Chapter 35 A small profit

The live broadcast is a freelance job, and there is no need to schedule a call every day. The next morning, Jiang Xuan arranged for Chang Xiaotu and Jiang Gang to stay at home. He took the "Golden Leaf" and Jiang Gang's "Night Pearl" and went straight to Binhai City. Town God's Temple Antique Market.

After getting out of the car, he found a second-floor shop, Boguzhai, with familiarity.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw a thin and thin man.

Li Ran, who was born in the orphanage, grew up together in the orphanage in his childhood, climbed over the wall together, was beaten together, and beat the older children together, which is considered hardcore.

Uncle Li Ran found him when he was 14 years old, and he has been working as a waiter in Boguzhai, an antique shop opened by his uncle since then.

Even though Li Ran didn't have much schooling, he was very clever. After a few years, he became proficient in the antique business and became his uncle's right-hand man.

Later, when Jiang Xuan went to school, the two had been in contact. In the past two years, Uncle Li Ran didn't take much care of things when he got older, and he was basically Bo Guzhai's talker.

Jiang Xuan is unable to determine how much gold this 'golden book' contains, not to mention that there may be antique value in it. There is an antique value, and it is safer to shoot from him.

"What good things can't be said on the phone, so mysterious?" Li Ran asked.

"Let's talk inside." Jiang Xuan pouted towards the small room with the sign 'Customers are not allowed to enter'.

Li Ran beckoned to a clerk to explain a few things about taking care of the store, and then entered the inner room with Jiang Xuan.

After closing the door, Jiang Xuan took the gold leaf out of the bag and placed it on the table between the two of them.

The brothers settled accounts clearly, until Jiang Xuan's hand left the golden leaf, Li Ran picked it up according to the rules.

Li Ran felt something was wrong as soon as he got it, it was too heavy, and he said with a smile: "Yo, you know gold, right? Really, is this a gold leaf?"

Jiang Xuan nodded: "Experts, please show me the details. There are 22 pieces in total, about two catties."

"it is good."

Li Ran suppressed his hippie smile, got up and cleared the big table in the room, carried the 'books' onto the big table, took a pair of tweezers and picked them up one by one, spread them out on the table and looked carefully with a magnifying glass.

Jiang Xuan knows the rules of their business, and he doesn't look for them when he goes out, so he must be cautious when receiving the goods. It has nothing to do with the friendship between the two, and he is responsible for him as well as himself.

"It's been a long time, what's the origin? The tea is in the old place, you make it yourself." Li Ran asked while watching.

"You don't know me. If you break the law, you don't do it. You don't eat it. It's a legitimate source, and it's given by others. But I can't say a few words." Jiang Xuan said, and took a box of third-class food from the drawer. Longjing, pour some boiling water, drink while waiting.

"Oh." Li Ran didn't ask any more questions and continued to read.

This is the advantage of hardcore. If you change an antique shop, you must ask about the origin. Although it is okay to make up a lie, but still the same sentence, a lie is a lie after all. A lie needs ten lies to make up, and the loopholes are getting more and more more.

Otherwise, it can only be melted, and it will be recycled to the gold shop according to the gold price, and the loss will be too great.

This kind of trust is accumulated over the years. Li Ran believes in Jiang Xuan's character, and also believes that Jiang Xuan will not harm him. Jiang Xuan also believes that Li Ran will not deceive himself.

Li Ran looked carefully one by one for more than half an hour before putting down the magnifying glass.

Zheng Se said: "Gold leaves are circulated in the world, and the gold content is generally not high. Your batch is similar. They are all rough gold that has not been purified. I haven't measured the specific gold content. It should be similar to the ones on the market. Now Qianzu The recovery price of gold is about 280 a gram, and if you sell these according to the price of gold, it will be around 20."

"Sell it at the price of gold, and I won't take it from you." Jiang Xuan said.

Li Ran nodded: "Are you going to sell them all at once, or sell a few tablets first?"

"Tell me first what's going on." Jiang Xuan said.

Li Ran used tweezers to pick out more than a dozen pieces that were rotten and out of shape, and said, "These 16 pieces are really worthless, so they can only be recycled as yellow gold."

Picking out a few more pieces, "These five pieces are still well preserved, and have a certain collection value, and the price must be higher than gold."

Finally, I picked out the piece in the middle of the book: "This piece is the best preserved. Here, you can see the imprint of 'Lin'an Treasury Official' on it. The Lin'an Treasury was a large official in the Song and Ming dynasties. Currency institution, the currency produced has a high collection value, and this piece is almost undamaged, if you meet a player who likes this thing, the price will be hard to say."

"In total, how much can you charge?" Jiang Xuan asked.

