my ark plane

Chapter 207 Chapter 207 Rescue

Chapter 207 Chapter 207 Rescue
Phantom released his claws, took two steps back, and looked at the tenth-level source beast in front of him that had stopped struggling and was lifeless.

At this time, it was no longer as majestic as before, its feathers were all scorched, and there was only a hollow and charred skeleton left from the chest above, and the body below was scorched black and stiff as if it had been burned by a fire.

Li Huaixu, who was on the phantom's back, was shocked. He didn't expect the power of its dragon's breath to be so powerful that even a tenth-order origin beast could be burned to death.

The rapidly melting skin and flesh of the tenth-order origin beast still echoed in his mind.

Just now, the phantom just grabbed its head and spit out a mouthful of dragon breath. In less than two seconds, the tenth-order origin beast with a strong physical body and extremely exaggerated defense turned into a skeleton like this!
He still underestimated the Phantom's damage.

"It is worthy of being one of the most powerful creatures in the Origin series."

Li Huaixu sighed a little, and asked Phantom to grab the corpse of the source beast and fly to the place where the flames erupted just now.

The battle between the phantom and the tenth-order source beast didn't last long, the battlefield was not far from the fire, and all the phantoms came in front of the fire with just a shake of their wings.

Li Huaixu jumped down from the phantom's back, sighed slightly, activated the Tektronix armor and flew towards the fire.

In front of him were two groups of blazing flames, and the skeleton of the original shuttle could still be discerned vaguely, obviously an explosion caused by being cut in the middle by something.

Li Huaixu stopped without saying a word. The phantom behind him moved its wings made of energy, and a strong gust of wind came from behind him, and the two flames were instantly extinguished.

Only then did he step forward and came to a section of the cab that could still be identified.

The scorched metal frame was emitting black smoke, and the surrounding heat was blocked by the Tektronix armor. Li Huaixu stepped on a scattered metal frame, and with one hand, he supported the frame on the top of the shuttle, and checked the cab.

"no one!"

At first glance, Li Huaixu was shocked. This amount of time was not enough to burn a person into ashes. The flames were not similar to those of Nidhogg and Phantom Dragon Breath.

While his mind was spinning, Li Huaixu had some guesses in his heart, and immediately went back to ride the phantom, grabbed the corpses of the tenth-level origin beasts, identified them, and went in the direction they had just come.

On the phantom's back, he opened the star ring, saw the signal above and wanted to call Mo Canyang, but found that the signal was directly disconnected.

Li Huaixu gritted his teeth, put away the star ring, and continued to fly forward.

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't be crazy with you. Now it's all right. In this kind of place, you have to sleep on rocks even to rest. Doesn't the big bed at home smell good?"

On a slightly concave mountain, a small flat land was cleared out. A Peng sat on the ground with his arms around his knees, complaining non-stop.

Mo Jiawei leaned against the wall with a backpack on his back. He scratched his head and smiled, "Hey, I'm the one who got you in trouble this time. Don't worry, I'll take you back as soon as I recover."

"Don't you, it's not like I don't know what's going on now, I, a person with level five energy, can see your weakness, alas, you are careless in making friends."

"Don't panic, I still learned to heal with one hand, and I will recover soon."

"You should rest first, I'll be on guard." A Peng stood up with one hand on the ground, patted the dust on his hands, and went outside.

There are still extremely desolate mountains outside. They are in the middle of two mountain ranges. This is a cliff-like terrain, and the two of them are in a slightly depressed place at the bottom.

It can only be counted as a depression, not even a cave.

But for Yuan Beast, the concealment is enough. Yuan Beast finds people almost all by Yuan Energy Sensing, rarely using eyes.

Looking at the desolate and boundless mountains in front of him, Ah Peng shook his head and sighed, and sat down on the edge.

The sudden vibration made him shake.

"Original Beast!"

A Peng's face changed, and he immediately ran into the depression, holding back his energy.

Mo Jiawei, who had just closed his eyes and hadn't had time to fall asleep, was also awakened, looking outside nervously.

There was another loud noise, and the vibration was more intense and clear, as if some huge creature was moving.

The two looked at each other, and they could see each other's shock.

Those who can cause such a movement are at least ninth-order source beasts!
The loud noises became more and more intense, and cold sweat broke out on the faces of the two of them. That existence was getting closer!

The gravel on the top of the depression rustled down, and the eyes of the two suddenly went dark.

They almost forgot to breathe, staring at the gray skin wrinkle that had appeared at the original entrance.

This small depression is completely blocked, and nothing outside can be seen.


Folds of skin rose rapidly in their eyes, and light soon shone in.

When the thing appeared again, it was already on the opposite mountain range.

This is a forelimb of some kind of creature! !
They could only see part of it just now, but when they zoomed out from a distance, the two finally saw clearly that it was a huge claw, and there was a sharp barb at the joint going up from the back!

