Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 61 High-End Practices

Chapter 61 High-End Practices
After the cultural class is the 'wind' time.

Activities are an essential part of early childhood education, to a certain extent even surpassing cultural classes. Children at this age "play" not only to release their instincts, but also from the perspective of parenting science, to cultivate Children's physical coordination ability, mutual cooperation ability, stimulation of creativity and so on.

Li Tiezhu led a group of children to sow watermelon seeds on the prepared space outside the yard. Li Tiezhu demonstrated it first, and then gave the seeds to the children in line to teach them one by one.

A fool has the benefits of a fool, he is focused, just from the point of view of doing farm work, Li Tiezhu's skills do not belong to experienced old farmers.

This extracurricular activity satisfied the parents of all backgrounds present.

Lianhua Town is considered semi-rural. From the perspective of rural parents, it is necessary for the children in the family to learn some farm work, which will be shared by the family in the future; in the eyes of urbanized parents, doing farm work can not only get close to nature, but also exercise children's body and will .

"Yo, Lao Peng, are you here too?"

"Come and see, is Tie Zhu leading the field farming?"

"Sister Wang, your girl learns the piano every day, and you came here anyway. They don't teach piano here."

"Just to come and see, the first kindergarten in our town, it's not enough for me to care about it."

I don’t go to work on Saturdays, and more and more parents come to the town. A few children are working in the field, but a group of adults are surrounded outside, smiling and pointing. The adults are happy to see them working in the field. 'The child also worked harder, one pouting his buttocks and sweating profusely.

"Wash your hands and eat!"

A scent wafted from the kitchen, and Chang Xiaotu was holding a large plate of dumplings.

"Hey, why do these dumplings smell so good?" All the adults and children present had the same question when they met Su Yao.

In the past, the aroma of dumplings was more of a psychological effect. To be honest, it should be 'steaming'.

Before you bite it open, the dumpling skin is wrapped in a thick layer, how can you smell the fragrance?

But the dumplings in the kindergarten still don’t play according to common sense. There is a big pot of milky white fish soup in the kitchen, and a dozen wild big crucian carp are stewed until the bones are soft. This kind of soup itself is extremely delicious. , It's no wonder that the dumplings that come out are not fragrant.

The staff in the kindergarten knew the reason, but the parents didn't know, and they were curiously asking Jiang Xuan what was going on, when a person ran into the kitchen and shouted, "There's a big pot of fish bones, the meat on the belly is gone, Dumplings in fish soup, this method is too particular!"

This approach is probably very rare in the best restaurants in the city, and the parents were stunned on the spot, but Jiang Xuan's face sank slightly: "This parent, let me remind you, from now on, you are not allowed to enter the kitchen casually. It’s food for children, so what’s the matter with people running in and out, if there’s a hygienic situation, how can I explain to everyone?!”

The parent felt that he was in the wrong, so he laughed, and people around who knew the situation said: "Lao Song is afraid that you will deprive his children of food."

Jiang Xuan smiled speechlessly, and asked: "Master Song, you can see clearly now, your 800 yuan a month is not a loss, right?"

"No loss, no loss." Lao Song looked apologetic, clasped his hands together and said with a smile: "It's just this one child, Director Jiang, you understand."

"Let's not be an example." Jiang Xuan stood on the steps, smiled at the parents, and held up a horn and said: "Parents, today is the first day of the opening of the kindergarten, and all the visitors are here. The kindergarten has prepared dumplings for everyone. See It’s time for lunch, and those who are willing to stay can have a meal here. In addition, Star Kindergarten will hold food courses every week. The head of our gourmet kitchen, Xiaohuadan Chang Xiaotu, takes the children to make dumplings and cook food !"

Chang Xiaotu was wearing an apron, her face was covered with flour dust, and she was holding a rolling stick with a thick middle and thin ends, climbing up the steps like a giant and beckoning.

"Are these dumplings made by Little Rabbit Chang?"

"Then you must try it!"

Next to the big classroom is a small cafeteria, full of parents and children. Standing at the door, you can hear the sound of a flood, and the sound of sucking and sucking. The food is full of enthusiasm. The Green Mountain Green Mercury Silver Ingot made according to the recipe, even if Chang Xiaotu only has 16% proficiency, the taste is much better than the general brand quick-frozen dumplings on the market.

Among other things, as far as those raw materials are concerned, ordinary quick-frozen dumplings do not exist.

After eating happily, an aunt sitting in the corner kept moaning, with a straight face, eating a dumpling, sighing, sighing, eating a dumpling.

"What's going on? Does this aunt have a grudge against dumplings?" Jiang Xuan walked over curiously and asked, "Auntie, don't dumplings taste good?"

It's not good, you still eat one by one?

"Ahem, Director Jiang, let me say a word, your dumpling filling is so solid, isn't it going to be a loss?" Although the aunt did not eat what was in it, but she is an expert, and she knows extraordinary things when she eats it.

What's more, Lao Song just saw that big pot of fish pond with more than a dozen real wild crucian carp, which would cost more than 100 yuan!

Kindergarten charges 800 a month, and eating like this every day is really a loss.

"There are fewer people now, and when there are more people in the future, and more ingredients are bought, the cost will be lowered." Of course, Jiang Xuan has calculated this account. Today's meal must be a loss, but it is not as big as imagined, with a lot of ingredients Li Tiezhu took Sanmao to the mountains to get them, relying on mountains to eat mountains, relying on water to drink water, there are mountains and water near Lianhua Town, unlike the city where all purchases are made from the market, the cost is not as high as it seems.

But what's the matter with this aunt?
Being stared at by Jiang Xuan, the aunt showed a shy expression.

Ay Ya I gi?Brother's womanhood doesn't break through the hairline like that, does it?
"Principal Jiang, I have been selling dumplings, chaotic fried noodles and fried rice for several years at a stall in the town..." The aunt seemed hesitant to speak.

That's it, Jiang Xuan laughed, luckily no fried rice was served today, otherwise this aunt had a heart attack and fainted here, she could not help but said, "Don't worry, aunt, the things here are only open to kindergarten students. I just want to do takeaway, Xiaotu doesn’t have that much time, does she. I’m not going to steal your business.”

"No wonder everyone says you are a nice person." Hearing what Jiang Xuan said, the aunt stopped sighing, her brows relaxed, and her shy expression disappeared, and she ate half a bowl of dumplings in a few big bites, looking like she was still unsatisfied .

"Xiaotu, serve another bowl!" Jiang Xuan waved with a smile.

"Oh, that's so embarrassing." The aunt was very polite and exaggerated.

(End of this chapter)

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