my ark plane

Chapter 17 Launch of Tektronix Teleporter

Chapter 17 Launch of Tektronix Teleporter



On a mountain top full of ores, crystals, obsidian, metal ores and other ores with numerous uses can be found everywhere.

After a flash of blue light, a large piece of metal ore disappeared, revealing a young man in armor except for his head.

Li Huaixu let out a sigh of relief, and rubbed his hair, which was almost like a chicken coop.

Having derailed from human society for a long time, if he was not wearing a tek armor at this time, he would probably look like a savage, with disheveled hair and scantily clad clothes.

This image should be put on the proper headline before crossing: Shock: There are savages haunting a certain neighborhood in the city, and the witnesses are delighted when they get closer.

Fortunately, there is Tai Kejia to hide his shame, although Li Huaixu doesn't care about these things now.

Put the last wave of iron on Xiaolan's body. At this time, Xiaolan's inventory is full of iron resources except food.

Looking at the pile of iron contentedly, Li Huaixu showed a smile like an old farmer on his face, started the ride and teleported to Xiaolan's back, and rushed down the mountain all the way.

At the door of his seaside home, Li Huaixu put all the iron resources in Xiao Lan evenly into 20 furnaces, and then took out the burned metal ingots.

The amount of work involved was quite large. Although Li Huaixu had 1500 load points, it took a lot of time. He was busy until the sun went down to finish distributing the metal and taking out all the metal ingots.

Even the current Li Huaixu, with Xiaolan, dare not wander around at night.

The visibility in the dark here is too low. If you encounter ordinary creatures, you may not know how to die if you suddenly bump into a boss.

Two days passed quietly in the blink of an eye, and Li Huaixu finally gathered 7500 iron resources.

After counting all the required resources at home, there is no shortage of anything.

Everything is ready, only a workbench is owed!
Tek Replicators can only be crafted at Supply Beams or Obelisks.

Li Huaixu's current location is in a recessed strait at the upper left of the fairyland map. The closest to here is the blue obelisk, where Li Huaixu decided to make a Tektronix replicator.

The reason why I didn’t choose to make it at the supply light beam is because the supply light beam has a limited time, and too many materials are needed to make the Tektronix replicator. With Li Huaixu’s 1500 load, it takes several trips to transport the materials. If the materials Before the move was over, the beam of light disappeared, and Li Huaixu didn't know where to find a place to cry.

With the materials of extreme load, Li Huaixu's Tektronix armor surged out of energy and took him into the sky, flying towards the blue obelisk to the west.

Flying all the way through the mountains and plains below, when the sea level appeared in his vision, Li Huaixu saw an obelisk like a spaceship floating quietly by the sea.

It also has a huge rhombus engraved on it like a sample implant on the front.

A ray of light shot out from the terminal of the tribute platform at the bottom of the obelisk, passed through the obelisk, and went straight into the sky.

Li Huaixu came to the tribute platform to put all the materials in and then went back to continue to carry them. It took several rounds to finish carrying all the materials. At this time, the blueprint of the Tektronix replicator also lit up.

Li Huaixu clicked make, and in a series of long jingling sounds, the Tektronix replicator was finally finished.

In no hurry to place the Tektronix replicator, Li Huaixu's hand flashed a blue light, and the Tektronix replicator icon had entered his system backpack.

While the energy was surging, Li Huaixu was already flying in the air, slightly preparing to break through the sound barrier and fly home.

Next to the house, there are already huge dinosaur gates rising from the ground, forming a semicircle, enclosing Li Huaixu's house, and behind it is the vast ocean.

After enclosing the land, Li Huaixu placed a few more foundations in an open space, opened the backpack and placed the Tektronix replicator.

After a burst of smoke and dust dissipated, a Tektronix replicator with a height of about six meters, which looked like a giant globe but the "ball" in the middle was hollow, appeared in front of us.

He stepped forward to open the inventory. At this time, there was nothing in the Tek replicator inventory, only some gray blueprints in it. In these blueprints, Li Huaixu found the blueprints for the Tek gun and the poison Tek gun, and even There's a Tek Sniper Rifle, Tek Teleporter, and Promitek Energy Shield.

The Promitec Energy Shield has all the common materials needed, but the 5000 metal ingots behind it made Li Huaixu helplessly laugh.