The paw was raised again, and the two of them immediately felt another shock not far away.

A thicker paw stepped on their side not far away!
Ah Peng's face was pale, his eyes widened, and he stuck to the cold wall behind him, as if this could bring him some warmth.

The same was true for Mo Jiawei, he didn't dare to show his breath, and his expression was tense.

The Origin Beast didn't seem to notice them, it just passed by here, and under the nervous eyes of the two, they walked slowly away with the shaking of the earth.


The two breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and looked at each other, feeling grateful for the rest of their lives after the catastrophe.

At this moment, violent energy suddenly gathered around Ah Peng, and a familiar aura appeared.

In the past, Mo Jiawei would definitely pull out a banner to celebrate, but today, he was shocked, pointing at A Peng with trembling fingers.

"You you you, suddenly, broke through?"

"Okay, it seems to be" Ah Peng felt the source energy of his physical fitness becoming stronger, but he couldn't feel happy at all.

Because the vibration that went away just now has become stronger again, and the frequency has increased by a few notches.

"What should I do?" Ah Peng was at a loss, looking at Mo Jiawei in a panic.

"Calm down quickly! Take a deep breath, relax, and imagine Yuanneng as a spring of clear water, very gentle!" Mo Jiawei struggled to get up, speaking extremely fast.

"Hoo, ho, ho, uh, it's too late." Apeng tried to take deep breaths continuously. After trying several times, he suddenly stopped.

Mo Jiawei followed his gaze, and saw that the light shining in from this depression disappeared at some point, and a huge eye appeared at the entrance.

Mo Jiawei:
"No, it's been half a year, and I've just broken through to level six, how can I die here!" Apeng was heartbroken, and source energy gathered in his hands, forming a stream of water with a diameter of about one meter, and flew towards the huge eye.

A strange scene appeared.

The speed of the water flow was obviously not fast, but the owner of the eyes did not dodge or dodge, allowing the water flow to impact on it, Mo Jiawei could even see the look of pain when it closed its eyes.

The water flow hit the eyelids, and it rushed to the distance!

The light shone in again, and both of them were stunned.

"Are you hiding your strength?"

"Am I hiding my strength?"

The two looked at each other, Ah Peng stretched out his hands and looked at his palms in disbelief.

A heart-piercing roar suddenly awakened the two of them, and Ah Peng quickly ran to the depression and stayed where he was.

Seeing him like this, Mo Jiawei struggled to get up, holding on to the wall and slowly walked over. The light above was a bit dazzling, which made him squint his eyes involuntarily. When the things in front of him became clear, he also stayed in place.

The appearance of the two of them at this time was very funny, they stood there fixedly, with their eyes wide open, their mouths wide open, motionless, and their expressions were exactly the same.

It's not their fault, because the scene that appeared in front of their eyes was too subversive.

The first thing that catches the eye is an incomparably huge Yuan Beast, the slightly twitching front paws with barbs are still vivid in his memory.

Up above is a feline-like abdomen, but with no hair, just dark brown skin.

This is a liger-like body with extremely muscular limbs. It looks explosive and powerful at first glance. Its head looks like a wolf but not a wolf. It has four pairs of sharp and curved long horns, which looks extremely strange.

It was such a tenth-level origin beast, but it seemed to be caught in the air by something, without any intention of resisting, it remained motionless, and its figure twitched slightly.

Only then did the two hear what seemed to be the sound of wings flapping.

The source beast suddenly fell down quickly, and a large cloud of dust was raised when it fell on the mountain range. Only then did the two of them see clearly that there was something flying on it.

"Oh my God, what is this!" A Peng took a breath and said in a daze.

What they saw before them was a body that resembled a fire-breathing dragon, but its whole body was made of sophisticated machinery. Its wings were the purest energy. Its whole body was pitch black, with occasional flashes of blue light.

"No, I don't know, but the source beast seems to have been killed by it."

Mo Jiawei watched as the source beast fell down, revealing its completely sunken head, and murmured.

At this moment, the terrifying creature seemed to have discovered them, paused, and flew towards them.

"I'm the one who got you in trouble this time." Mo Jiawei smiled wryly, with a trace of despair flashing across his face.

"What are you talking about, this is my own choice, otherwise I would have speeded up and left you behind."

A Peng said indifferently.

"It seems that I can't escape this time. It's a pity that such horrific biological information cannot be sent back."

"What do you want to pass on?"

"Just the creature in front, it's too scary. Damn it!" Mo Jiawei continued the conversation on his own, and suddenly realized something was wrong, and turned his head to look at A Peng in surprise, "Did you talk just now?"

"I didn't! There are others!"

"Mo Jiawei, right? Old Mo asked me to pick you up."

The terrifying creature in front stopped not far in front of the two of them, and a blue energy surged behind a figure in full armor, floating in front of the creature.

(End of this chapter)

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