Chapter 99
It's going to be on the shelves this afternoon, and I have to write a testimonial as usual.

This is the third time I have written a testimonial, and suddenly I don't know how to write it.

So I went to see what other people wrote, and studied the composition and structure of the starting point's testimonials.

The starting point is several million books, and there are many similar routines, but the most similar one is probably this testimonial.

If you don’t believe it, if you just look through a testimonial on the shelf, it must be composed of one or most of the following points.

1. Thank you.There are relatively few parents who thank their parents, because parents generally do not support writing books at first. As parents, they only hope that their children can find a stable and not hard job. Most of the previous generation’s understanding of online novels is still in the On the above, few parents will support before they really make money;
In comparison, there are many people who thank their wives for their unwavering support and silent support, and they chose to support them in the most difficult times.

There are two types of people who are most grateful, one is readers and the other is editors.

The reason is also very simple. The growth of a book is inseparable from the editor's guidance and recommendations; the success of a book cannot be separated from the support of readers, even if a book has no results, there are still some readers who can understand and are willing to support silently. For the author, this is a great psychological comfort and motivation for writing.

When you are successful, the people who support you are worthy of gratitude; but when you are in trouble, it is more heartwarming to choose someone who understands and helps.

2. Ask for a subscription.

This section is when the author's imagination is tested. Please subscribe.

For example, "a chapter costs more than [-] cents, and a pack of cigarettes costs a month", which is analyzed from an economic point of view;
For example, 'This book was so difficult when I conceived it, and I revised it in order to write it well', 'I want to share a world I like with you', 'every character has poured my emotions into it' And so on, this kind of chat seems to be talking about what is in the heart, talking about the journey of the heart, but in fact it is essentially advertising.

Tell readers, how well-made my product is, although there are flaws, but how conscientious I am, are you embarrassed not to support it, embarrassed to be a member of iQiyi, embarrassed to give it a star on Douban?
Misfortune is also the highlight. The author's common miserable life is such as "working hard, coming back to work overtime and staying up late at night", "writing novels every day and having no time to fall in love, even having my right hand and Baofeng Video idle", "the child is born and is waiting to be fed. Please give me some money for milk powder" , 'I have a dream that everyone does not support, I must prove myself', 'Someone in the family is sick, I want to support the family'...

In short, for the author, the meaning of subscription is far more than simple as 'buying and selling'.

3. Announcement update, VAM agreement.After it is put on the shelves, it will be updated every day, and the number of rewards and monthly tickets will be added as much as possible.

A qualified testimonial for listing must include one or two of the above three points, or all of them.

This is the routine, the three-stage style.

However, as an author, what I really want to say is that not all routines are false.

In a book with hundreds of thousands or millions of words, any chapter may be written by the author in order to cater to the market, and may not [-]% represent the readers' three views and true emotions.

But only this "review on shelves" with the deepest routine, I believe, is the most sincere chapter of the author in the whole book.

The emotions of human beings are interlinked, and the hardships in the same industry are similar, so there are such nearly identical testimonials on the shelf. This is a routine, and it is also the most true feeling of all online novel authors. heart.

Therefore, what I want to write in this review is nothing more than the above points.

It will be released in the afternoon, and five chapters will be released in a row.

From now on, I will guarantee a minimum of two chapters every day, one chapter at 10:8 a.m. and one chapter at [-]:[-] p.m. in the evening. The main chapter is [-] words, because I am not writing novels full-time here, so I can’t guarantee how many more I can add. If I write more, I will post more.

In addition, I also want to sell badly. After the Chinese New Year, my home is going to be renovated. Recently, I am making preparations. I go to the building materials market every day, check the decoration tricks on the Internet, and inspect the decoration store. It almost collapses... Those of you who have done renovations understand.

Above, thank you all!
(End of this chapter)

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