Li Ran pondered for a moment, then said: "Do you think this is okay? I will collect this pile of severely corroded gold as gold, and the price will be lower than the market price. I will give you 15 yuan. For the five relatively intact ones, I will pay you [-] yuan." I'll charge you one piece, and I'll earn as much as I sell. The last piece..."

He pointed at the best-preserved piece with tweezers, and said, "If you are not in a hurry to spend money, I will find a channel to auction it. After deducting the handling fee, I will charge you a 20% commission."

Forget it, the total is 30, which is equivalent to selling this batch of gold leaves with low purity at a price of thousands of pure gold.

There is also an auction. Since Li Ran talked about the auction, it is not as simple as three to five to seven to eighty thousand.

The auction industry is deep. Boguzhai is a time-honored brand with relatively reliable channels. Unlike some domestic auction companies, for various ulterior motives, the prices listed are inflated.

As for how much money Li Ran could make from changing hands, Jiang Xuan didn't have to worry about it.

Everyone calculates their own accounts, and everyone earns his own money. If anyone wants to earn all the money by himself, the final result will be that he will not earn a dime.

"Okay, just follow this price."

Li Ran turned on the computer and tapped for a while, then pressed Enter. Within half a minute, Jiang Xuan's mobile phone received a transfer text message.

30 million credited.

After chatting with Li Ran for a few more words, he will contact the channel as soon as possible to hang up the last piece of gold leaf in the auction house, and will contact Jiang Xuan as soon as there is news.

The 'Night Pearl' was also appraised by Li Ran. As expected, it was a piece of good-looking fluorite, not worth much. The ore is not of much cultural value. Just digging a piece of coal can be hundreds of thousands of years old. history.

I found a small red string from Boguzhai, wrapped the Ye Mingzhu in knots, and made a pretty little pendant, and hung it next to Jiang Gang's body when I went back home, so I could leave this little zombie with a memory of the previous life.



At noon, in the three-color billiard hall, the red-haired boss who buried love was playing snooker with the yellow-haired buttocks, when he saw the blue-haired rushing in from the outside.

"Why are you so anxious, have you run into a ghost?" The red-haired eyelid rolled.

"Brother, didn't you let me touch that kid's bottom? I went to the back mountain to get down the bird cage last night..."

"Get down to business! I told you to pay attention to people, what are you talking about!" Hongmao stared.

There are fewer and fewer wild animals these days, and even a sparrow has become a protected animal. It is not uncommon for townspeople to go to the mountains to catch animals, but it is always bad to speak out in public. one pot.During the Chinese New Year, Hongmao got an owl and sold it for more than 1000 yuan. Once he was drinking and bragging, he made a slip of the tongue, and he is still a little worried.

As for the little quarrel with Jiang Xuan, it wasn't a big deal after all, and since no one saw it at night, it wasn't really a shame.

The reason why Hongmao still let the younger brother to find out, firstly, it is a habit of gangsters, and an unknown person came to his place, which made them suffer a little bit. He is not at ease if he doesn't figure it out. , nothing else to do.

If it wasn't for the blue hair who came here to talk about it today, maybe the red hair would have forgotten it in a few days.

"That's right, let's get down to business. Boss, didn't you tell me to pay more attention to that boy surnamed Jiang. I came back from the bird's nest in the mountains last night. It was two or three o'clock in the morning when I passed by his yard. I saw his lights were still on. I Keep an eye out and lie on the bottom of the wall to eavesdrop, guess what I heard?"

"Let it go!"

"Hey, I heard the little girl inside shout 'gold', 'very valuable'."

"Huh?" Hongmao asked suspiciously, "Where did you get the gold?!"

I looked at the Nanping Mountain in the back. I never heard that there is a gold mine on the mountain. It is such a big mountain. If there was a gold mine, it would have been discovered and hollowed out 800 years ago.

"By the way, brother, I remembered..." Lan Mao said something.

Last night at around 11 o'clock, when Lan Mao was on duty in the billiard hall, he did see Chang Xiaotu returning with a little boy. The little boy was still carrying a big package in his hand, which looked heavy.

"Where did the little boy come from again? It's a little boy and a little girl again. Could this kid be abducted by human traffickers?" Hongmao muttered, "What else did you hear, third child?"

"They closed the door and spoke in a low voice. Only the girl yelled. I heard intermittently that one yuan can buy a cow or something. From what it means, it seems that it is more than one yuan."

The three members of the Burial Love family fell silent, "Be good, gold counts as 'pieces'?How much does this have to be?

In their billiards hall, a plate costs one yuan, how much money can they make in a month?

That's right, I haven't heard that the kid has any job. Where does he get his usual living expenses?
"Boss, let's find some time and go to his house to find out. I have checked everything. He is a college graduate and should have no background. Otherwise, why would he live in such a crappy place?" Lan Mao said.

(End of this chapter)

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