin Jian fixed his eyes and narrowed his eyes.

The other party was small in size and could not be an origin beast, so he didn't panic but stayed where he was.

The black spot seemed to have spotted him too, and came straight over here.

Squad in the wild?Or the tenth order who came to support?
Seeing what appeared to be a human form on the opposite side, Lin Jian's thoughts changed.

However, as the opponent got closer and closer, his expression gradually became a little unnatural, until the opponent stopped in front of him, his expression changed for a while, and finally he forced a smile and said.

"Haha, it turns out to be Li Huaixu. I didn't expect you to be here! It's been so long."

It looked like an acquaintance meeting, but I didn't know that I thought it was an old friend who had been away for many years.

It was Li Huaixu who came. On the battlefield, when he saw Lin Jian give up blocking him, he made a move.

Several people were shouting in the air, and he probably knew that they were at a critical moment. He didn't plan to make a move at first, but after thinking about it, he still did such a convenient thing.

At that time, he directly summoned a phantom burst from his hiding place. Before the tenth-level source beast arrived, he blocked it with a surprise attack and melted it with a breath of dragon breath.

Afterwards, he stopped meddling in his own business and flew straight up. He didn't expect that Nare De's ultimate move, which he had held back for so long, was so powerful that even the original energy was frozen into substance.

When he was shocked, Lin Jian had already fled away.

And after watching Reed and others go away from above, he chased after Lin Jian.

Lin Jian was not feeling well either, he was injured, and he was caught up by Li Huaixu not long after, and the scene just now happened.

"There are so many things you didn't expect."

Li Huaixu let out a low cry, and the phantom appeared out of thin air, and a cloud of dragon's breath covered the place where the two were standing.

He himself appeared on the phantom's back. Lin Jian was already on guard, and when the blue light flickered, he fled away in an instant.


Li Huaixu's eyes were slightly cold, and the phantom's wings shook, and it chased after him.

He is not a good man and a believer. Since Lin Jian participated in the hunt, there is no reason not to do it in such a good environment.

From the very beginning, Li Huaixu didn't want to have sex with him too much. Unexpectedly, Lin Jian didn't know whether he was guilty or something, and he was already prepared to escape his sudden attack.

Phantom's flying speed is extremely fast, but Lin Jian of the wind system is not slow, the speed is only a little behind Phantom, and the distance between the two can hardly be shortened.

Li Huaixu's star ring was also destroyed by the overlapping magnetic fields of the twelve tenth-order origin beasts, but unlike Lin Jian, he had full confidence in phantoms and other ark creatures, and he was completely worthy of the tenth-order origin beasts. chasing.

Taking time to look back and see that strange creature persistently chasing after him, Lin Jian cursed secretly in his heart.

Isn't this person afraid of meeting those tenth-order origin beasts?
After having those tenth-order origin beasts in this area, it has become extremely dangerous. If you accidentally bump into one without a star ring, it will be a lot of fun.

However, it is impossible for Li Huaixu to pay attention to his thoughts. The phantom hangs tightly in front of him. After a while, although the distance shrinks very slowly, it is slowly approaching.

The mountains and mountains couldn't be seen at a glance. Seeing the phantom that was much closer than before, Lin Jian's eyes showed despair.

At first, he thought about putting on a smiling face to see if he could negotiate terms or something, but Li Huaixu's murderous intent was so determined that he would strike directly when they met, and he could only run away.

The condition of Lin Jian's source energy is also very bad now. Once the source energy is exhausted, he will become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. Thinking of that scene, Lin Jian trembled with fear.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth, knelt in the air, and yelled loudly with his source energy covering his voice, "Let me go, please! For the sake of everyone being a big region!"

The phantom stopped in front of him, and Li Huaixu, who shared the vision, tilted his head and looked at him with interest.

However, Li Huaixu was very interested in the shape of the phantom, but when this kind of movement was placed on the phantom's cold and precise metal head, it seemed a bit scary and eerie.

Dou Da's cold sweat rolled down his forehead. Lin Jian gritted his teeth, knelt in the air, put his head on the ground, and said in a trembling voice, "The last time I chased and killed you was also an order from the people in the laboratory. I was just following orders. They hold the future of the Federation, I dare not refute them at all!"

"Everyone is from Huaxia District, just let me go this time! Please!"

"Aren't you arrogant when chasing me?"

Li Huaixu shared the field of vision with the phantom, saw something abnormal below, and suddenly spoke in a cold voice, Lin Jian couldn't hear any emotion, but this did not prevent him from begging for mercy.

"It's all ordered by the people in the laboratory. Our tenth-level powerhouses have to obey the mobilization. Behind them are the gang of elders!"

Hearing his words, Lin Jian immediately told him everything he knew like pouring beans into a bamboo tube, and Li Huaixu didn't even ask him.

However, all he got was silence, and Li Huaixu didn't continue to speak, nor did he directly make a move.

