Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 6 The hot large intestine is crunchy

Chapter 6 The hot large intestine is crunchy

After such a fuss and delay, it was already dark. This kindergarten is in the deep mountains. Walking the mountain road late at night is not only easy to get lost, but also very likely to encounter wild animals, which is too unsafe.

There are even monsters, what if you encounter ghosts?In case of encountering other monsters, as a coach, I may not be able to conquer the world.

With my small body, I don't want monsters. I guess an adult husky can't do it. It's hard to save my life when I meet a wolf or something.

Jiang Xuan thought for a while, closed the gate of the kindergarten, and found an empty room to improvise for the night.

He was more courageous in the orphanage when he was a child, the older children bullied him, he was not strong enough to beat them, so he compared his courage with them, and slept in a pile of graves overnight, but the older children yelled fiercely. In the middle of the night, they all ran away in fright, and one of them urinated in fear, but he slept peacefully until dawn.

From then on, no older child dared to bully him, but rather flattered him a bit, and Jiang Xuan also got the nickname Jiang Bold.So today when he saw Chang Xiaotu going to eat people, even though he was afraid, he was still able to punch the dark force!

Sleeping in the wild is not a big challenge for him.What's more, this place is not in the wild. Putting aside the fear, objectively speaking, there are walls, concrete rooms, large iron gates, and room doors with locks, which are actually very safe.

It's just that the room is arranged like a mental hospital on TV, with iron doors?Could it be that the children here are all bear children with amazing lethality?

What a mysterious kindergarten...

For the sake of safety, it is better to call Chang Xiaotu to sleep together.

"Xiaotu, you sleep in the outer room, and I sleep in the inner room. If you enter my room, you are a beast!" Jiang Xuan said seriously.

"Why Sen?" Chang Xiaotu looked puzzled. As a mammal, she is a beast, and no one has the right to deprive her of this.

Why do you have to enter the room to be a beast?

"Anyway, you sleep outside and I sleep inside, okay?" Jiang Xuan asked.

"Okay." Chang Xiaotu nodded blankly, completely unaware that she was a rabbit, and was regarded by Jiang Xuan as a big wolf dog guarding the house.

After lying down, Jiang Xuan thought that he would be so full of thoughts that it would be difficult to fall asleep. Maybe he was a little numb after experiencing too much today. Whether it was fighting monsters or taking care of children, it was not an easy task, so he fell asleep after a while up.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning, Jiang Xuan was still dreaming, and felt something furry was scratching him.

"Hey, wake up, wake up, I'm hungry..." As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Chang Xiaotu squatting beside the bed, scratching her face with the furry paws on her clothes.

"I'll sleep a little longer, I'm so sleepy, I ate so much last night, why am I hungry again..." Jiang Xuan was sleepy, what time was it, turned over and covered his head to continue.

"I'm hungry! I'm hungry!" Chang Xiaotu shook Jiang Xuan's shoulder vigorously, preventing him from sleeping.

"I'll beat you again!" Jiang Xuan threatened.

As expected, Chang Xiaotu stopped making trouble and squatted in the corner, grumbling: "It doesn't matter if you talk, you have to give me something to eat..."

Obediently value -1.

"I go!"

Jiang Xuan woke up immediately, and got up cleverly!

It’s hard to improve a little bit, how can it be reduced? !

Looking at the time, it was only six o'clock in the morning. It was early in the summer and it was dark and bright. The sun had already slanted in from the window, forming a speck of debris on the ground in front of the window.

To be honest, even though Jiang Xuan was brave, he really didn't want to stay in this weird kindergarten any longer.

Who knows what's going on here?It was dark yesterday, but now it's dawn, it's better to leave as soon as possible.

"Little rabbit, bear with me for a while. Let's go back. When we get to the city, shall I buy you something delicious? There are many delicious things in the city."

Chang Xiaotu opened her eyes wide: "What's delicious?"

"Soy milk fritters, tofu brain, and radish-flavored juice."

"Although I don't know what it is, it sounds pretty good..." Chang Xiaotu hesitated for a moment between eating now and eating something more delicious later, making a difficult decision: "Okay, listen your."

"Good, let's go."

The way out of the mountain was quite smooth, and there was no "I can't walk anymore, you carry me" bridge.

As a monster, Chang Xiaotu's physical strength is much better than Jiang Xuan's. He walks like flying in the mountains, and can run a long way in a short while.

