Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 59 Grass Stage Team

Chapter 59 Grass Stage Team
The day before the kindergarten opens.

Su Yao turns around like a headless fly at home, standing and sitting for a while, touching this and fiddling with that, fidgeting.

"Girl, are you going to heaven?" Su Dingkang rarely came back early at night, put down the newspaper and looked at his daughter, and said with a smile, "I've seen you look like a little motor since I came back. What's wrong? You were abandoned?"

"Have you ever said that about your daughter?"

"It's not a bad thing to be abandoned once or twice at a young age. Let you, a young lady who grew up under the wing of your father, understand society and people better." Su Dingkang said.

"Abandon my head, who dares to abandon me!" Su Yao sat opposite her father's boss's desk, turned around on the armchair, and said, "Why do I worry so much about the opening of Xingxing Kindergarten tomorrow? If no one comes what to do?"

"Well, let me tell you, it's really possible, you have to be mentally prepared." Su Dingkang said.

"Actually, there is still a need for this in the town. There are many preschool children in the town. Dad, you can analyze it." In terms of doing business, Su Yao still trusts her father.

"Then why are you worried?" Su Dingkang asked back.

"It's hard to say, but I'm not at ease." Su Yao said.

Su Dingkang smiled lightly, and said: "Think about it, first of all, Lianhua Town is a suburb after all, and the economic income level is not high. 800 yuan a month is not a small number for ordinary families. , Don’t say eight hundred, five hundred, four hundred, if you do it at a loss, people may not be willing to pay the money, why, the suburbs are still in a semi-self-sufficient state, according to what you said, a fool in your garden , can support themselves, relying on farming, selling work items, and urban office workers whose parents have stable jobs are not the same concept. The most typical feature of semi-self-sufficiency is that life is worry-free, the economy is relatively poor, but there is more time. So it’s unlikely to trade money for time.”

"What about the second?"

"The second is your own problem. Look at your combination, two graduates, one fool, and three punks. Who would dare to send the child to you with confidence, unless it is a stepmother."

Su Dingkang tapped on the table with his fingers, and said with a smile: "I think, in his place, it must be good to have a small dining table, but it's not interesting to run a kindergarten."

After saying that, Su Dingkang said, "Don't talk about it, his fried rice tastes really good, and I want to eat it."

"Dad made another kind of dumpling yesterday. It's called Qingshanlv Mercury Silver Yuanbao. It's delicious. Next time I'll pack it for you and bring it back to try."

Su Dingkang laughed: "This pretty policy level, haha, okay, I'll try it later."

"Then since you think he's unreliable, why do you help him apply for a certificate?" Su Yao asked puzzled.

"What I promised, of course I have to keep it. Besides, it's not terrible for young people to fail in starting a business. The key is to learn from it." Su Dingkang looked at his daughter with a half-smile, "And you, my little ancestor, are graduating soon I don't want to find a job, I don't come to my dad's company for an internship, I don't want you to be a gangster in a public institution, I don't want to do it, I just run to Xiao Jiang when I have nothing to do, my father is coerced by you, a little terrorist .”

"Dad, don't talk nonsense, I have nothing to do with him."

"Ha ha……"

"Hehe, what a hair!"

"Okay, if you don't think too much, it may not be impossible. In business, apart from external conditions, it also depends on how he operates. The smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys. You are really capable, even if you run a kindergarten in a deep mountain and old forest. A large number of people are eager to go. In a word, do your best to obey the destiny and enjoy the process.”

Su Yao is not the only one who has similar worries.

Xing Sen, Lao Xing, the deputy director of the Lianhua Town Police Station, is having a conflict with his son Xiao Xing.

"I said Dad, can you be reliable in doing things, and send Beibei to the mountains in a good manner? Isn't this a joke? Feed the wolf!"

Xiao Xing and his wife both work in the city. Coincidentally, Xiao Xing is also a police officer. Both of them are busy with work. Only one son is four years old, and Lao Xing usually takes care of him.

Xingxing Kindergarten started pre-registration that day, and Lao Xing signed up for it, thinking that it would lighten the burden on both his son and himself, and the child is a "group animal" after all, so it would be better to grow up with a group of children of the same age.

Unexpectedly, after Xiaoxing came back, he went to the mountain to have a look, and he was not happy.

Where is the kindergarten?Three gangsters plus one idiot, the only normal guy, he looks like a young man at first glance.

He is still a big child, how can he take care of the child?
"Let me tell you, don't underestimate Xiao Jiang, the three bastards like Sanmao are honest and honest under his subordinates, he has real skills!" Lao Xing said.

"Can it be the same, Dad, let me tell you, taking care of children is not doing ideological and political work, let alone managing prisoners! He can cure Sanmao, but he may not be able to take care of children well. His place is the same as a regular kindergarten in the city. Pen, not even a grass-roots team." Xiao Xing retorted.

"Don't talk to me about this. Xiao Jiang graduated from a serious class. Do you think those kindergartens in the city are really good? Let me tell you, go and see what level the teachers in those kindergartens are. No qualifications, no experience, the last job was serving dishes in a restaurant, and then dare to come to a kindergarten to be a teacher! That's called gold and jade, and it's a failure!"

"Dad, what year is it now? The kindergarten in the city has foreign teachers, pre-school education, and various teaching equipment. Why isn't this Star Kindergarten a grass-roots team?" Xiao Xing said depressingly.

Lao Xing patted the table: "Your mother left early, and your boy is my father who brought me shit and piss. Do I know how to take care of children or do you know how to take care of children? Let me tell you, taking care of children depends on love and responsibility." Heart, not those vain venues, intellectual development toys, foreign teachers! People are not good, others are nonsense, Xiao Jiang can take care of two children by himself, and can protect a fool, it proves that he is qualified!"

"Dad, you still have the nerve to talk about taking me!"

Xiao Xing was so angry that he rolled his eyes, "Whenever you have something to go out to handle a case, just click it on the leg of the office table for me. It lasts for a long time. When I see a table, I want to squat on it!"

Speaking of this, Lao Xing was a little embarrassed, and coughed, "Then I can't take you with me when I go to arrest the prisoner. Besides, if I hadn't handcuffed you since childhood, would you be a policeman now?"

"Hey, forget it, let's not talk about it. He will open tomorrow. Let's go and see if it's okay. You can tell at a glance. If this kindergarten is not good, you can't force me to give it to you. Come over." Xiao Xing said.

There is definitely more than one person in Lianhua Town who thinks like Xiao Xing. More than half of the more than 20 family members who pre-registered before the incident are holding a wait-and-see attitude. After all, Jiang Xuan is too young and the facilities of Xingxing Kindergarten are too simple. Those formal kindergartens in the city that have capital as backstage are not at the same level at all.

Hao Jianguo was an exception. The two twins in his family ate at the small dining table. The old Hao had eaten the food made by Chang Xiaotu, so he didn't have any worries about the kindergarten food.

But the real culprit, Jiang Xuan, really didn't think of this now.

He's digging a tunnel!
(End of this chapter)

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