Seeing this, Lin Jian didn't dare to stop. Instead, he said all kinds of good words and kept begging for mercy.

This is definitely the most humble time in his life, but the bottom line has been broken since he first faced the fear of life and death, and it is not surprising that it has become like this now.

"After watching it for so long, it should come out, right?"

After a while, Li Huaixu's voice came out suddenly. Lin Jian was taken aback when he heard it, and quickly raised his head, looking around.

"This has all been discovered. When I saw the weird style of the creature, I guessed it was you, but it was too scary. I was just guessing. I didn't expect it to be."

A voice suddenly came from the mountain below the two of them, and five figures flew up quickly.

It was Zerkred and the others who had successfully escaped, and it was the fat man surnamed Gong who had just spoken.

As soon as they came, they looked at the pale Lin Jian with complex expressions.

The gazes of several people seemed to penetrate him, making him feel as if he had been stripped naked and cut into pieces, with nowhere to hide.

He struggled to stand up, but Li Huaixu's cold voice made him dare not move.

"You stand up and try?"

As a result, he could only freeze in place in a half-kneeling posture.

Seeing this scene, Reed sighed slightly, "We owe you this time. If you hadn't appeared, we would have died there. No matter what grievances you have, we haven't seen it today."

"No, Reed! You can't do this!" Lin Jian said in a panic as his expression changed.

The rest of the people were unmoved when they saw this scene. After what happened just now, they no longer regarded Lin Jian as a human being.

"Heh, you all saw it today. I don't need to hide to kill him." The moment Li Huaixu's voice came out, Phantom's claws suddenly stretched out and grabbed Lin Jian who hadn't reacted.

"Also, go back and let me know about killing him."

Phantom's claws slowly tightened, feeling an irresistible force coming from beside his body, fear quickly covered Lin Jian's face, and his constant begging for mercy turned into a powerless whine in the end.

The scarlet that had just bloomed was immediately evaporated by the energy of the phantom's claws.

Li Huaixu looked at the few people who were still in the air, left a word and rode away on the phantom.

"Go back and tell the truth about what you saw."

Several people saw Lin Jian without leaving a trace, and they all looked sad. This time, the Federation has formed eight tenth-level powerhouses. The lineup can be described as extremely powerful. When they came, they all thought that this would be an easy task. , talking and laughing happily.

Unexpectedly, in just one day, there were only five of them left. They were tenth-level experts, not just cabbage. Losing three of them was a big blow to the Federation.

"Let's go, go back."

Reed sighed and waved to the few people who were still in a daze.

"Reed, about Lin Jian." Zelko quickly followed, hesitating to speak next to him.

"Just do what he says."

The rest of the people also quickly followed, Li Xian'er said softly, "Does he want to make an enemy of the entire Federation?"

"I don't know, maybe he has his own considerations. Alas, such a strong existence was forced to the opposite side by the Federation."

As soon as Reed said this, the others nodded in agreement, while still feeling a little scared.

Before, they only saw it from a distance, but after getting close, they realized what a terrifying creature it was.

The body size alone is bigger than the tenth-order origin beast, not to mention the weird method that can melt the tenth-order origin beast on the spot, it is almost dead when touched.

Even those who stood at the pinnacle of the origin energy era in the federation could not achieve this kind of combat power, let alone them.

If this level of combat power is used on the battlefield, it will change the entire situation.


This is the common thought in the hearts of several people.

After being separated from the team, Li Huaixu directly used the teleporter to teleport back home.

There is no star ring now, so it is difficult to position. If we want to continue planning, we can only build another star ring.

Reed and the others should soon be able to enter the federal territory, and by then the news of their killing of Lin Jian will also spread.

This is exactly what Li Huaixu wanted. With this foreshadowing, Lu Weilin and others will not be too involved when he grabs the mirror engine again.

He knows the general direction of the strongholds near the super veins. It is impossible to go to Uriah. Now he is still charged with killing the tenth-rank powerhouse of the Federation. Appearing on the territory of the Clement family will only give They add to the trouble.

So he planned to go near the Apollo stronghold and find someone to grab one.

There are several strongholds nearby besides Uriah, but most of them belong to the Clement family, except for two, which are the two in front of Uriah.

But it was too close to Uriah, and Li Huaixu didn't want to involve them in the "confrontation with the Federation" setting that was just created.

So he chose the farther Apollo stronghold.

Apollo is located above the Uriah stronghold, and the distance is a bit far. Without the star ring, it is difficult to find only the general direction, but Li Huaixu has no better way, so he can only fly there, hoping to meet other people.

This is also one of the reasons why he chose Apollo. As Apollo is the largest stronghold on the border of Unset Europe, there must be many hunters and military teams radiating outward. If he happens to meet one, the matter can be resolved.

The news from the tenth-order source beast has not come back so quickly, Reed and the others are probably facing the same problem as themselves, so those hunters and military teams who radiated out probably haven't retreated yet, this is their own Opportunity.

