Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 85 Ruthless Human?

Chapter 85 Ruthless Human?
Although it can be ventilated, the inside of the cave is still smelly. Jiang Xuan and Chang Xiaotu stood at the entrance of the cave, and Jiang Jian beat the small animals inside, and there were endless screams.

Jiang Xuan hesitated for a long time, wondering if he wanted to have a chat with Chang Xiaotu.

The hot eye scene I saw when I entered the cave just now had a terrible impact!

In traditional educational concepts, when it comes to sexuality, it’s always covered up, but not mentioning it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.If you see it, you see it, pretend not to see it, and don't mention it to anyone, otherwise it will cause some shadows in Chang Xiaotu's heart.

There is also a question that is extremely scary to think about carefully!

Dogs and fish are clearly not the same species.

As a young little monster, their knowledge in this area is almost 0. Seeing Teddy doing this kind of thing is likely to establish a wrong concept of sex.

But then again, is there such a thing as a 'wrong concept of sex' in monsters?
Jiang Xuan himself was also confused.

For example, as a male human, he would definitely not attack a female fox. What if it was a fox monster?What about the vixen who turned into a human form?

It seems that there is no psychological barrier, and Xu Xian definitely does not have any.

There are also legends that there are many monsters who occupy the mountain as king, and go down the mountain to catch the little lady who marks the sign. If they get along well, they can become the wife of the village. Getting along well, Princess Iron Fan, the wife of the Bull Demon King, seems to be human too.

From another angle, what about different types of monsters?Using the example of the Bull Demon King, the eldest wife is a human being, and the younger wife is a vixen.

The nine-headed worm is obviously a worm, but it can hook up with the dragon girl. The reason why Xiao Bailong is annoyed is not because his wife messed with animals of another race, but because he was cheated.

On this point, Jiang Xuan reckoned that Xiaobailong still had a bit of inferiority complex. After all, he had nine heads, so Xiaobailong must be inferior in skills, at least the tools were far less sharp than the nine-headed worm, so he became angry from embarrassment.

It's a bit far-fetched, all in all, the sex education of monsters seems to be very complicated: monsters to monsters, monsters to humans, monsters to beasts, and humans to beasts... Except for the last one, Jiang Xuan himself is at a loss for the rest.

Also, Chang Xiaotu is a young female monster, so I don't know where to start talking about this.

I thought about a few words, but none of them seemed appropriate.

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a message in the system that the dog demon's obedient value had reached a positive number.

"So fast?!" Jiang Xuan was taken aback.

Forget it, let's put this topic that I don't understand first.

Turn around and enter the cave with Chang Xiaotu.

Big Teddy can be said to be the most cowardly monster Jiang Xuan has ever encountered. Every time the whip goes down, it can rise several points, and there are often 'critical strikes'. Even Chang Xiaotu was far stronger than this cowardly monster back then.

In the cave, Teddy was lying on the ground weakly, with bloodstains all over his buttocks.

"Okay, stop." Jiang Xuan nodded at Jiang Hard, squatted down and patted the dog's head, and asked strangely, "Why don't you change your human form?"

In the past, no matter whether it was stiff or Chang Xiaotu, they could easily transform into a human form. Almost when the obedient value became a positive number, they would automatically transform without so much resentment and anger.

But Teddy in front of him was still a big dog.

"How?" Big Teddy asked, rolling his eyes.

"How?" Jiang Xuan rolled his eyes and asked Chang Xiaotu and Jiang Gang.

The two of them looked at each other, rolled their eyes and shook their heads, it was natural.

Jiang Xuan was taken aback. Could it be that wild monsters are good at changing people, and pets are weaker in this aspect?
If the person remains the same, the person will remain the same. It just so happens that there is no free space right now, so I will take it back and raise it as a big wolf dog that looks after the house. It looks pretty good.

It's really good luck. If you change to a ferocious monster, you don't need Jiang Gang. Even if you are at the same level as Chang Xiaotu, Jiang Xuan didn't dare to take it back directly before he became a teacher, but he happened to meet this coward. , It should not be a big problem to find a rope to tie it to at ordinary times.

"If you can't become a human, you should have a name, right?" Glancing at Jiang Jian, "Or have a surname or something?"

Speaking of the name, a flash of arrogance flashed in Big Teddy's eyes, and he struggled to raise his head, "My young master's name is Ritian!"

"Where did you learn all these messy things? Household pets are really a bit rough."

Jiang Xuan shook his head, pondered for a moment, and said: "Let's just be Ritian, from now on you will be called Gou Ritian. Come with us, classmate Gou Ritian!"

"No! Yes! Yes!" Gou Ritian burst out of courage from nowhere, and said decisively: "I will never follow you ruthless human beings!"

"It's dangerous for you to be a monster alone, do you understand?" Chang Xiaotu pointed to Jiang Gang and said, "Look, he used to be a wild monster, and his life was miserable. From now on, I'll be more handsome, my waist won't hurt, and I can go up to the fifth floor in one go!"