"I still have to make a teleporter first. Now this house is near the sea, and there are no particularly powerful creatures. There is a circle of dinosaur gates to block it, which is safe enough. If you go out to the outside world, it shouldn't be of much use, and it will attract attention. , there is no need to make an energy shield yet."

Although the Tek energy shield is very powerful, Li Huaixu decided to make the Tek teleporter after a little thought.

After moving all the materials needed for the Tektronix energy shield and putting in an additional 10 energy elements, Li Huaixu activated the Tektronix replicator.


There was a sound of electric current that gradually became stronger, and the hollow ball in the middle of the Tektronix replicator like a globe was filled with black energy at this moment, and these energy rolled and surged within the range of the ball and disappeared.

In a burst of ding ding, the Tektronix teleporter finally came out.

Li Huaixu took out the Tektronix transmitter and put it on the ground.

On the top of the complex metal structure of the Tektronix transmitter, four pieces of metal spread out, and a black energy ball condensed in the middle. Suddenly, a ray of light shot out from the top of the Tektronix transmitter, and disappeared into the universe.

"It is detected that the Tektronix teleporter is activated, and you can travel between planes at any time. Items can be carried in your own backpack. If you need to carry creatures, please upload the biometric data to the main control panel of the Tektronix teleporter."


at last.

Li Huaixu's mood was agitated, and he could finally return to human society!Even though it was no longer a place he was familiar with, it made him feel very friendly.

Suppressing his excitement, he began to count the items he needed to bring:
A set of legendary tek armor, and 200 energy elements

In the previous month's experience, Li Huaixu rode Xiaolan and killed many bosses, obtained a large amount of energy elements and assembled a set of legendary-level Tektronix armor, whose defense power was several levels higher.

Poison-type Tektronix gun, and 30 poison-type energy elements.

Tektronix sniper rifle, this gun is also a loot dropped by BOSS.

metal spear
The rest are basically useless.

In fact, if the conditions permit, he would also like to make the Tek gun, but the energy elements needed to make the Tek gun make him daunting. Even the two Tek guns in his hand were exploded by the boss. It's really too much.

After counting, Li Huaixu opened the central control panel of the Tektronix transmitter.

"Upload Xiaolan's biological data!"

Like the sound of something being activated, the beam of light emitted by the Tektronix teleporter suddenly converges, the black energy ball at the top begins to swallow the surrounding light, and the body of Xiaolan next to it is slowly energyized. After its whole body can be quantified, the black energy The ball expanded rapidly to a diameter of five meters and wide, and immediately shrank into a small blue light spot. This small light spot did not stop at the top of the transmitter, but turned into a stream of light and flew to the sample implant in Li Huaixu's right hand. in.

"Biological data uploaded successfully."

An emotionless mechanical voice sounded from the right hand.

Li Huaixu glanced at his right hand, then lifted it up and placed it on top of the Tektronix transmitter.

"Start teleporting!"

Rows of small light blue characters were brushed out inside Li Huaixu's helmet.

"Connecting with the plane, outputting Tek energy to protect the host, the final preparation stage."

"Check out the hidden dangers of the shuttle, the teleporter is running normally, the connection between the planes is normal, and the biological data is normal."

"The energy output is stable, the obelisk is located successfully, and the countdown to the connection."






"Start connecting!"

The beam of light on the top of the Tektronix transmitter continued to output energy, extending to midair and a black hole suddenly appeared, and the energy entered the black hole and disappeared.

Suddenly, the energy that was being continuously output solidified.

Li Huaixu, who was watching all this from the side, turned into a spot of light, entered the condensed energy and quickly shuttled into the black hole. After Li Huaixu's light spots all entered the black hole, the black hole disappeared suddenly. There was no sign of it, and the power of the Tektronix slowly faded away.

Li Huaixu, who was in the teleportation, only felt that he was passing through a colorful tunnel at high speed. After traveling for about 10 minutes, the colorful light in front of him suddenly appeared a hole with white light overflowing.

In a small, dark room.

A black hole appeared in the sky, a stream of light came out of the hole, and formed a human shape on the ground.

The black hole disappeared without a sound, and a figure in red and black armor stood on the floor. Red energy flowed through the gaps in the armor on his body, emitting a faint light to illuminate the small and dark room.

Li Huaixu walked over to open the door, looked at the number 404 on the door, and laughed silently.

(End of this chapter)

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