Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 88 I Want to Control How Much I Send

Chapter 88 I Want to Control How Much I Send
"Gou Ritian, why are you sitting there in a daze? It's time to eat!"

"Gou Ritian, why are you so honest today? Didn't you run around?"

Ever since he came back from "playing" in the city with Jiang Xuan, Gou Ritian seems to be a different person in the past two days... Oh, not like a dog, honestly.

Even Jiang Gang, who has always been concentrating on practicing martial arts without distractions, became curious.

He hadn't seen Gou Ritian exporting any strange things in his arms for almost 48 hours.

He glanced at the brick in his hand, just a few days ago, Gou Ritian was still a pervert who refused to let go of the red brick.

He smashed bricks with his head, and Gou Ritian's skills are even more amazing, he can poke a hole in a brick, which is very scary.

Jiang Qian was not the only one who was curious. Chang Xiaotu squatted beside Gou Ritian and asked directly, "Hey, what did you guys do that day?"

"Uh..." Gou Ritian grinned, the thick lips at the corners of his mouth parted, revealing a few canine teeth, hesitant to speak.

"Talk, talk, we're all so curious! Isn't Jiang Hard?"

"Yeah." Jiang nodded hard.

As monsters, they are too aware of how difficult it is to change the nature of animals. What method does Jiang Xuan use to make Gou Ritian become honest all of a sudden?
Gou Ritian hesitated for a while, and said earnestly: "The director and I had an in-depth exchange. Under the guidance of the director, I deeply realized how vulgar and indecent my previous bad habits were, and I have made up my mind to hurt them. Change your past mistakes and become a good dog that emphasizes civilization and shame!"

"Eh? When did Jiang Xuan become so powerful?" Chang Xiaotu scratched his ears strangely.

Jiang Xuan is more able to fool, she admits this, but what Gou Ritian said, why does it sound so unreliable?
Of course not reliable!
The truth, Gou Ritian decided not to tell anyone!

He still shudders when he recalls that day.

That day, Jiang Xuan took him through the pet swimming pool, pet canteen, pet toy store, and finally came to the pet hospital for a visit with profound educational significance.

He saw with his own eyes that after waking up from the effect of the anesthesia, the big cat, which had always been fat, entered a state of sluggishness on the spot looking at the empty space between its legs.

He will never forget that big cat's desperate and heartbroken eyes for the rest of his life!

There was also a little Teddy dog, who was sent to the operating table. After a while, a bloody veterinarian came out from behind the curtain, holding a small plate, and asked the owner of the little Teddy, "Do you want this?" '

On the plate, there were two balls that he was all too familiar with!

Bloody balls, that is a lifetime of unbearable pain!

And the conversation between Jiang Xuan and the veterinarian.

Gou Ritian remembered every word clearly.

Jiang Xuan said: "Doctor, my big dog is in heat every day, messing around, I feel helpless."

The doctor said: "This is very normal. But you have to be careful, if it impregnates other dogs, the owner will face compensation, or if there are too many puppies, the burden of raising them will be heavy, and it will easily lead to abandonment. Furthermore, When pets are in heat, they are quite irritable. Your dog is big and has certain dangers. I suggest you, for the happiness of yourself and the dog, it is best to have it sterilized."

Gou Ritian almost couldn't hold back, and cursed!
For my happiness?

I thank you!Thank you family!
Jiang Xuan nodded seriously: "That's true, but will it be dangerous?"

Of course there is danger, OK, cut off the balls, try to cut off your own balls, see if there is any danger? !

The doctor vowed: "No, we are very professional and have done thousands of similar operations. Don't worry, once an anesthetic is injected, the eyes will be closed and then opened again, and it will be done without any pain. There will be. I guarantee that after neutering, your dog will become docile and obedient."

"Oh, what do you think?" Jiang Xuan lowered his head and asked Gou Ritian.

Gou Ritian was about to cry, holding his hind legs tightly, shaking his head desperately.

"I know it's animal instinct. You can't control it yourself. Don't worry, it will be fine after castration. Don't be afraid. The doctor said it won't hurt." Jiang Xuan encouraged.

"I can bear it, I can definitely bear it!"

Gou Ritian roared in his heart!
Fortunately, in the end Jiang Xuan seemed to have heard the cry in his heart and brought him back intact.

But at the same time, he also brought back a pamphlet issued by the pet hospital about the knowledge of pet sterilization.

The booklet was placed on Jiang Xuan's bedside table.

So every time he thought of that booklet, Gou Ritian shuddered.

I must control how much I send!



Not far away, in the principal's dormitory, Jiang Xuan looked at a report in hand, a little dazed.

"So much money?"

The report at hand is the second half of the revenue sharing list of self-channel programs on Youku. According to the agreed share ratio at the beginning, 40%, Jiang Xuan got a total of 30!
Almost didn't worry about anything, just asked Chang Xiaotu to cooperate with this recording program, and occasionally made a cameo appearance by herself, and her income was a bit more than the original live broadcast with [-] fans!

This program has sponsors, and it is sponsored once every six months. Since the hits of the previous episodes of the program were not bad, there are already three sponsors who have bought advertisements for the second half of the year.They are Bangran kitchen utensils, Jinlong blending oil, and Qianbaidu jewelry.

It seems that the previous choice was correct. The self-channeling route is more suitable for the current situation of kindergartens than live broadcasting, and it is much easier.

If possible, you can try a new self-channel.

However, Jiang Xuan also knew that besides content, the most important thing for a channel was sponsors and operations.

It is very easy for celebrities to make money from their channels, but for ordinary people, it is very difficult at the beginning stage.

The reason why Lin Qianxiu was able to attract sponsorship had a lot to do with her family's social relations and her own fame.

According to the system, Lin Qianxiu belongs to the 'Rising Fame' category, and in the third stage, her influence has reached the scale of '[-]' calculations.

After various incidents during this period, as well as the subsequent performance in the self-media, the popularity of the kindergarten finally broke through the [-] mark and reached the "little celebrity".

According to the current popularity, there is still a long way to go to get Lin Qianxiu's level of sponsorship.

However, Jiang Xuan is still looking forward to it. Counting with his fingers, Lin Qianxiu is in the third stage, and can get a total of one million yuan in sponsorship a year.

If one day, the popularity of the kindergarten reaches the third stage, or even the fourth, fifth, and higher stages, the benefits it brings will definitely be quite astonishing, rising exponentially.

If one day he can reach the top and influence tens of billions of people around the world, wouldn't he be the richest man in the world just by relying on popularity and influence?

But at that stage, presumably money has long been unimportant.

Don't worry, take your time.

Jiang Xuan lay on the armchair with his legs crossed, and with a thought, he entered the space.

Long time no draw.

Ever since he guessed that there might be monsters during the flood rescue, he has been refraining from not drawing a lottery, and wanted to save money to buy a quota, but so far he has not saved enough. Although Gou Ritian has become his own dog, he is still not a god and demon Kindergarten students.

Everything has been going well recently, and it's fun to draw a prize.

One hundred points worth of obedience, long-lost golden light special effects, blinding eyes!
The long-lost "Thank you for participating" made Jiang Xuan almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Grit your teeth and do it again!
The golden light flashed, this time it was drawn!

On the praying platform, there is a little golden man, bouncing around!

(End of this chapter)

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