Gou Ritian howled and said: "What's the difficulty? You see, I have to eat and drink here, and I can... forget it, you don't understand! And don't talk nonsense, rabbit monster, my young master has a good waist." Very, you can go up to the tenth floor without taking medicine! Have you ever heard of the male dog waist, it is the strong waist of this young master!"

Jiang Jian's eyes were fierce, and he said in a low voice, "I think I still owe a beating!"

"If you beat me to death, I won't follow ruthless humans!" This time, the cowardly Teddy insisted and refused to budge.

As he said, he turned over with his belly up, closed his eyes, and lay on the ground like a "wooden" character like a dead dog who is not afraid of boiling water.

"Smelly rascal!" Chang Xiaotu flew into a rage, jumped up in the air and was about to step on the vertical line in the middle of the character '木'.

"Wait." Jiang Xuan stopped Chang Xiaotu.

In fact, it's okay to be tough. With his own strength, Gou Ritian can't resist, so he can be tied back by force.

But he is a monster after all, if there is no systematic restriction, and he is not sincerely willing to go back with him, then he is simply a ticking time bomb, which may cause trouble at any time.

It's strange, aren't domestic pets generally willing to live in a comfortable environment and be cared for by others?

Is it for the so-called 'freedom'?
In the conversation just now, Gou Ritian mentioned several times in a row what "ruthless human beings" seemed to be deeply resentful about it.

Touching his chin and looking at Gou Ritian who was pretending to be a dead dog for a moment, Jiang Xuan suddenly said in a deep voice, "Gou Ritian, you must have been abandoned!"

"You're talking nonsense, I'm not!"

Gou Ritian, who was motionless, sat up with a sit-up like a corpse, his two dog ears pricked up, his small dark eyes sparkled brightly, and he seemed very excited, "This young master is powerful and cute, so I won't Abandoned, I don't want you ruthless human beings!"

Seeing him like this, Jiang Xuan knew that he had made a good guess, and said with a sneer, "You are a stinky dog ​​that no one wants! Even your master despises you and doesn't want you..."

"Shut up!" Gou Ritian's dog hair was blown up, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he began to drool!

Jiang Xuan continued: "Look at you, you are just a lazy, greedy, lecherous and dirty dog. Your master even despises you and doesn't want to live with you, so you can only hide here alone. In a dark and cold place, pretending to live happily, but in fact it is a mourning! Home! Beast! Dog!"

Hearing the word "sorrowful dog", Gou Ritian became quiet all of a sudden, staring straight at Jiang Xuan, his eyes were dull, his mouth was slightly opened, and a string of glistening saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Chang Xiaotu tugged at Jiang Xuan, "He seems to be crying."

"This young master didn't cry!" Gou Ritian turned his head away vigorously.

"You are obviously crying, oh, look, tears are coming out!" Chang Xiaotu reluctantly went around to Gou Ritian, pointing at his face in surprise, "Oh, oh, Jiang Xuan, you are so amazing, Made him cry!"

"Little rabbit, come back." Jiang Xuan waved to Chang Xiaotu.

"Hee hee hee, this is the first time I've seen a crying monster!" Chang Xiaotu bounced back, tiptoed, and patted Jiang Gang's shoulder, "Our Jiang Gang is the strongest, a real man!"

Jiang Jian shrugged helplessly.

Gou Ritian turned his head and stared at them three times, finally couldn't help it, shrugged his shoulders and let out a sob.

"Jiang Xuan, he seems to be crying so pitifully."

Chang Xiaotu took out a piece of chocolate from her pocket, and handed it to Gou Ritian: "Don't cry, give me a piece of chocolate, it's much better than these stinky fish!"

"I don't want to eat Dove, I want to eat Ferrero!" Gou Ritian turned his head away from her again.

"Still picking and choosing! What a stinking problem! Let's do it ourselves!"

Chang Xiaotu snorted, snapped off a small piece, stuffed it into Jiang Jian's mouth, then snapped off a large piece, stuffed it into Jiang Xuan's mouth, raised her head at last, and stuffed most of the remaining pieces into Jiang Xuan's mouth. All the pieces were stuffed into his mouth.

"If you continue to eat sweets like this, your teeth will definitely become moths!" Jiang Xuan stared.

"I haven't eaten chocolate for two days!" Chang Xiaotu said.

"Remember to remind me to buy toothpaste when Jiang Kuan goes back! Also, you should eat less sweets and remember to brush your teeth after eating. Last time when I went to bed in the middle of the night, I attracted all the mice!"

"Good master, I will remember."

Gou Ritian turned his head, staring at this scene with red eyes.

Very trivial family matters, such as chocolate, toothpaste, tooth decay, and monsters, seem to have nothing to do with such lofty careers.

But it was these small things with a strong sense of life that made Gou Ritian's heart rubbed hard.

"I'm willing to go with you." He suddenly said, "However, can you find someone for me first, I want to see her."

(End of this chapter)

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