Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 52 Is it evil?

Chapter 52 Is it evil?
In the urban-rural fringe area like Lianhua Town, people often raise some chickens and ducks in their homes to subsidize their living.

For Lao Baitou, an old widower in Lianhua Town, the more than 30 chickens raised at home are his main source of income.

The old man lost his wife in his early years and had no children. He used to repair bicycles in the town for a living. Later, as he got older, his eyesight failed and his hands and feet couldn't control his hands and feet. There are fewer and fewer people riding bicycles these days. The old man's business Gradually I couldn’t do it any longer, so I simply took over the stall and raised some chickens at home. I usually lay eggs and go to the market for a few dollars. The big chickens give birth to small chickens, and the female chickens give birth to male chickens. They are endless, but it is barely enough Enough to get by, and usually drink a little wine.

But the old man also had troubles. The three gangsters in the three-color billiard hall in the town touched his chicken coop every three days, sometimes touched a few eggs, and sometimes they just grabbed a chicken and left.

The old man knew it well, but there was nothing he could do about it. A chicken wasn’t worth much. If he really reported it to the police station, he would call the three gangsters over and give him a lesson. Medicine or something, none of my dozens of chickens can survive.

If you can't afford it, you can only bear it, turn a blind eye and close your eyes, and treat it as a waste of money to send the plague god. Sometimes when you hear movement in the yard in the middle of the night, knowing that these three bastards came to steal the chicken, he can only do it. Sighing, she covered her head with a quilt and pretended not to hear anything.

This afternoon, the old white head was watching TV at home when he heard movement in the yard. He looked around and saw Hongmao peering in at the gate of his yard with a big bag in his hand.

The old man was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother, what is this kid going to do?No matter how you say it before, they were stealing at night anyway, and now they are getting more and more shameless, how dare they bully you in broad daylight?

"Yo, Uncle Bai, I'm looking for you!"

Old Baitou's heart skipped a beat, and he went out tremblingly, forcing out a dry smile: "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing serious." Hong Mao handed the bag over through the door, "Master, here are two bottles of wine, and there are still 400 yuan in them, you keep them."

The old white head was terrified, what's going on, the weasel gave the chicken New Year's greetings?
"Grandpa, please keep it. We were young and ignorant before, so if we were sorry, you are an elder, please bear with me." Hongmao smiled, put the bag down through the door, turned around and left.

It wasn't until he was far away that the old man dared to pick up the bag. There were really two bottles of wine and four big red bills in it.

"Huh? Why did these bastards suddenly change their sex?" Old Baitou was surprised.


'Liangji Grain and Oil Store' is an old store in Lianhua Town. It existed in the era of planned economy. From Lao Liang, to Daliang, and to the current owner, Xiao Liang, three generations of the Liang family have been in business for decades, and they are all acquaintances The business has always been genuine, and the reputation in the town is quite good.

This morning, Xiao Liang had just opened the rolling gate to prepare for business when he saw Lan Mao standing at the door.

"Yo, good morning." Xiao Liang's heart skipped a beat, with a smile on his face, but he scolded bad luck in his heart.

Meet the God of Plague early in the morning!
These three bastards in the three-color billiard hall owe the store several hundred dollars, and they haven't paid it back for more than half a year!

A few hundred dollars is not scary, and it’s not that you can’t afford to pay, but when you open a store, you are afraid of encountering such a mess. They are all from the villagers. If one person asks for credit, it opens a hole. what to do?
Therefore, if you open a shop, even if you have a good relationship behind the scenes, I can give you some, because you are afraid of credit on the surface.

Even relatives can't pay on credit, but these three scumbags, Xiao Liang, have nothing to do. If they don't give them credit, Xiao Liang can't afford to offend them if they don't give them credit.

Last time, my wife said a few bad words on the sidelines, and early the next morning, someone poured dung on the gate!God, my family owns a grain and oil store that sells grain. If this happens a few times, who will dare to buy grain by themselves in the future?
So now seeing Sanmao, no matter how much Xiao Liang hated him, he would smile.

