Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 63 Mysterious Woman

Chapter 63 Mysterious Woman
Of course, you have to take off your mask when eating, but this is the first time Jiang Xuan has seen someone wear big sunglasses while eating, but from the bottom of the big sunglasses, it can be seen that the woman has a young and pretty face, neatly Little white teeth.

"Huh..." Chang Xiaotu grinned and pointed to her own front teeth. Last time when she 'grabbed' Jiang Gang, she accidentally demonized it and knocked out the repaired front teeth. Now she is missing half of her teeth again. front tooth.

"I don't want to mend it anymore. I will eat more bones, shrimps and calcium-containing things in the future, so that the teeth will grow back by themselves." Jiang Xuan said.

"Foods containing calcium are not enough for children to grow teeth, and food supplements cannot replace the body's own growth and metabolism."

The woman looked very experienced, said something lightly, and then started to eat.

If Jiang Xuan and Chang Xiaotu's cooking is an art of dancing with ingredients, fire source and cooking utensils, then at this time, the way this woman eats has a sense of art.

Every bite was eaten slowly and delicately. At first glance, she looked very delicate, but for some reason, watching her eat carefully gave off a very 'greedy' feeling.

It seems to want to fully taste the taste of every grain of rice, without letting go of any taste.

In the world, there are experts in cooking, and there are experts in eating. Chefs and gourmets have always been a pair of enemies who love each other and kill each other.

A bowl of rice is not much, and she eats so delicately, it seems that she will eat forever, but in fact, it takes less than 10 minutes to finish a bowl of rice, which is a little faster than normal people's eating speed. .

"Hmm...thank you, it tastes good." The woman pressed 100 yuan under the bowl, "Excuse me."

Jiang Xuan was not polite, took the money, and asked curiously, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am." The woman's tone was still so polite but superior, and said: "Maybe we will meet again when we have a chance, goodbye."

After speaking, leave the courtyard.

Several people in the yard looked at each other, who is this person? Why does he look like a character from Two-dimensional, with a stroke all over his body?
"Why don't you catch him and torture him!" Chang Xiaotu is keen to watch war movies recently, such as tunnel warfare, land mine warfare, and the little soldier Zhang Ga. The style is a bit violent.

"Torture me, a bowl of egg fried rice sells for 100 yuan, it's best to come here every day, and leave her alone!"

Looking back at Jiang Jian, he just washed the child clean and was about to send him to the ground. It seems that he really wants to get a coffin for him, so as not to get up every day covered in mud.



When the woman went down the mountain, a Cadillac nanny car was already waiting at the bottom of the mountain. Someone who looked like an assistant opened the door, waiting for her to get in the car, and handed her a glass of purified water.

The vehicle started to leave Lianhua Town slowly, the woman rinsed her mouth with pure water, and then took out a green plum in her mouth as if by magic.

Green plums produce body fluid. Body fluid is the purest body fluid. No matter what the taste is, it will dissipate quickly under the washing of body fluid. It will not stay on the tongue coating for a long time and affect people's sense of taste, and maintain the most sensitive feeling of every cell on the tongue coating.

Of course, the heavier the taste, the more body fluid is needed, and most people will not notice the negligible influence and change of taste.

"I watched the video just now. Jiang Xuan not only knows how to make fried rice, but also seems to make dumplings well. Look." The assistant handed over an ipad, and a video was playing. People around a large table eat dumplings heartily.

"Why didn't you tell me such important information earlier!" The woman's tone was slightly cold.

The woman's words of reproach made the assistant panic, and carefully explained: "This was only released half an hour ago, and we had just arrived at that time."

"Oh." She nodded, pondered for a moment, and said, "Notify the partner and send him an invitation letter."

"Okay." The assistant hesitated for a moment, and said in confusion, "But with only two dishes, they are still very simple home-cooked food. Egg fried rice and dumplings are not even counted as dishes. Would it be too monotonous? "

"One trick, it can be eaten all over the world, it's simple to the extreme, it's art." The woman said lightly, "Besides, the kindergarten is a very good publicity stunt, and our partners should like it."



The next day was Sunday, and the kindergarten was on holiday. Jiang Xuan originally wanted to sleep in or something, but before nine o'clock, he heard commotion outside the door.

When I came to the front yard, I saw that Li Tiezhu was blocking the gate with his arms outstretched. The gate was full of people, old and young, men and women. The team lined up on the mountain road. Most of them were from the town where they met yesterday. people.

"Everyone, my free dumplings here are just for yesterday." Jiang Xuan chuckled, it wouldn't work if he didn't bring such a cheeky person with his family.

"Director Jiang, I'm here to sign up for my grandson!"

"Me too!"

The crowd was noisy, but they all said one thing, come to sign up.Strictly speaking, it is a payment.

As judged before, although Lianhua Town is not big and its economic level is average, there are many young people who go out to work in the town and go to work in the city. There is a kindergarten.

But before that, many parents held a very skeptical attitude towards this kindergarten with only one teacher, one idiot, and three punks.

After a day of 'observation' yesterday, parents can be sure that Xingxing Kindergarten can not only take care of their children, but also ensure that children eat well and sleep well. Some know how to do it, and they can also see that the curriculum arrangement of this kindergarten is very scientific.

After all, Lianhua Town is a small place. Unlike cities, there are various requirements for kindergartens, such as talents, preschool education, and even learning English and piano. Most residents in the town actually have two requirements: If you can control the child and don't let him make trouble, give the child good food and drink so that you don't treat the child badly, that's all right.

What's more, Xingxing Kindergarten really has a talent class: Chang Xiaotu's gourmet kitchen.Very close to a talent.

What else is there to say, sign up.

"Okay, everyone, don't be crowded, come to register and pay the fee one by one."

At ten o'clock in the morning, Su Yao ran over and was taken aback when she saw the noisy scene in the yard. After asking clearly, she was overjoyed and quickly helped Jiang Xuan to make registration statistics.

He was busy until noon, so Jiang Xuan didn't save any food this time, and he didn't give up if he said no.

"You're really good. You didn't panic at all yesterday. Did you expect that?" Su Yao said happily while counting the materials.

When these parents saw her today, they all called her 'Teacher Su' politely. Although she was not short of money since she was a child, this respect and recognition was very rare.

The sense of existence is not only needed by gangsters, but also by the rich second generation. Everyone is looking for their own sense of existence.

"I told you a long time ago, do your own thing well, don't think too much, and you will naturally have good results. If you are too utilitarian, it is not good to worry about gains and losses."

Jiang Xuan smiled faintly; "Have you got the statistics, how many people are there in total?"

"Not counting Xiaotu, Jiang Gang and my brother, and Hao Feng and Hao Yun's two small dining tables, there are now 28 fee-paying students in our Xingxing Kindergarten! Everyone pays a one-time tuition fee for a quarter, a total of 67200 yuan! "Su Yao said with a smile: "Principal Jiang, you should give us a raise!"

"Of course the salary will be raised!"

Jiang Xuan thought to himself, before that, let's take a look at the system's rewards.

 Hello everyone in 2018!But to be honest, I am an older male and young man, and I am not happy to celebrate the New Year~~~ Older young women who are also not happy to celebrate the New Year, let’s come out and talk about life and ideals.

(End of this chapter)

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