Jiang Xuan finally had some basic morals, so he didn't let Chang Xiaotu carry him on his back.

After leaving the mountain, I saw the usual sunshine breakfast stand on the side of the road. I bought soy milk, steamed buns and a bottle of strawberry-flavored milk. The one had no radish flavor. Chang Xiaotu also seemed to have forgotten the "radish-flavored juice" Stubble, eat with relish.

Although there are some very miraculous "monsters innately inherited knowledge", most of the things outside the mountain are relatively new to her, a rabbit. On the way back to school, she was curiously asking this and that.

There was a small episode halfway: Jiang Xuan looked like an unmarried young man, and Chang Xiaotu was wearing a dirty rabbit suit. Along the way, many suspicious eyes fell on Jiang Xuan, almost He thought he was a human trafficker, and a kind old man came directly to ask him what his relationship was with Chang Xiaotu.

Fortunately, Jiang Xuan took the teacher's certificate test in his third year of major. He went to the kindergarten to report and brought his certificate with him. Only by showing his teacher's certificate can he pass the test.

Through this incident, Jiang Xuan realized a problem. Being a bachelor and raising a little girl is inconvenient in all aspects.

Hukou... domicile...

And, where does the money come from?

University studies are not as easy as imagined, and finally got the opportunity to go to university, Jiang Xuan did not spend most of his time on part-time jobs, but really studied hard, and went to the library to read books when he was free.

In the past, the income from part-time work was only enough for one person's living expenses. Now that Chang Xiaotu has been added, where will the living expenses come from?

Although I saved some money before, I can't just sit and eat.

For basic necessities of life, let's just talk about 'food', Chang Xiaotu is small in size, but he has a big belly, he can eat more than himself!
The two breakfasts I bought just now almost all went into her stomach, and Jiang Xuan only got one steamed bun to barely satisfy her hunger. Seeing her gluttonous appearance, she couldn't bear it, and even gave her the stuffing of the steamed stuffed bun.

When it comes to eating, Jiang Xuan dare not skimp at all.I have noticed it several times on the road. The way she looks at kind-hearted grandparents is the same as looking at juice, soy milk, and big meat buns.

Jiang Xuan didn't want to go back to his residence one day, but Chang Xiaotu dragged out a bloody corpse from under the bed, and said cutely, "You are finally back, I left you a large intestine and a brain flower, which are fresh." , Hurry up while it's hot, crunchy...'

The picture is too beautiful to accept.

Headache, headache!

After finally returning to school, Jiang Xuan settled Chang Xiaotu into his own dormitory first: his current part-time job is to help the school manage the sports goods warehouse, so there is a small suite with one bedroom and one living room next to the warehouse, where he lives alone. There is no need to live in a dormitory with a group of people.

Fortunately, he has a separate apartment, if he lived with his roommate, he wouldn't dare to bring Chang Xiaotu back.One dormitory, seven roommates, according to Chang Xiaotu's appetite, it will probably be eaten in just over a week...

Fortunately, Chang Xiaotu is a relatively gentle monster. As a rabbit, its Guaiguai value has not reached 60, so it is quite obedient.

"Little rabbit, you stay here, you are not allowed to go out, or you will be beaten. Here, you can eat everything in the cabinet. I will go out for a while."

"Why don't you take me to see the teeth, it's a little itchy." Chang Xiaotu opened her mouth, revealing her broken teeth.

"You won't grow teeth so quickly, will you?" He pinched her mouth and looked at her, and said, "I'll take you there in two days."

Having temporarily arranged Chang Xiaotu, Jiang Xuan came to Lao Liu's office immediately.

You must ask Lao Liu to find out!

Pushing open the door and entering the office, Lao Liu was lying on the desk writing something, when she looked up and saw Jiang Xuan, her expression changed immediately, dark clouds covered her!

He suddenly stood up and slapped the table hard!
"What's wrong with you? You agreed to report yesterday but you didn't go. The person disappeared for a day! There is no signal on your cell phone, and no one can find you! Do you know how difficult this opportunity I won for you is? ! How do you want me to tell others!"

Lao Liu's table was clattered loudly, making people suspect that she is the successor of Iron Sand Palm.

Jiang Xuan was stunned on the spot. Could it be that Lao Liu had worshiped Bajie as his teacher, why is his skill of beating so good?

(End of this chapter)

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