"Brother Liang, here, take this." Lan Mao took out a stack of bills from the wallet, big and small, and slapped it on the table.

Xiaoliang's first reaction was exactly the same as that of the old man. He was taken aback and didn't dare to take the money. He said puzzledly, "This... I didn't urge you to pay back the money."

"It's only natural to pay back the debt, and I still need you to urge me." Lan Mao chuckled: "I didn't mean it before, brothers are tight, Brother Liang, don't take it to heart. You are looking at our three brothers Growing up, he has always taken care of us, and we brothers still know what is good and what is bad."

"Then...then I'll take the money."

"Put it away, then you are busy, I will take a step first."


The only school in Lianhua Town: Binhai Nursing Secondary Professional School.

Referred to as Nursing School.

There are mostly girls in the nursing school, and there is a special large bathroom. The water room outside is turned on, and there is a shower inside for bathing.However, the economic conditions in Lianhua Town are mediocre. In recent years, the technical secondary school has become less and less popular, and the economy is tight. The buildings of the nursing school, including this large bathroom, are dilapidated and have not been repaired for a long time. The beauty fell off, and two of the three water pipes in the water room were broken.

That evening, a group of girls were queuing up in front of the only faucet. The water room was filled with steam and the temperature was extremely high, and it was a hot day. The girls who lined up were sweating after a while.

"Oh my god, the yellow hair is here!" Someone shouted.

Looking back, Huang Mao, a well-known gangster in the town, led a few people towards the water room with his head poking around.

Sanmao in Lianhua Town, the red hair is violent, the blue hair is greedy for money, and the yellow hair is the most lustful. He would go to the nursing school to pick up girls at every turn. Last year, he even peeked at the girls taking a bath. The two water pipes outside the water room are for him. I stepped on it when climbing over the wall.

The smelly hooligan is not the key, it is very annoying to be ugly and smelly hooligan.

It's okay, just like throwing a lump into the cesspit, a group of girls were scared and hid to the side.

"Um... students, let me give way, I have no malice. I stepped on your water pipe last year and broke it. I have been sorry. I told the principal and asked someone to repair it." Huang Mao said with a smile.

"Are you so kind?" A courageous girl poked her head to look, and the people behind really brought all kinds of tools.

"Of course, my brother is famous for caring about education. You are all the flowers of the motherland. If you suffer, who can't suffer for you!" Huang Mao worried about the country and the people.



Lianhua Town is such a big place, and if something happens, it can be spread from the beginning of the town to the end of the town in half a day, making it a household name.

Overnight, the entire Lianhua Town was talking about the trio of burials. The three little gangsters who used to be the most troublesome in the town, and the three pieces of stinky shit that the whole town feared most, suddenly changed their sex for no reason. As a five-good youth, he not only changed his past, but also did good things everywhere, and he almost wrote the words "I am a good person" on his forehead.

"These three people are not bewitched, are they?"

"It's quite normal, one by one..."

"It seems that I went to the mountain and was educated, and then I came back like this?"

"On the mountain?"

"It's the old Hao's house. Now there is a teacher living there with two children."

"I've met that young man, he's quite sunny, but he's a kindergarten teacher? How can he educate the three of them?"

"A kindergarten teacher isn't a teacher? It means he's of a high level!"

"Anyway, it's a good thing. These three people have brought disaster to the town. It should have been someone who took care of them."

"I also heard that the three of them are going to build roads for the town?"

"Yes, there is such a thing. I bought cinder and gravel from my store this morning. I heard that the road up and down the mountain will be smoothed out. It will be convenient for us to go in and out of the mountain in the future."

"It's true, I really want to look at them with admiration."

In towns and villages, building roads is a major event, and it is also a matter of virtue. It is beneficial to all villagers, and it is better than being a good person or deed. They all became famous outside and became bosses and celebrities, and they returned home to pay for repairing bridges and roads. These three gangsters took the initiative to do it. Just this one thing can greatly change the town's opinion of them.

(End of this chapter)

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