Normally, it only takes more than an hour from the vicinity of my temporary stronghold to the Apollo stronghold. Li Huaixu estimated that he had almost flown before stopping and starting to look for those teams.

He turned on the identification friend or foe on the Tek helmet and began to patrol in the air.

It is said that Apollo is the base where the battle is most intense, and it is also one of the last strongholds to repel the origin beasts. During the search, Li Huaixu also saw many lone origin beasts that had not yet evacuated.

Unfortunately, none of the teams met.

On Jiuyuanxing, the land is vast and sparsely populated, and it is not easy to find people even near the most populated stronghold. While Li Huaixu was still searching for it, Reed and the others finally flew slowly for more than a day. Back to the nearest Uriah stronghold.

And the news they brought back shocked the entire Jiuyuanxing.

As the base where the news first spread, Uriah was even more panic-stricken. There were many fewer people walking on the streets in the past.

Occasionally, a few of them were in a hurry, and left quickly with their heads down.

The entire base is filled with an atmosphere of rain.

No one doubted the authenticity of the matter. After all, these were the words of five tenth-rank powerhouses speaking in unison, and there were three unreturned bones to testify.

Even in the face of the threat of the tenth-level source beast, the news that Li Huaixu killed Lin Jian caused quite a stir and aroused the anger of many people.

Most of those who condemned Li Huaixu were Shuguang City and its nearby strongholds.

Human beings are always like this, when the threat is not in front of them, they can hang up irrelevant things.

Therefore, compared to the threat of the tenth-order origin beast, they were more concerned about Li Huaixu's "rebellion".

For a moment, Jiuyuanxing actually formed a strange state. With Shuguang City as the center, the stronghold radiating out, half of the inner half were condemning and insulting Li Huaixu everywhere, while the outer half was silent. Come.

Under such circumstances, of course Lu Weilin and the others would not be idle. He himself summoned Chu Mengyao, Mo Canyang Horn, and Mo Jiawei and Ah Peng to start the conversation. remote communication.

"You should know the news." Lu Weilin was the first to speak at the beginning of the communication meeting.

"Tenth level source beast?" Mo Jiawei said in a deep voice after taking in all the other uncommon faces and silently jotting them down.


"Then why did General Lu summon us?" Chu Mengyao said while leaning on the chair with her arms folded to set off the magnificence of her chest.

"Super vein."

Except for Mo Jiawei and Ah Peng who was confused, everyone's eyes flashed brightly.

"The most important part of the original plan was to prevent the arrival of the Elders' Council. Now it is basically impossible, but the appearance of the tenth-order origin beast gave us a chance." Lu Weilin looked around at the crowd and said in a deep voice.

"Compared to last time, we have some more new members, they all lived with confidence, Mo Jiawei, Ah Peng."

Mo Jiawei and Ah Peng quickly nodded to them.

Shi Zeyu, Mo Canyang, Horn and others were silent when they heard the plan, waiting for Lu Weilin to speak.

"Originally, I wanted to close the entire Jiuyuan star, centralize power, build a super fortress on the super mine vein, unblock the shield and fight to the death with the source beast, but I didn't expect the arrival of the Elder Council to be too sudden. The number of their tenth-level powerhouses is no longer ours. It's under control."

As soon as Lu Weilin opened his mouth, he was shocked.

Except for Huo En and others, Chu Mengyao, Mo Jiawei, etc. didn't know what his plan was, they just vaguely knew that he had some ideas and needed super veins, but he didn't expect that what he planned was the entire Nine Origin Star!
Several people could not hide the look of shock on their faces. Even Chu Mengyao lowered her hands and opened her mouth uncontrollably.

"You may not know that this full-scale invasion seems to be due to the arrival of earth reinforcements and successfully defeated the source beast, but in fact, the source beast retreated by itself. Compared with the news brought back by the tenth-order team, you should probably know something. .”

The others were startled when they heard the words. After lowering their heads and thinking for a while, they immediately figured out the joints.

If Yuan Beast had this kind of strength from the beginning, then this defeat would be very strange.

"The number of tenth-order origin beasts is far beyond our imagination. There are too many opinions on the Jiuyuan star, and various family forces divide the territory, which seems to be in harmony with each other. On the surface, the four major regions are fighting each other secretly, so that humans cannot form a unity. In this case, not to mention the tenth-order origin beasts appearing in groups, even the origin beast combat strength known before cannot be repelled."

"So I had a unified idea very early on. In ancient times, it might have been the same as rebellion, but now Jiuyuanxing really needs a unified voice. I found a faceless with five heads in a similar shape in the Xiunian stronghold. After Yuan Beast, I knew that the situation had reached a very serious point, so I started planning ahead of time, but I didn't expect that the group of elders would come so quickly, maybe, this is fate."

Lu Weilin sighed slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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